Chatham-Kent Family Health Team

Executive Director’s Report

May 2016

Submitted by Laura Johnson

Statistical Indicators (Rostered Patients) to Service Status as atApril 30, 2016

Rostered number as at March 31, 2016 – 37,072 (previous month – 36,996)

QIP/IT Update:

Update will be provided at the meeting as per the agenda.

AFHTO (Assoc. of Family Health Teams of Ontario

No further meetings have been scheduled by AFHTO so nothing further to report at this time.

Financial Presentation to Physicians:

On April 9, 2016 Alison Mills, Laura Johnson, Leo Marentette and Paul Weese attended the CKFHO Physicians’ meeting in Chatham. Alison will provide an update regarding increases to physician overhead and OntarioMD funding collection.

Physician Overhead Discussion re: (Full-Time/Part-Time)

Discussion re: a patient recruitment proposal for physicians to transition from part-time to full-time to be discussed.

Patient Recruitment

The following physicians/NPs are/is still accepting patients:

Dr. Muhammad Afzal (Wallaceburg)

Dr. Will Saxena (Wallaceburg) (limited)

Dr. Imran Ibrahim (Dresden) – currently on hold)

Jason Bartell (Chatham)


Personnel Report

Sasha Kozera joined our team in early May. Sasha is the new FHT Chiropodist. Laura and Sasha will be visiting all FHT sites on May June 3 to meet staff and Physicians.


The 2016 Annual AFHTO (Association of Family Health Team Meeting) will be held October 17 & 18 in Toronto. Thamesview, Tilbury and Chatham-Kent FHTs have submitted an abstract for presentation of our Health Link initiative which will showcase our successes. Further updates will be provided as available.


Gary Switzer is no longer the CEO of the ESC-LHIN. Ralph Ganter is acting CEO. Denise Waddick (Thamesview FHT), Kelly Griffiths (Tilbury FHT) and I will be planning a meeting with Ralph Ganter to continue discussions about the sub-LHIN regions and what this will mean for the three FHTs.

Finance Meeting:

To be discussed as per the agenda.


Nothing new to report at this time.


Dr. Brendan Boyd will be providing locum coverage for Dr. Clendenning during her summer vacations. Dr. Boyd is from the Blenheim area so hopefully we can encourage him to stay in Blenheim.


Nothing new to report at this time.


Dr. Atoe and I meet with Dr. Ibrahim on May 11th. Dr. Ibrahim will be moving to occupy the physician pod beside Dr. Yee-Providence. This move will provide better utilization of nursing staff.