Request for Staff Job Review

Needed fromEmployee:

  • Sign the updated JRW and Request Form.
  • Submit the signed Request Form, the updated JRW, and current JRW to your immediate supervisor for review and approval.

Needed from Supervisor:

  • Carefully review the updated JRW and Request Form for accuracy and completeness.
  • Compare the current JRW to the updated JRW that has been submitted.
  • Discuss and resolve any questions and uncertainties with the employee before signing and submitting.
  • Indicate your approval of the information provided by signing the Request Form and updated JRW, and forward the materials through your area’s designated approval path.
  • The Request Form must have approval signatures from individuals in the following roles in order to proceed to the HR Rep/DBS and/or the Staff Job Review Committee for review:
  • Immediate Supervisor
  • Department/Division Head (Budget Administrator)
  • Academic/Administrative Unit Head (Budget Executive)

Instructions for HR Rep/DBS:

  1. If it is within your purview to finalize the review, i.e. the outcome is an upgrade of one-level within the same job profile (no change in exemption) follow the below steps:
  2. Complete the “decision” section below.
  3. Sign in the space provided below.
  4. Attach this page to the Request for Job Review Packet and file accordingly.
  5. If the request must be forwarded to Compensation for review by the Staff Job Review Committee follow the below steps:
  6. Complete the Request for Staff Job Review form.
  7. Scan the Request for Staff Job Review Packet in its entirety, include an organizational chart.
  8. Email the scanned documents to

Date of Request: / Date of Last Position Review:
Employee Name: / HR Rep Area:
Profile Title: / Profile Level:

Job Review Meeting Conducted: ☐Yes (if yes, please attach interview notes) ☐No

If yes, with whom: ☐Supervisor ☐Employee ☐Both


☐No Change


☐Upgrade one level


☐Forward to Job Review Committee

Recommendation (only completed if forwarding to Job Review Committee):

☐No Change


☐Change to a Different Profile / Level

☐Within-Level Increase



Requested Job Profile and Level:
HR Rep Justifications: Click here to enter text.

Description of changes (complete applicable sections only):

Select one or more of the following key competencies in which significant changes have occurred and briefly highlight the changes that have occurred:

☐ Effective Knowledge

Click here to enter text.

Accountability and Self-Management
Click here to enter text.
Teamwork and Leadership
Click here to enter text.
☐ Communication
Click here to enter text.
Innovation and Problem Solving
Click here to enter text.

Provide any additional supporting information: Click here to enter text.

HR Rep/DBS Signature

By signing below I am confirming that I have reviewed the information contained in the Request for Staff Job Review Packet and completed a thorough review of the position.

Please check all that apply.

☐I have completed the review and made a final decision.

☐I concur with this request being forwarded to the Staff Job Review Committee for further review.

I confirm that all pertinent parties have seen, reviewed, and concur with this request being sent to the Job Review Committee for further review.

Print Name:

Signature: Date:

Signature Page

Employee Signature

By signing below I am confirming that the information provided in this Request for Staff Job Review Packet is accurate and complete.

Print Name and Title:

Signature: Date:

Approval Signatures

By signing below I am confirming that I have reviewed the information contained in this Request for Staff Job Review Packet and I concur/do not concur with this request being forwarded to Human Resources for review.

Immediate Supervisor

Please check all that apply.

☐I concur.

☐I do not concur. (Return packet, with comments, to employee and forward a copy of the packet to the HR Rep/DBS.)

Print Name and Title:

Signature: Date:

Department/Division Head (Budget Administrator)

Please check all that apply.

☐I concur.

☐I do not concur. (Return packet, with comments, to supervisor and forward a copy of the packet to the HR Rep/DBS.)

☐Sufficient departmental funds are available to cover the cost if the outcome of the job review warrants a salary adjustment.

☐Sufficient departmental funds are not available to cover the cost if the outcome of the job review warrants a salary adjustment.

☐I do not anticipate the need for funding for the following reason:

☐The position is vacant.

☐I expect the position to be downgraded.

☐Other (Please explain.)

Click here to enter text.

Print Name and Title:

Signature: Date:

Academic/Administrative Unit Head (Budget Executive)

Please check all that apply.

☐I concur.

☐I do not concur. (Return packet, with comments, to Department/Division Head and forward a copy to HR Rep/DBS.)

☐I concur that sufficient funds are available if needed.

☐I do not concur that sufficient funds are available.

Print Name and Title:

Signature: Date: