UCSB Career Tracks

  1. Complete Sections 1-4 for each employee for whom a different job title or level is requested in the new Career Tracks job structure.
  2. If your request to change mapping is based on recent changes to the job description that wouldnot normally result in an upward reclassification, please submit an updated JD online via OACIS, and include a copy with this form.
  3. Submit Request for Change form to your Career Tracks Mapping Coordinator by the established due date.
Note:If your request to change mapping is based on significant changes to the JD that likely would result in an upward reclassification, please submit a reclassification action online via OACIS.Requests to reclassify a position upwards are out-of-scope for the Career Tracks project and therefore will be reviewed on the normal classification timeline, including delays due to the Career Tracks project.
Name of Manager Requesting Change:Click here to enter text.
Payroll Title of Manager:Click here to enter text. / Date Requested:Click here to enter text.
Name: Click here to enter text. / Emp ID number:Click here to enter text.
Current Classification (Payroll Title):Click here to enter text.
Preliminary Career Tracks Job Title:Click here to enter text.
Requested Career Tracks Job Title:Click here to enter text.
SECTION 3: REASON(S) FOR REQUEST (Answer all that apply)
  1. Job description no longer reflects current duties being performed – please explain:
  2. Click here to enter text.

  1. Majority of duties align with a different job function – please explain:
  2. Click here to enter text.

  1. Majority of duties align with a higher level in Career Tracks – please explain and give examples of how the employee(s) function at the requested higher level:
  2. Click here to enter text.

  1. Mapping is inconsistent with other similar positions – please explain and list names of those in similar positions:
  2. Click here to enter text.

  1. Majority of time is spent on supervision or management of others, therefore position aligns with Supervisory or Management title – please answer the following:
5a. Does the incumbent supervise at least 2.0 career FTE or more? If so, please list:
Employee Name: / Payroll Title: / FTE:
Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. / #
Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. / # /
Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. / # /
Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. / # /
Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. / # /
5b. What % of time is spent on supervisory or management related duties?
Click here to enter text.
5c. Does the incumbent independently perform at least 3 of the supervisory functions listed below, as designated by HEERA (check all that apply):
☐Hiring - Selects subordinates for hire OR participates in the interviews and makes recommendations for hire.
☐Performance Evaluations - Determines subordinates' performance ratings OR recommends performance ratings.
☐Reclassification/Promotion - Decides within budgetary limitations the amount of subordinate merit increases, whom will be selected for promotional opportunities, and whether to request the reclassification of a position, OR recommends these actions.
☐Discipline/Discharge - Has independent authority to issue written warnings and suspensions and determines what discipline should be imposed upon a subordinate OR recommends such actions.
☐Complaint/Grievance Resolution - Has independent authority to resolve grievances or complaints OR formulates and recommends a resolution to grievances or complaints.
☐Work Assignments–Has independent authority to establish work assignments for subordinates according to his or her own judgment.
"Recommendations" are customarily given substantial weight by higher-level supervisors/managers and are typically accepted. Positions that give work assignments to other employees and review their work products, but do not perform at least 3 of these functions are typically LEAD positions, not supervisory positions.
5d. What is the primary function (or professional purpose) of the job outside of supervision or management?
Click here to enter text.
  1. Other reason(s) for change request – please explain:
  2. Click here to enter text.

☐Agree with Recommendation ______(Mapping Coordinator) Date: ______
☐Disagree with Recommendation
Click here to enter text.
☐Agree with Recommendation ______(Control Point) Date: ______
☐Disagree with Recommendation
Click here to enter text.
☐Approved ______(Human Resources) Date: ______
Click here to enter text.

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