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Dan L. Schisler, Chairperson, 3208 Bate Building


6241. Financial and Managerial Accounting (3) May not count toward the BSA or MSA. P: Consent of assistant dean for graduate programs. Generation and flow of financial information through accounting system and its uses by management in decision-making process.

6301. Fraud Examination (3) May count toward the BSA or MSA. P: ACCT 6241 or consent of assistant dean for graduate programs. Basic understanding of fraud prevention, detection concepts, and examination techniques.

6521. Accounting for Decision Making (3) May not count toward the BSA or MSA. P: ACCT 6241. Managerial accounting, cost theories, and applications and their effect on decision making.

6611. Auditing (3) P: ACCT 3851 or consent of MSA advisor. Auditing standards and procedures and their relation to principles and systems of internal control of business operations.

6701. Regulation (3) P: Candidate for graduation or consent of MSA advisorACCT 6891, 6911; P/C: ACCT 6901. Regulatory issues confronting accountants and AICPA standards for professional responsibility.

6801. Accounting Theory (3) P: Consent of MSA advisorACCT 2521 or 6241. Accounting principles, practices, and procedures of complex business enterprises.

6811. Cost Accounting Theory (3) P: Consent of MSA advisorACCT 3621. Basic concepts underlying cost accounting and use of knowledge in studying contemporary business environment.

6891. Federal Income Taxation (3) P: ACCT 3561 or consent of MSA advisor. General income tax theory and applications to problems encountered by individuals and businesses. Compliance, planning, and research.

6901. Advanced Federal Taxation (3) P: ACCT 3731, 6891; or consent of MSA advisor. Income tax issues encountered by corporations, partnerships, and families. Includes gift and estate taxation, research and compliance procedures, and planning for maximization of after-tax benefits for multiple entities.

6911. Research in Taxation (3) P: ACCT 6891; consent of MSA advisor. Federal taxation at research level. Research for individuals and corporations. Introduction to estates and trusts.

6921. Advanced Taxation of Partnerships (3) P: ACCT 6901, 6911; or consent of instructor6891. Federal taxation of partnerships, S-corporations, and limited liability companies.

6931. Advanced Taxation of Estates (3) P: ACCT 6901, 6911; or consent of instructor6891. Federal taxation of estates, trusts, and gifts.

6951. Auditing Seminar (3) P: To be taken during final semester or by consent of MSA advisorACCT 6611, 6891; P/C: ACCT 6901. Conceptual framework of independent auditing. Emphasis on development of theory, methodology, standards, and practice.

6981. The Professional Accounting Environment (3) Must be taken during the last semester of course work. P: Candidate for graduationACCT 6611, 6891; P/C: ACCT 6901. Advanced accounting topics, the audit, and contemporary issues and problems. Emphasis on cost accounting, international accounting, business combinations, taxation, and practical application.

6991. Advanced Topics in Accounting (3) P: Consent of assistant dean for graduate programs and dept chairACCT 6901. Investigation of specific problems in accounting.

ACCT Banked Courses

6401. Accounting for Public Sector (3)

6651. Accounting and Public Interest (3)

6831. Taxation and Business Decisions (3)

6851. Corporate Mergers (3)


Scott D. Below, Chairperson, 3420 Bate Building


6144. Financial Management I (3) P: ACCT 6241, OMGT 6123. Financial manager’s role in financial planning, acquisition of funds, and social, ethical, and governmental aspects of national and international financial decision making.

6204. Analysis of the Business Economic Environment (3) P: OMGT 6123. Concepts, theories, and analytical tools of micro and macroeconomic theory and their application in understanding the economic, social, and legal environment in which businesses operate.

6214. Government Regulation of Business (3) P: Consent of assistant dean for graduate programs. Legal process and government’s role played in public regulation of business enterprise. Covers judicial system, contract and sales law, business associations, antitrust, securities regulation, employment law, and trade regulation.

6604. Financial Management II (3) P: FINA 6144; OMGT 6123. Financial management decision techniques as applicable to complex domestic and international business.

6624. Investment Management (3) P: FINA 6144. Conceptual and analytical framework for formulating investment policies, analyzing investment alternatives, and constructing portfolio strategies for individuals and institutions.

6654. Commercial Bank Financial Management (3) P: FINA 6144. Conceptual and analytical framework for management of commercial banks.

6814. Management of Financial Risk (3) P: FINA 6144; OMGT 6123. Analysis of risk environment of corporations through advanced analytical tools and models.

6824. Portfolio Theory, Construction and Management (3) For students considering careers in portfolio management. P: FINA 6144. Portfolio optimization, asset allocation, performance evaluation, and market efficiency issues from perspective of professional portfolio manager. Extensive use of spreadsheet software.

6854. Real Estate Analysis (3) P: FINA 6144. Relationships among real estate, financial, and investor communities. Includes markets, location, financial and investments analysis, and taxation.

6874. Topics in Finance (3) P: FINA 6144. Selected topics.

6876. International Financial Management (3) P: FINA 6144. Financing of international trade and investments. Topics include international monetary system and banking, exchange rates and money markets, and international long-term investment and financial management.

6904. Mutual Fund Management and Operations (3) P: FINA 6624 or FINA 6824 or consent of assistant dean for graduate programs. Structure and regulatory environment of investment companies and investment company securities (i.e. mutual funds).

6914. Portfolio Management and Operations Practicum (3) P: FINA 6824; P/C FINA 6904 or consent of assistant dean for graduate programs. Hands-on professional investment management. Students will be responsible for the day-to-day management and operations of actual and hypothetical investment portfolios.


Joseph M. Tomkiewicz, Chairperson, 3106 Bate Building


6102. Comparative Management (3) P: Consent of assistant dean for graduate programs. Management concepts and manager’s responsibilities to stakeholders. Emphasis on impact of international competition.

6322. International Management (3) P: Consent of assistant dean for graduate programsMGMT 6102. Intensive examination of management of organizations in global economy.

6500, 6510, 6520. Independent Study (3,3,3) P: Consent of assistant dean for graduate programs and instructorMGMT 6102. Intensive study of selected subject in greater depth than achieved in other courses offered by school.

6722. Business Policies (3) P/C: To be taken during last term or by consent of assistant dean for graduate programsACCT 6521, FINA 6604, MGMT 6802, MKTG 6822, OMGT 6613, OMGT 6883. Concept of policy making and viewpoint of management. Integration of business organization in decision making and formulation of plans to achieve objectives.

6802. Organizational Behavior (3) P: MGMT 6102 or consent of assistant dean for graduate programs. Managing and understanding individuals and groups in organizational environment. Motivation, communication, leadership, group process, and diversity in work place.

6812. Entrepreneurship (3) P: FINA 6144; MGMT 6102; MKTG 6162. Conceptualization, initiation, and management of new enterprises with consideration of opportunities and associated risks.

6822. Business and Society (3) P: Consent of assistant dean for graduate programsMGMT 6102. Implications of management decisions in broader scope of antitrust legislation, regulation by government, value systems, and ethics.

6832. Human Resources (3) P: MGMT 6102. Skills and techniques used in building and maintaining an effective work force.


Richard Hauser, Chairperson, 3410 Bate Building


6143. Management Information Systems I (3) Formerly DSCI 6143 P: Consent of assistant dean for graduate programs. Emphasis on computer application.

6843. Management Information Systems II (3) Formerly DSCI 6843 P: MIS 6143. Analysis, design, and implementation of management information systems.

6853. Seminar in Information Systems (3) Formerly DSCI 6853 P: MIS 6143. Current and emerging concepts, tools, and methodologies in information systems.

6863. Distributed Systems (3) Formerly DSCI 6863 P: MIS 6143. In-depth study of business information systems based on evolving communication technology and management problems associated with communication networks.

6873. Data Management for Decision Making (3) Formerly DSCI 6873 P: MIS 6143. Analysis of database theory and practice that support managers in the decision-making process.

6883. Managerial Applications of Object-Oriented Technology (3) P: MIS 6143. Applications of object-oriented technology in business environment. Study of object-oriented language and methodologies for systems development.

6923. Topics in Management Information Systems (3) Formerly DSCI 6923 Consent of assistant dean for graduate programs and dept chairMIS 6143.


Kenneth Anselmi, Chairperson, 3414 Bate Building


6162. Marketing Management (3) P: Consent of assistant dean for graduate programs. Definitions, concepts, practices, and analytical tools used to market goods and services. Environmental variables, e.g., legal, social, ethical, cultural, ecological, and technological issues and marketing’s role within profit and nonprofit organizations.

6642. Marketing Research (3) P: MKTG 6162; OMGT 6123. Methods, techniques, and procedures of marketing research. Emphasis on various methods of acquiring information for marketing management decision making. Major group project or case is required.

6652. Seminar in Marketing (3) P: MKTG 6162. Selected topics.

6662. Electronic Markets (3) P: MKTG 6162; MIS 6143. Examines processes necessary to integrate a website into an organization’s strategic plan and the basics of the Internet. Focuses on strategic application of website to enhance corporate profit, serve customers, and market organization. Considers how various types of hardware, software, and telecommunications enable and support integrated, e business processes in an organization. Covers improvement, enhancement, and promotion of the site, including registering with search engines and directories.

6762. Business-to-Business Marketing (3) P: MKTG 6162. Marketing mix design for business customers, emphasizing purchasing decisions, inter-firm relationships, the roles of supply chain and value-added activities in profitability, and value communication.

6822. Marketing Strategy (3) P: ACCT 65241; MKTG 6162. Market analysis and strategy formulation. Emphasis on application of marketing concepts to variety of organizations.

6842. Consumer Behavior (3) P: MKTG 6162 or consent of instructor. Current theory and research in consumer behavior used to develop marketing strategy for profit and nonprofit businesses. Applications of consumer behavior to social marketing.

6992. Global Marketing (3) P: MKTG 6162. Marketing decision-making, strategy development, and operational performance of firms involved in international business.

MKTG Banked Courses

6832. Public Relations (3)


6123. Quantitative Methods (3) Formerly DSCI 6123 P: Consent of assistant dean for graduate programs. Basic quantitative concepts and their applications to decision models.

6213. Operations and Supply Chain Management (3) Formerly DSCI 6213 P: OMGT 6123, MIS 6143. Design, operations and improvement of systems that produce a firm’s products and services; management of supply chains; application of conceptual and quantitative techniques.

6333. Project Management (3) P: OMGT 6123. Concepts and technology of project management as applicable to wide range of business and technical situations. Focus on behavioral and organizational aspects as well as quantitative methods and computer systems in project management.

6383. Supply Chain Systems (3) P: OMGT 6213. Application of technology to three key aspects of a supply chain’s competitive advantage: product design, product demand estimation, and supply chain systems analysis.

6493. Quality Management (3) P: OMGT 6213. Quality management principles and application in business enterprises and global supply chains.

6613. Management Science (3) Formerly DSCI 6613 P: OMGT 6213. Methods and models used in application of management science to managerial and organizational decision-making. Emphasis on deterministic models. Topics include decision theory, mathematical programming, network models, and deterministic simulation.

6683. Statistical Methods (3) Formerly DSCI 6683 P: OMGT 6123. Multiple correlation and regression, forecasting, analysis of variance, and selected nonparametric statistical techniques. Application project.

6743. Logistics and Materials Management (3) P: OMGT 6213. Management and movement of goods and services to support supply chain management.

6763. Supply Chain Management (3) P: OMGT 6213. Concepts in supply chain management and its role in global markets. Analyzes supply chains, creating supplier networks, and evaluating the performance of a supply chain.

6943. Topics in Operations Management (3) P: Consent of assistant dean for graduate programs and dept chairOMGT 6213.

OMGT Banked Courses

6803. Stabilization Policy (3) Formerly DSCI 6803

6823. Applied Management Science (3) Formerly DSCI 6823

6833. Advanced Production Management (3) Formerly DSCI 6683