Request for Certification and Release of Funds Form
All Certified Projects Must Follow NM State Policies and Procurement Code
Project GovernanceProject Name
/ NM Fleet Global Positioning System (GPS) ProjectDate / 03/25/2015
Lead Agency / General Service Department
Other Agencies / None
Executive Sponsor
/ Ed Burckle, Cabinet SecretaryAgency Head / James Chavez, Deputy Division Director/TSD
Agency CIO/IT Lead / Karen Baltzley, CIO
Project Manager / Karen Baltzley, GSD; Pamela Chow, AssetWorks, LLC; Chris Vanoli, Networkfleet
Project Abstract (Provide a brief description and purpose for this project)
General Services Department Transportation Services Division (GSD TSD) has been tasked with acquisition and installation of a GPS system for the purpose of assisting in increasing overall fleet efficiencies; establishing more vehicle and driver accountability; and safeguarding employee’s safety thru the installation of GPS devices in state vehicles. GSD TSD anticipates an 18 to 30 percent increase to overall fleet operations by increasing efficiency of routes and reducing idle time.
TSD is an enterprise entity and collects revenues thru Vehicle Lease costs charged to State Agencies. All costs will be passed through to the TSD user agencies for expense recovery. Hardware will be prorated over a 36 month time frame.
Currently there is no way of identifying employee travel patterns and habits while utilizing a state vehicle, nor is there a mechanism in place to identify when an employee may be in danger by being in a location longer than what is to be expected. The opportunity to actually monitor, review and modify and employees travel habits will lend itself via this new telemetric technology. Ability to drive down operational costs becomes a reality based on review process. This new technology will also enable vehicle abuse complaints to be dealt with timely, thus exonerating public employees of false speeding accusations.
This project can be considered to be low risk as one of the Executive Agencies has previously implemented a similar system on ninety-one (91) of their vehicles. In addition to Public Sector experience with this type of technology, GSD conducted a successful 90 day pilot on 30 vehicles in the Spring of 2013.
GPS Policy and NMAC Rule 1.5.3
A GPS Policy has been drafted and submitted to the Governor’s Office for review and approval. The policy establishes the use of and application of GPS including personnel related actions. Once the revisions to the NMAC Rule is approved the Transportation Services Division NMAC Rule 1.5.3 will be amended.
Proposed Project Objectives/Performance Metrics: The Agency objective is to acquire, install and activate a GPS system(s) on state vehicles located throughout the state that will identify usage, habits and opportunities to improve overall performance objectives. Vehicle Fleet Performance will be compared to existing costs per mile data on vehicle operations down to the individual vehicle. The only associated risk is capital expenditure used to acquire hardware. GSD TSD anticipates an 18 to 30 percent increase to overall fleet operations by increasing efficiency of routes and reducing idle time.
Project Objectives Are:
• Procure a GPS Vehicle Tracking system for the GSD State Vehicle Update that is capable of providing the following functionality;
o Fleet Tracking – Evaluate fleet performance based on speed violations, average speed, engine on time, mileage and number of stops
o Fleet Tracking Proactive Alerts – monitoring of undesired driver behavior, extended engine idling, work hour limit thresholds, spend and mileage
o Fleet Reports – daily, route replay, vehicle activity, hours worked, multi-location, journey idling, red flag, detailed minute by minute, fleet summary, idling, multi-state, long-term vehicle performance metrics
• Fleet Fuel Tracking – verify fuel card reporting data, fuel card abuse, reduce usage and costs
• TSD Vehicle Abuse Complaints – reliable source of evidence to dispute traffic tickets or customer complaints
• Define Business Process Requirements
• Identify System Administration hierarchy and reporting
• Implement a robust and secure Web-based SaAS GPS Vehicle Tracking System over the course of the next 8 -12 months for a targeted 500 State Fleet vehicles
· TSD will install up to 100 devices during the planning phase of this project as a pilot.
• Train GSD Staff and Pilot Agency Fleet Coordinators on system functionality, alarming and reporting
• Continue rollout to the remaining 400 identified vehicles. Customer Agencies that will be involved in this project are;
• Dept of Health
• Dept of Info Tech
• Gaming Control Board
• Dept of Trans
• Taxation & Revenue Dept
• Children Youth & Family Dept
• General Svcs Dept ( Fleet, FMD, ASD)
It is the goal of the Transportation Services Division (TSD) to install GPS devices in all State Fleet Vehicles that are under the jurisdiction of the (TSD) Central Fleet Authority.
Start Date / July 21, 2014 / Planned End Date / October 31, 2015
Amount Requested this Certification / $210,020.00
Amount Previously Certified / $110,000.00
Remaining Appropriation not Certified / $55,980.00
Total Appropriated Amount / $376,000.00
Certification History (Include any previous project or phase certifications)
/ Amount / Funding Source(s) (use specific citations to laws, grants, etc.)5/21/2014 / $110,000.00 / P609, Fund 365, 15-8-5 Division General Powers and Duties. A, B, G
3/25/2015 / $210,020.00 / P609, Fund 365, 15-8-5 Division General Powers and Duties. A, B, G
Appropriation History (Include all Funding sources, e.g. Federal, State, County, Municipal laws or grants)
Fiscal Year
/ Amount / Funding Source and Appropriation languageFY 15 / $376,000.00 / P609, Fund 365, 15-8-5 Division General Powers and Duties. A, B, G
Major Deliverable Schedule and Performance Measures
Major Project Deliverable and Performance Measure
/ Budget /Due Date
/Project Phase
Project Management Plan, Schedule, Kick-Off, Status Reports, Project Management/Oversight / $30,602.00 / 12/31/2015 / Initiation/Planning
GPS Device Acquisition and Registration / $210,020.00 / 5/15/2015 / Planning/ Implementation
Business Requirement s Definition/Documentation / $0.00 / 5/1/2015 / Planning
Training Plan, Risk & Mitigation Plan, Communication Plan, Implementation/Integration Plan, Transition to Operations Plan, Security Plan (Business Rules, Group Hierarchy/Org Structure, Administrative Account Set up, SOP (Trouble Reporting/SLA) / $0.00 / 7/31/2015 / Planning
Set Up Template, System Configuration, Install Telematic Software, WEX Fuel Interface with Telematics, Fleet Focus Integration with Telematics, Reports and Dashboard creation / $8,494.00 / 8/31/2015 / Implementation
Test Plan, Test Scenarios/Test Cases, Security Roles set up/configuration, Hardware installation testing / $5,172.00 / 9/31/2015 / Implementation
End-to-End Testing; GPS Hardware/Software Integration to FleetFocus, Regression Testing, WEX Integration to GPS / $10,344.00 / 10/31/2015 / Implementation
Training (Admin/End User), Training Guides / $862.00 / 11/30/20115 / Implementation
Cut over to production plan, Cut over support, on-site post production support / $3,448.00 / 12/31/2015 / Implementation/Close Out
IV&V – Initial Assessment, Status Reports , Ongoing Assessments and Validation / $11,756.25 / 30 days after contract execution / Planning/ Implementation
IV&V – Close Out Report / $6,412.50 / 10/31/2015 / Close Out
/FY15 & Prior
/ FY16 / FY17 / FY18 / FY19&AfterStaff - Internal
Consulting Services / AssetWorks Integration/Pjt Mgt
IV&V / $ 30,602.00
$ 11,756.25 / $ 28,320.00
$ 6,412.50 / $0.00 / $0.00 / $0.00
Hardware / Qty 500 5500 Series / $ 72,500.00 / $0.00 / $0.00 / $0.00 / $0.00
Software / Telematics / $137,520.00 / $ 46,118.50 / $0.00 / $0.00 / $0.00
Contingency / $ 42,769.75 / $0.00 / $0.00 / $0.00 / $0.00
Total / $295,148.00 / $80,851.00 / $0.00 / $0.00 / $0.00
IT System Analysis (On this document, or as an attachment, provide a summary description of the technical architecture)
The Technical Strategy for the Global Positioning System (GPS) Project is one of integrating the GPS modules within the framework of the existing AssetWorks and WEX Fuel applications.Other aspects of the GPS Technical Architecture include the following:
Ø Open Architecture - infrastructure that will allow for data flow between GPS modules and allow for interface with Fleet Focus for a “as evident” seamless architecture and scale to allow for growth
Ø Customer Portal and Web-Based System - will be designed on a public facing network with the web based platform front-end to enable TSD Agency customers to view data specific to their Fleets ;
Ø Database Standards - System database will comply with TSSB and Fleet Focus supported platform standards of MS SQL 2008 R2
Ø Efficiency, High Performance – Application will be deployed on Verzion Network Fleet hosted platform
Ø Embedded Report Tool - System will have an embedded report writing tool for ad hoc and standard reports. Regularly scheduled reports may be generated upon request or demand
Ø Authentication –Network Fleet and FleetFocus Systems support user authentication
Ø Redundancy – GSD virtual server infrastructure supports system fail over for FleetFocus and NetworkFleet has a nationwide redundant network and hosting environments
Ø Security/User Roles –Network Fleet supports a secure front end user system log in and security role level authentication
Ø Secured data during transfer and at rest
Ø Networkfleet’s device encodes all GPS and diagnostic data collected via a proprietary algorithm prior to transmission over the wireless network. Transmission of the data from the wireless carrier to the Networkfleet Gateway is done via a secure connection. All data retrieved from the Networkfleet application may be obtained using the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol, including all web services data access.
Ø Data encryption is the process of transforming legible information into a complex arrangement of illegible information. SSL uses a private/public key combination to encrypt data when it is sent and to decrypt data when it is received. SSL encrypts data using a mathematical formula, also referred to as a “key.” Encryption strength is measured by the length of the key used to encrypt the data; the longer the key, the more effective the encryption. Using the SSL protocol, data transmission between the customer and Networkfleet’s web server is performed at a standard level of encryption strength. Networkfleet uses strong encryption products to protect customer data and communications, including 256-bit VeriSign SSL Certification and 2048-bit RSA public keys.
Ø Authentication methods used
An SSL certificate is issued to enable authentic and accurate identification of a secured web server. This translates into a digital ID, an electronic fingerprint, which is included in the key used to encrypt the data. This allows only our web server to decrypt the data that you transmit because it is the intended (and digitally certified) secure web server for this data transmission. Users access Networkfleet only with a valid username and password combination, which is encrypted via SSL while in transmission. Users are limited in using certain symbols and we enforce the password length. Repeated failed attempts to log in to a user account will cause that account to automatically be locked for a period of time. An encrypted session ID cookie is used to uniquely identify each user. For added security, the session key is automatically scrambled and re-established in the background at regular intervals.
Interoperability (Describe If/how this project interfaces with existing systems/Applications)
The Verizon Networkfleet system collects and organizes detailed automotive information directly from the vehicle's engine computer and location-based information from a global positioning system. Maintenance and operation information are transmitted wirelessly to a data center where it is made available to fleets in the web based software.The Verizon Networkfleet 5500 is a small “plug and play” device the size of a PDA that operates on the Verizon Wireless CDMA network. The unit is also easily transferable between vehicles. The 5500 light duty unit is typically installed behind the host vehicle’s OBD-II connector using a special universal harness and is tie-wrapped under the dash. In the case of heavy duty vehicles, the 5500 has a J1708/J1939 6-pin or 9-pin diagnostic link connector and is also tie-wrapped under the dash. The unit is powered by and communicates with the engine computer through the OBD-II or J1708/J1939 connector.
The Telematics Software will be integrated with the AssetWorks FleetFocus software and WEX Fuel.
Independent Verification & Validation (Include summary of the latest IV V report)
IV&V Contractor has been selected and contract is in process of routing for approvalSignificant Risks and Mitigation Strategy
Risk 1: Subject Matter Experts (Business) are not available to the degree requiredMitigation 1: Ensure adequate personnel are resourced to support the effort up front. Develop schedule that is manageable; identify potential resource/time constraints and work schedule to accommodate.
Risk 2: Outsourcing Project Implementation
Mitigation 2: Ensure Project Manager resource is available and vendor teams are dedicated to project. Must closely monitor and manage outside implementation team. Perform regular validation reviews to ensure implementation assumptions used by third party are consistent with user organization(s) as well as track progress to identify issues that may cause schedule delays and cost overruns
Risk 3: Funding insufficient to achieve project objectivesMitigation 3: reduce scope of initial project from 500 vehicles to vehicle count that budget can support. Track milestones achieved versus milestones planned, manage other project risks and issues to minimize opportunity for cost over-runs.
Risk 4: Interface development scope will increase during Business Requirements review sessions
Mitigation 4: Set expectations with the Project Team from Project Kick-off forward to include all existing requirements in their consideration for project optimization.
Risk 5: User adoption of new technology is not realized
Mitigation 5: Ensure Agencies who have committed to project are truly committed to project and vehicles are scheduled for installation. Ensure that Agencies realize full benefit of GPS system by accommodating assigned Agency Business Administrators with full training sessions and confirm that they understand the reporting and system.