PART A 20 RFP #7224.1/LC
Department of Materials Management
Division of Procurement, Room 3100
45 W. Gude Drive
Rockville, Maryland 20850
Request for Proposal # 7224.1/LC, Television
Production Facility for Gaithersburg High School
The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to solicit proposals from qualified contractors to provide a solution for the purchase, delivery, installation, testing and training for a Television Production Facility for Gaithersburg High School, 314 South Frederick Avenue, Gaithersburg, Maryland 20877.
MCPS is currently in the process of building a new Gaithersburg School in Gaithersburg, MD. Contractors shall provide, deliver, install, wire (if necessary), and test the equipment for a Television Production Facility, as well as provide training on use of the equipment, and warranty maintenance of the equipment.
Contractors who wish to be considered for award shall provide detailed information and requirements; and in the submission shall describe fully their company’s capabilities, equipment, and experience, to illustrate the company’s ability to perform. Contractors shall also include any services that are necessary, but will not be provided and therefore become the responsibility of MCPS, and any associated costs to MCPS.
2.1 The Montgomery County Public Schools desires to install a Television Production facility at the new Gaithersburg High School. The school is the site of a Broadcast Media Career Pathway Program with course offerings that include:
· Video Production
· Electronic Video Field Production
· Media Management and Production
Course offerings are taught in a rigorous environment that includes a comprehensive academic program. This new facility is intended to support that program. This Statement of Work covers the installation, configuration, testing, and initial staff orientation to equipment for this facility.
This facility should work as a unified interconnected system. Thus, any undesirable “noise” or signal degradation will be considered unacceptable.
The new Gaithersburg High School Television Production Facility consists of a television studio, four video editing rooms, and a control room. The contractor should review the ground plan attached to this statement of work.
The contractor should review the detailed attached equipment list. If the contractor believes that any equipment, cabling, supplies, test equipment, etc. that would impact the intent or otherwise hold up installation is missing; the contractor should make those omissions known as part of the response to this SOW. Models referred to in this Statement of Work were believed current at the time the text was written. If the contractor is aware of any inherent technical problems with items on the MCPS-specified equipment list, it should be brought to the attention of the MCPS Project Manager as part of the contractor’s response. Similarly, if the contractor believes that an equipment substitution would be in the best interest of the project from a technical and/or cost perspective that should also be included in the contractor’s response.
Where there is conflict between the text of this Statement of Work and the attached equipment list of items the contractor is bidding to supply, the EQUIPMENT LIST should take precedence. If in doubt, please contact Laurie Checco in MCPS Procurement.
Remote controlled cameras with associated control units from the school auditorium are being supplied and installed by others. Connections to that equipment are OUT OF SCOPE under this Statement of Work.
The contractor may wish to do a site survey before responding to this Statement of Work. A site survey may be scheduled by contacting Charles J. Overly () phone: 301-840-4710.
The contractor will be expected to unbox, inventory, apply asset tags, record inventory data, activate warranty (where appropriate), verify operation, set up (or rack as appropriate) all of the new equipment for this facility. This includes: cameras, tripods, stands, clamps, recorders, mixers, lights, monitors, switchers, routers, editing stations, cables, etc. This includes all of the new equipment provided under bid to which this SOW is attached. MCPS will be responsible for physically moving any existing equipment from the current building that will be used in the new building.
Items which the contractor determines are defective, damaged, or otherwise not operational should be reported to the MCPS Project Manager immediately. Making repairs to defective, damaged, or otherwise not operational items or equipment, not supplied by the contractor, is OUT OF SCOPE. Providing documentation (one paragraph) on why the contractor believes the items need repair or replacement is IN SCOPE.
Repairs for equipment supplied by the contractor will be handled according to the warranty process used by the contractor or manufacturer. This information should be included with the contractor’s response to the attached but separate bid to supply equipment.
The contractor will supply any required cable ties, cables, connectors, fasteners, wire management and incidental materials required that do not show on the attached equipment list. Where practical, cables should be installed under counters and out of the work area. The contractor will supply loop cable hangers, cable trays, or propose other methods of cable management for equipment inter-connection cables. Proper neat and workmanlike wire management is a high priority. Cables should be clearly labeled at both ends.
Where cables need to be run along walls, the contractor will supply appropriate Wiremold® or other approved conduit or cable management system.
Installing studio lighting is OUT OF SCOPE for this Statement of Work. Unpacking, inventorying and all other reporting requirements for supplied studio lighting equipment is IN SCOPE.
Note on room descriptions. Attached to this SOW is a ground plan that uses “construction” room numbers. These follow the pattern 2194, 2194A, 2194B etc. Rooms will also have permanent room numbers. This document uses the construction room numbers.
Room Descriptions:
2194: TV Studio
2194A: TV control room
2194B: Edit Room – 4 editing stations
2194D: Edit Room – 2 editing stations
2194E: Edit Room – 2 edit stations
2194 F: Edit Room – 2 edit stations
2194C: Office
2192: MDF and Head End Room
Note: The equipment rack will be located in the TV control room (2194A)
3.1 Cable Conduit (existing)
· From 2194 to 2194A a cable pass through has been created.
3.2 Intercom/Headset System
Where practical and technically advisable, headset cables should be dressed with other cables... Contractor will supply any required interconnecting cables. Headset will be installed:
· One for each of three cameras in TV Studio (2194)
· One for floor manager in TV studio (2194)
· Four in TV control room (2194A)
· Intercom power unit to be installed in TV control room (2194A
3.3 Studio Cameras
Install three new Sony studio cameras, PrompterPeople prompter systems (including prompter frame, dichroic mirror and LCD monitor), VariZoom monitor kits, VariZoom rocker controllers, and metaSetz tally light kits on new tripod/pedestals in TV studio (2194). Cameras will connect in the control room (2194A) to the Datavideo TLM-434H display and loop through to the Black Magic 16x16 routing switcher. The routing switcher will assign cameras to inputs on the Tricaster and the Ikegami HLM-1704WR monitor. The Ikegami HLM-1704WR monitor has an integrated waveform monitor/vectorscope to be used to monitor camera function. NOTE: this facility will not be using camera control units for the studio cameras. The contractor will verify the calibration on the Ikegami monitor and note any uncorrectable deviations.
The auditorium cameras, installed and supplied by others, will also connect to one of the Datavideo TLM-434H displays and the Black Magic 16x16 routing switcher. Connecting these cameras is OUT OF SCOPE for this statement of work. However the contractor will be expected to mount both monitor arrays in the MCPS provided rack.
The contractor will provide and fabricate camera cable assemblies (one for each camera plus one spare cable assembly as follow):
· One high-quality (Belden 1505A or equiv) RG-59 coaxial cable for SDI camera output to control room routing switcher (One for spare)
· One high-quality (Belden 1505A or equiv) RG-59 coaxial cable for prompter video from control room composite video DA to tripod-mounted prompter LCD monitor
· One DC power cable (no smaller than 18 gage stranded) for camera power from camera power supply in control room
· One DC power cable (no smaller than 18 gage stranded) for prompter LCD screen power from DC power supply in control room
· One stranded Cat5 cable for tally light signal from MetaSetz TLC-8d tally light controller in control room to TL-2 tally light mounted on top of each camera.
· One audio cable (Belden 8413 or equiv stranded audio microphone cable) for intercom.
· All cables combined in snakeskin-type expandable flexible braided sleeving at a length appropriate for the size of the studio
All camera functions will be enabled, connected and configured including tally lights. Camera white balance to be checked under studio lighting conditions and verified on a vector scope as being within acceptable specifications. Intercom/headsets should be connected to the camera cable assembly (mic cable) described above.
3.4 Production Switcher
A new NewTek Tricaster 455 chassis will be installed in the rack supplied by MCPS in the control room (2194A) with the Tricaster control surface and multi-viewer monitors being located in the TV control room (2194A). The contractor will verify that software and firmware on the Tricaster is at current patch levels and will notify the MCPS project manager if it is not. The contractor will make a recommendation of applying patches to software/firmware and will apply patches as approved by the MCPS project manager.
Inputs to the Tricaster will be configured to include:
· SDI from each camera through the Blackmagic 16x16 routing switcher
· SDI from the Blackmagic Design CONVMBHS HDMI to SDI convertor connected to one of the Toshiba DR430 DVD units for playback. Audio from the Toshiba deck to be routed through the audio mixer.
· iVGA. Install and configure iVGA from two computers, supplied by MCPS and designated by the MCPS Project Manager following award.
· Stereo audio from the Mackie 16-channel audio mixer in the control room (2194A).
· (Future) stereo audio from auditorium sound system. NOTE: The auditorium sound cabling and connections from the auditorium to the Tricaster will be supplied by others and are OUT OF SCOPE under this statement of work.
Outputs from the Tricaster will include:
· S-Video connected to one of the Toshiba DR430 units for recording
· SDI to the local CATV modulator (supplied by MCPS) to be run through the Hotronic AP-41 time-base corrector.
· Multi-viewer DVI outputs to the two LCD monitors specified in the equipment list.
· SDI to Blackmagic Design 16x16 routing switcher
· SDI (and analog audio from Mackie mixer) to Blackmagic Design DeckLink card (via breakout cable) installed in MCPS-supplied workstation in TV Control Room (2194A).
· Stereo audio out to Nady audio distribution amplifier to feed stereo audio to CATV modulator, Toshiba DVD recorder, and the Blackmagic Deck Link card in the control room computer.
· Audio monitor output to M-Audio powered speakers in Control Room
· Audio output stereo to CATV modulator (supplied by MCPS). The modulator will be located in the control room (2194A) rack. There will be program monitor speakers in the control room (2194A).
The MCPS Project Manager will provide a detailed list of preferred input and output assignments for the Tricaster, Mackie audio mixer and Blackmagic 16x16 routing switcher after award.
3.5 Teleprompter
Teleprompter: The teleprompter system will be installed on studio cameras (2194) pedestals along with the cameras, large monitor/viewfinders, tally lights, and Varizoom controls on the pan handles (2194). Composite video to the prompter LCD screens will come from an MCPS-supplied composite DA via MCPS-supplied scan converter in TV Control Room (2194A). Coax teleprompter cables must be bundled with other cables going to cameras, as described previously. The contractor will install the Flip-Q Pro software on an MCPS supplied computer in the control room (2194A).
Audio: Install new Mackie 16-channel mixer in control room (2194A).
Inputs include:
· Eight channel audio snake from studio (2194).
· Audio output from one of the Toshiba DR430 DVD decks.
Outputs include:
· Stereo to Tricaster
· Control Room audio to M-Audio powered speakers in TV Control Room (2194A).
1. The contractor will retain and organize (and label if appropriate) all manuals, disks, warranty cards, and associated documentation from all equipment covered by this SOW. All paper documentation should be organized and stored neatly in notebooks provided by the contractor.
2. The contractor will be required to submit as-built drawings and a master wire list indicating the source and destination of each cable as installed for future maintenance activities. Two paper copies and a PDF on CD will be required. Each cable will be clearly labeled at both ends.
3. The contractor will provide a complete inventory spreadsheet based on the attached sample. The contractor will give an electronic copy of the spreadsheet to the MCPS Project Manager. The contractor will print out the spreadsheet and include a paper copy in the documentation notebooks.
Training/Orientation: The contractor should assume that the professional staff using this facility are familiar with media production equipment and practices. The contractor will be required to provide training to that staff in the operation of the equipment in the facility as installed. This should include basic operation of all new equipment.
The formal training should be provided in four six hour blocks. The first two sessions should be within two weeks of completion of installation. The third session should be scheduled for November 2013. Up to ten staff will attend the training sessions. No students will be trained under this SOW.
The contractor will hold an additional follow-up session with staff in January 2014.
3.6 Reporting Requirements
Beginning with award, the contractor will make weekly reports (email OK) regarding orders, product availability, shipping, planning, installation work, and training. The contractor will report immediately any issues which may impact the timely completion of this project. The contractor will report immediately any defective, damaged, or non-functional equipment as described above.
3.7 Change Control