Introduction and purpose of the RFQ
Selection of Proposer
Form A
All information included in this RFQ is confidential and only for the recipient’s knowledge. No information included in this document or in discussions connected to it may be disclosed to any other party.
The Orange County Tax Collector is an agent of the State of Florida’s Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles through the issuance and renewals of vehicle tags, titles and driver licenses.
The Orange County Tax Collector’s external website is mainly used by the Community to research tax information, DMV information, policies and procedures and current news.
Introduction and Purpose of the RFQ
With this RFQ, we are requesting information regarding your company and your products/services. The same information will be gathered from different companies and will be used to evaluate what suppliers we will follow up with.
Statement of Purpose
The Orange County Tax Collector is seeking a firm or individual with experience in both an industrial design and a user-interface design project, set-up, content development and a facilitation of multiple websites and a Learning Portal. Services are needed to advise the project team to identify website development strategic considerations including hosting and platform options, as well as long-term content facilitation options. The team is seeking an assessment of various options with associated costs.
It is envisioned that the site will make use of an open-source Content management System (CMS).
Internally, the intranet site is in a rudimentary development stage. Final features of the site are to be determined, but may include the ability toregister members for access to some features including being able to opt into informational updates via email. In order to be dynamic, the site will require on-going facilitation to keep up interest in the forums and content while fully integrating with all major social media platforms.
The team is seeking additional information concerning the capabilities of professionals or firms with proven demonstrable experience in designing, setting up and maintaining websites.
Information about individual capacity and interest is sought in the form of a list of projects completed, service capacities, role(s) in previous projects, tools used, active websites completed, maintenance, support and development rates.
The existing external website can be found at Initially, support and expansion of this site would be required with possible additional efforts including but not limited to intranet site development, learning portal development and external website redevelopment. The existing external site utilizes ASP.NET, JavaScript and C# primarily. The site is managed utilizing MojoPortal for content management.
All respondents must complete Form A and submit along with detailed response to this request for quote.
It is the sole responsibility of the proposer to ensure that responses reach the Purchasing Department. All responses, unless otherwise specified, must be delivered to the following address no later than the time and date specified in the solicitation:
Orange County Tax Collector
Maureen Straughn, Purchasing Administrator
SunTrust Center Tower
200 South Orange Avenue, Ste. 1600
Orlando, FL 32801
The Tax Collector has issued a timeline for the RFQ, allowing firms/individuals time for response and sufficient time for the RFQ committee to efficiently review the responses and grade them based on merit and costs. Below are the guidelines for the submission and review process.
DATE / EVENT10/20/14 / Release of Request for Information (RFQ)
10/27/14 / Submission of RFQ questions
10/31/14 / Last date for questions
11/07/14 / Submission of RFQ Responses
11/14/14 / General presentation by finalist(s) if necessary
11/19/14 / Selection of proposer(s)
All times, dates and actions are subject to change. All meetings are publicly posted and open to the public under the Sunshine Law.
Any questions arising from this solicitation must be forwarded, in writing, to the Chief Information Officer (CIO), Jim Cochrane. The Department’s written response to those inquiries will be posted on the Tax Collector’s website.
It is the responsibility of all potential proposers to monitor this site for any changing information prior to submitting proposal(s).
Jim Cochrane
Chief Information Officer
Selection of Proposer
Selection of proposer may be made by evaluation of this solicitation or a separate solicitation.
Form A
Question / AnswerCompany name
Company address
Company web page
Main Products/services
Main market/customers
Ownership structure with ownership status in percentage
Structure of mother corporation, joint ventures, subsidiaries, partnerships or other relevant relations
Number of years on the market
Company location(s)
Environmental management system(s)
Quality management system(s)
Describe your business continuity management
Number of Employees
Marketing and Sales
Quality Department
Financial Information
Last year turnover
Last year gross margin
Last year profit
Stock markets where your company is listed
Contact person and responsible for answering this RFQ
Capacity conditions today
Anticipated capacity conditions within 12 months
Conditions listed in the RFQthat can’t be met
Description of products or services that are already delivered to customers today, and could be comparable to what is requested in this RFQ
Reference customers using comparable products or services (including contact information)
Reference customers using your products or services today, although they are not comparable with what is required in this RFQ (including contact information)
Locations available for delivery, if not worldwide
Availability of spare parts and support worldwide
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