PRESENT: Cnllrs: Gwynn Jones, E. Connolly, V.Roberts, P. Marshall, M.Sanders, N. Ault, M.W.Owens,

G.Winston Roberts O.B.E., E. Roberts, M. Roberts & V.Roberts

Professor Gareth Wyn Jones – Amlwch Industrial Heritage

1]. APOLOGIES: Cnllr: B. Siswick

Professor Gareth Wyn Jones of the Amlwch Industrial Heritage was welcomed. Prof. Jones gave an up-date of the progress. Prof.G. Jones felt that there were concerns have been voiced in the past that there was a lack of moving forward, just endless meetings discussing the various projects, however he is pleased to announce that a substantial amount of money has come in and at the end of March this year all the paperwork has duly signed.

The idea of the Copper Kingdom is to build on our important inheritance , this area is considered to be of significant historical importance not only on a local level. It is understood that there is an ongoing project at Swansea which shares the same inheritance as Amlwch which Prof. G.Wyn Jones advises are working closely together.

Funding which has already come to hand:

£497,000.00 Heritage Lottery Fund/£192,000.00 CADW/ £50,000.00 Isle of Anglesey County Council/£38,500.00 Shell Trust Fund

With this funding, we will see improvements to buildings on both the Mountain and the Port. Extensive improvements have been carried out at the Square at the Port , which has created an excellent area for accommodating buses etc.. The County Council are looking into the possibility of encouraging the visitors on the cruise ships to visit in the future. As part of the whole project, repairs to the Wind Mill and re-build the Pearl Engine House – by working in partnership with the Parys Training Programme, Prof. G.Wyn Jones feels that by working in

Partnership with these youngsters it would give them a special educational experience.

The hopes for the Copper bins is to establish a Mining Heritage Centre and also as part of this project, to prepare audio/ visual apparatus to educate of the work. A sum of £380,000.00 has been earmarked for the Copper bins and a sum of £300,000.00 for the interpretation boards. In addition, improvements to the Sail Loft . The cafe is working well at the present time, however there is a need to expand provisions.

A sum of £90,000.00 has been secured from Wylfa towards the work at the Sail Loft and £150,000.00 from the Welsh Assembly. The Industrial Heritage Trust thank Mr. Gerallt Jones and staff at Menter Môn for all the support and also to the Isle of Anglesey County Council for placing their faith in the Trust. Prof. Gareth Wyn Jones would like to see some kind of transportation established – a mini bus to take people from the Mountain to the Port and into the town, a suggestion of a ‘green’ bus – using renewable energy.

The contracts are in place – R.L.Davies – Copper bins and Image Makers for the preparation of the interpretation boards and the process is in progress at this present time to find a contractor for the work at the Pearl Engine House.

Cnllr M.W.Owens thanked Prof. G.W.Jones for delivering the good news an felt that a lot of hard work has gone on Cnllrs Owens asked if there was a time-scale for the completion of the work – in response, Prof. G.Wyn Jones advised that the Copper bins should be completed by November this year and the Interpretation boards should be ready by Easter 2012.

As a person who has been judgemental of the Trust in the past, Cnllr G.Winston Roberts thanked Prof. Gareth Wyn Jones most sincerely for his achievements, and went further to say, that without Prof. G.Wyn Jones’ hard work and dedication, none of this would ever have materialised . A suggestion from Cnllr G.Winston Roberts, would it not be an idea to discuss maybe a joint venture with the Wylfa Visitors Centre to try and encourage more to visit the Port & Mountain ? We understand that there is a person on the mountain at this present time who is distributing leaflets etc. It is hoped that the web site will be upgraded by next Summer. Prof. G.W.Jones thanked the Town Council for their financial contribution, the Trust do appreciate.

The chairman thanked Prof. G.Wyn Jones for his presence.

The clerk expressed her thanks to Cnllr P. Marshall for stepping in to take notes at the last meeting.

2]. The minutes were accepted:

[a]. March Council

[b]. Planning Applications Panel March 22nd 2011.

[c]. Steering Group April 8th

[d]. Meeting re: Proposed closure of the Ambulance Station April 11th 2011.

[e]. Panel – re: Amlwch Streetscape scheme April 12th 2011

[f]. Parks & open spaces committee April 19th 2011.

3]. Matters arising:

[a]. March Council:

One way system at Bethesda Street, the clerk has been in contact with the County Council, no

specific date. The clerk was asked to send a further letter.

Ship (play equipment) at the Port : the clerk has been in contact with the company and forwarded

photographs of the damage, awaiting response

[d]. Meeting re: proposed closure of the Ambulance Station

Cnllr G.Winston Roberts thanked everyone for attending at short notice, he went further to say that

he was pleased to see so many of the local Community Councils coming together and hoped that this

wouldcontinue in the future in respect of various issues. It was refreshing to see three of the

election candidates present – it was felt that the meeting had been beneficial, as we now

understand that the Ambulance Station will remain at Amlwch.

Cnllr N. Ault has spoken to two of the ambulance staff who had specifically voiced their thanks to the

Town Council for their support.

[e]. Amlwch Streetscape Scheme panel:

Extra railings – after looking further at the planning decision, the area in question has been included

in the planning decision – therefore the work will continue. There are very positive comments on the

painting scheme, however there is concern with the signage – Council feel that the standard of these

signs is very poor when considering the actual cost. The clerk was asked to send a letter to Menter

Môn to voice the Council’s disappointment.

[f]. Parks & open spaces committee April 19th

Cycle track: Alan Ganderton has carried out the grass cutting (Tuesday)

[c]. Cnllr M.W.Owens feels that the last sentence needs to be amended.

4]. External Meetings:

[a]. Meeting with the Commissioners – Accept Cnllr E. Connolly’s report

[b]. One Voice Wales – Accept Cnllr Gwynn Jones’ report

5]. Payments were recommended as follows:-

Petty Cash – stamps 50.00

E-on Electricity – Chamber 377.07

PAYE 1,130.23

Keith Parry – re: scheme 3,180.00

Mel Parry – designer – part payment (1/2) 5,622.00

E-on – Toilets at the Port 217.98

A.M.S. re: scheme – railings 4,248.42

Mrs. B. Owen – cleaner 237.93

Mrs. M. Hughes – town clerk 1,124.64

Isle of Anglesey County Council – rates 494.43

Gwynedd Cleaners – cleaning windows50.00

D.W.Lewis – grass cutting at town cemetery Mar/Apr 940.00

Xln telecom 41.53

I.G.Jones – PAYE 312.00

Kevin Humphries – waste recycling bins 108.00

Cymen – translating service (March) 153.00

British Telecom 158.40

SOS – Cleaning materials 126.32

Isle Anglesey County Council Rent/Lease10.00

Huws Gray 19.56

M.W.Owens Memory Stick 29.99

Verdant – bins 144.77

Trinity Mirror – advert re: toilet block caretaker 116.74

H.Hughes – translating service (April)87.00

Mr. Alan Ganderton 431.00

Mr. Andy Ganderton 429.00

G.W.Morris – grass cutting at parks & open spaces 948.00

Keim Mineral Paint – re: scheme 339.60

Luke Lister – re: scheme 540.00

IACC – street lighting re: scheme 4,028.31

A.M.S. re: railings (scheme) 3,450.00

6]. Correspondence:

[a]. Parry, Davies, Clwyd-Jones Lloyd – Chair & clerk to sign the documents

[b]. Anglesey Tourism Association: AGM at Lastra May 26th - Vice Chair to attend

[c]. Age Well Group – request for financial assistance for the annual Eisteddfod – transfer to the finance


[d]. Isle of Anglesey County Council

[i].Anglesey & Gwynedd Joint Local Development Plan 2011 – 2026 – Cnllrs E & V Roberts to

look through the documentation

[ii]. Grants to voluntary organisations – accept

[iii].Public Consultation Corporate Business Plan 2011 – 12 Accept

[iv]Shoreline Management Plan 11 – Public Consultation 17th May – Council Chambers Llangefni

Cnllr Mike Roberts to attend.


7]. Planning Applications:

[a]. 11C565Alterations & extension to AnneddWen, Bull Bay, Amlwch


[b]. 11C577BErection of two wind turbines with a maximum rotor diameter of up to 71 metres

and a maximum blade tip of up to 92.5 metres together with the erection of a sub-

station and control building, new access track and associated hard standings and

developments on land at Ysgellog, Rhosgoch


It is recorded that Cnllrs E Roberts and G.Winston Roberts left the meeting whilst

discussing this application and the following Cnllrs gave a unanimous vote of NO

OBJECTIONS: Cnllrs: M.W.Owens, Gwynn Jones, E. Connolly, P. Marshall, N. Ault,

M. Sanders, V. Roberts and Mike Roberts

8]. Review of Electoral Arrangements for Anglesey:

The Town Council object strongly to the review, the clerk to send a letter to voice the Council’s objections.


Councillor Gwynn Jones
