Request for Certification and Release of Funds Form
All Certified Projects Must Follow NM State Policies and Procurement Code
Project GovernanceProject Name
/ Excess Emissions ReportingDate / 2/22/12
Lead Agency / NM Environment Department
Other Agencies / N/A
Executive Sponsor
/ Richard Goodyear, Acting Bureau Chief, NMED Air Quality BureauAgency Head / Cabinet Secretary David Martin
Agency CIO/IT Lead / Mary Montoya
Project Manager / Keith Fraser ( Windsor Solutions, Inc )
Project Abstract (Provide a brief description and purpose for this project)
The Federal Clean Air Act requires that owners or operators of permitted air facilities (minor or major sources) provide the appropriate governing agency with a written report of all events where an emission has occurred in excess of permitted amounts, usually within 24-48 hours of the event. Information typically reported includes:
· The emissions point where the excess emission was released.
· The quantity and duration of the excess emission.
· The cause of the excess emission.
· Steps taken to limit the excess emission.
· Corrective measures taken to eliminate the excess emission.
The New Mexico Environment Department (NMED), Air Quality Bureau (AQB) wishes to develop an information system capable of receiving excess emissions reports electronically from the regulated community. This system will support both the activities of the regulated community in submitting an excess emissions report, as well as the activities of AQB in responding to the submission of a report.
This initial project will analyze and document the workflow, functional requirements, and data requirements for an excess emissions reporting system. Subsequent projects will use this information to design, build, and ultimately implement an excess emissions reporting system.
Workflow documentation, requirements specification and architectural documentation were completed on 2/11/11. A pilot application with minimal functionality for proof of concept was deployed to the NMED test runtime environment. The pilot application was presented to a subset of the user community on 11/9/11. The next phase of the project will focus on implementation and deployment of a defined set of functionality to the production environment. The set of functionality will not be the complete set of functionality defined in the requirements document, however, it will represent enough functionality to provide value to the business owner and replace a significant part of the current manual process.
Start Date / 2/22/12 / Planned End Date / 6/30/12
Amount Requested this Certification
Note: $98,419.60 for phase 1 implementation as amendment to pilot contract for planning phase for $67,198.80 which was delivered on 11/9/11 / $165,618.40
Amount Previously Certified / $0
Remaining Appropriation not Certified / $0
Total Appropriated Amount / $165,618.40
Certification History (Include any previous project or phase certifications)
/ Amount / Funding Source(s) (use specific citations to laws, grants, etc.)Appropriation History (Include all Funding sources, e.g. Federal, State, County, Municipal laws or grants)
Fiscal Year
/ Amount / Funding Source and Appropriation language2012 / 37,332.40 / Other state funds:
$8,912.40 - New Source Review (NSR) Air Quality Permit Fees Fund [NMSA 1978, 74-2-15, State air quality permit fund]
$28,420 - Title V Air Quality Permit Fees Fund [NMSA 1978, 74-2-15, State air quality permit fund]
2012 / 128,286.00 / Federal funds: EPA Clean Air Act Section 105, Air Pollution Control Program Grant FY12 (Agreement number A-00615712)
Major Deliverable Schedule and Performance Measures
Major Project Deliverable and Performance Measure
/ Budget /Due Date
/Project Phase
Requirements document and Work flow document / $54,621.60 / 2/11/11 / planningPilot running in test environment / $67,198.80 / 11/9/11 / planning
Phase 1 Deployment to production (base feature set) / $98,419.60 / 6/30/12 / implementation
Phase 2 Deployment to production (additional feature set plus enhancements) / TBD (based on priority value as determined by business owner) / TBD / Implementation and support
Phase 3 Deployment to production (additional feature set plus enhancements) / TBD (based on priority value as determined by business owner) / TBD / Implementation and support
Phase 4 Deployment to production (additional feature set plus enhancements) / TBD (based on priority value as determined by business owner) / TBD / Implementation and support
Comments: funding source for future years?
/ FY12 / FY13 / FY14 / FY15&AfterStaff - Internal
Consulting Services / Requirements specifications, workflow documentation, architectural documentation / 54,621.60Hardware
Software / Pilot development, Feature set development and enhancement development / 165,618.40
Total / 54,621.60 / 165,618.40
IT System Analysis (On this document, or as an attachment, provide a summary description of the technical architecture)
Taken from the operational requirements section of the requirements specification document:The system will be designed as a Web based application and is expected to interface with pre-existing external systems for functionality like security and data retrieval.
The following figure illustrates the distributed physical layers of the overall solution. In this architecture, the independent user interfaces, application services and data stores will reside on distributed physical machines.
The following table indicates the planned hardware configurations for the Production, QA, and Test environments.
Production / QA / Test (ENVT)
HTTP Servers
(Apache Web Server) / 1 / 1 / 1
Application Servers
(Apache Tomcat 6.0.10 configured with Java VM 1.5.11) / 1 / 1 / 1
(Oracle 9i DB version 9.2.x) / 1 / 1 / 1
(Intranet Oracle 9i DB version 9.2.x) / 1 / 1 / 1
Interoperability (Describe If/how this project interfaces with existing systems/Applications)
Two existing systems must interface with this application:1 – a legacy environmental management system (TEMPO) currently in use by the business owner, NMED Air Quality Bureau. Data will be queried from the existing system and new data will be stored back into the legacy system. The new data will come from this new application which has a web user interface as opposed to the legacy user interface which is a client server interface. All existing business rules for the legacy system will be followed and are outlined in the requirements specification document.
2 – NMED Secure Extranet Portal (SEP) which is the department user authentication service for application registration and access. Users securely register for access to the portal which presents a list of applications which must then be individually registered for and granted access to by the application owner. The EER application will need to utilize this service for user registration, approval and access. The SEP is currently in use for over 15 production web applications. The requirements for an application to use this service are identified in the requirements specifications document. The SEP has passed several security audit by conducted by an external entity (CAaNES )
Additionally, the EER application will run in a shared production runtime platform which is wholly open source and specified in the operation requirements section of the requirements specification document. The pilot application was successfully deployed to a similar shared runtime platform within the NMED test environment. The application connects to an Oracles database schema within a shared enterprise Oracle database instance. This is a proprietary database instance and the licensing and support is current and maintained out of the NMED IT budget. The database specifications are included in the operational requirements section of the requirements specifications document.
Independent Verification & Validation (Include summary of the latest IV V report)
Currently under discussion with DoITSignificant Risks and Mitigation Strategy
Risk 1: loss of funding
Mitigation 1: project will be delayed or stopped until funding is available
Risk 2:training and rollout of application to regulated facility users
Mitigation 2: Business owner training sessions and communications plan with facility users
Transition to Operations: (Describe agency plan to migrate project solution to production. include agency plans to fund and maintain this project after deployment. )Operational requirements are verified by NMED IT to ensure runtime compatibility; the contract specifies delivery of knowledge transfer documents and an application deployment package including source code and database object definition scripts.
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Revision: 9/1/10 Page 2