Pickering Cricket Club Development Plan
Mission Statement
To be the premier cricket club in Ryedale:
- through the provision of excellent playing facilities, high quality coaching and a supportive and friendly environment
- for cricketers from all backgrounds in our community
- by promoting the aims and objectives of the club across Ryedale
1. Social Inclusion and the Community
We will be a welcoming club, actively promoting cricket to various sections of the community including primary and secondary schools, retirement homes, local authorities, leisure centres, businesses, and outlying villages.
Sporting objectives / How to achieve objective / What resources required / Timelines / How to measure successa) PCC will warmly welcome all visitors – players and spectators- and aim to make their visit both enjoyable and memorable / Expression of intent & welcome on the website and club notice boards. The behaviour of all players & officials will be respectful, courteous and friendly / Sec to ensure messages are displayed in relevant places including website, noticeboard & joining instructions. In addition, everyone connected with the club should demonstrate the appropriate behaviours. / Secretary to post welcome in relevant places by end of March each year.
Other aspects from immediate effect. / Informal comments & feedback. Good league match marking. Maintain Clubmark.
b) PCC will promote its status and position as a fundamental part of the community / By operating an inclusive membership policy as stated in club constitution. Write newsworthy items for the local press eg concerning match reports, good ground comments, representational honours, etc, and post items on website, noticeboard, facebook. / Committee / On-going / Player and spectator numbers, usage of bar, booking of private functions
c) PCC will establish and cultivate links to local schools and other relevant groups / Promote junior membership within local schools. Maintain Club Yorkshire connection. Offer to assist in delivery of coaching sessions within schools. Make the ground available to other groups for special ‘cricket days’, eg pub 6-a-side. / Committee / Ongoing. / The esteem extent to which PCC has a thriving membership (Junior, Senior & Social). Popularity of events.
d) Improve social cohesion within the club and attract others to it / Hold social events at PCC that will attract members and friends and family and the further community, eg signing on evenings, Tribute band nights, quiz nights, domino drives. Promote on website, notice boards, facebook, local press. / Committee / On-going but particularly pre-season. / Large numbers attending social events.
2. Facilities and infrastructure development
We aim to liaise constructively with all sections of the Pickering Recreation Club, to ensure appropriate facilities are provided that are consistent with the standards necessary to achieve the mission.
Sporting objectives / How to achieve objective / What resources required / Timelines / How to measure successa) Ensure the clubhouse (including changing rooms) is kept in a clean and tidy condition. / Communicate the standards required to the membership so that each individual fulfills their responsibility towards this objective. / Captains to communicate this to their players. Sec to communicate to members via website, facebook and (during the season) in the changing rooms, if standards are not maintained. / Communication initially at the start of the season and ‘topped up’ at other times as required. / Good league match marking. Positive feedback from rec club steward.
b) Up-grade the condition of the changing rooms. / Approach the Ground committee & football club to develop changing room facilities. Fund raise/seek sponsorship as necessary / Ground committee & football club to be approached by committee reps & chairman. / Approach relevant bodies about changing rooms immediately. Agree proposal by 2016. Raise funds over 2015/2016.Establish temporary changing rooms while building work underway complete implementation by 2017. / Good league match marking & player feedback.
3. Ground Development
We will develop and maintain all relevant ground and playing facilities to deliver the mission.
Sporting objectives / How to achieve objective / Resources required / Timelines / How to measure successa) To run a facilities upgrade program, specifically:
i) replace artificial wicket
ii) replace covers
iii) replace sight screens
iv) introduce 2 artificial surface nets
v) electronic scorebox. / Obtain funding, place tenders, implement. / Funding & suppliers by the committee. / i) artificial wicket Sept 2012
ii) covers Jan 2013
iii) sight screens Feb 2014
iv) artificial surface nets Feb 2014
v) electronic scorebox April 2015 / Available to budget & to time.
b) Preparation and maintenance of the wickets on the square to the highest standard. / Regular mowing, rolling, scarifying, application of loam, seeding, etc as appropriate / Ground staff supported by committee & players / Pre-season & post-season specific preparations and assessment. Then as required throughout the season. / Good league match marking & player feedback
b) Maintain the outfield to the highest standard. / Regular mowing, rolling, scarifying, etc as appropriate. / Ground staff supported by committee & players / Pre-season & post-season specific preparations and assessment. Then as required throughout the season. / Good league match marking & player feedback
c) Maintain the ground support equipment (covers, sight-screens) in good condition. / Careful storage through winter. Appropriate refurbishment each pre-season. / Committee & players / Pre-season & post-season specific preparations. Then as required throughout the season. / Good league match marking & player feedback
d) Maintain the ‘beyond the boundary’ outfield to allow spectator and emergency access. / Regular mowing, rolling, scarifying, etc as appropriate. / Ground staff supported by committee & players / Pre-season & post-season specific preparations and assessment. Then as required throughout the season. / Good league match marking & player feedback
e) Locating a second ground to allow a third team to be run. / Actively seeking ground alternatives, eg Ryedale CC, school grounds, local fields. / Committee / Explore options. Review April 2016. / Second ground identified.
f) Maintain the standard of the field. / Continue to ensure the groundsmen maintain to the highest standards / Committee liaise with groundsmen. / On-going / Good league match marking & player feedback.
g) Maintain the artificial wicket and nets to ensure all are of a good enough standard to support usage & effective practice for all cricket sections / Maintain surface according to supplier instructions. Store efficiently out of season. / Committee & players / On-going according to annual requirement. / Good league match marking & player feedback.
h) Maintain, refurbish and replace the ground machinery (e.g. mowers) and ancillary equipment (eg tools) and ensure storage sheds in good condition, so as to be able to fully support the ground team. / Regular maintenance & overhaul of heavy equipment, supplemented by routine inspections to ensure proper functioning. Long term view taken of replacement, so as to allow pre-provisioning of funds. / Ground team supported by committee / Annual assessment, then as appropriate with at least weekly checks during the season. / Good league match marking & player feedback.
4. Junior Cricket
We will focus on the development of junior cricket to underpin and support the long term prosperity of the cricket club.
Sporting objectives / How to achieve objective / What resources required / Timelines / How to measure successa) Continually seek to enhance & improve the quality and effectiveness of our junior coaching activities / Encouraging all coaches to attend training courses and attain accreditation, whilst always looking to add to the numbers of our qualified coaching pool. / Junior team managers, with support from the committee / Yearly assessment / Success of juniors in their own competitions, plus a feed of talent into senior teams, & representational teams.
b) Endeavour to always play in the best spirit of the game, encouraging the juniors to be respectful of the umpire, the opposition and their team-mates at all times. / Example from team leaders and captains, coupled with a selection policy that doesn’t accept ill-discipline. / Team leaders and Captains / Weekly throughout the season. / No discipline issues with the league and PCC will be a club other teams relish visiting and playing against.
c) Encourage new members to join the club, enthused by what they have seen and heard. / Advertise in local free press & through local schools before start of each season. State our inclusive approach through our website info. Offer a warm welcome to anyone who expresses an interest in joining. / Committee, officers & members. / Continually throughout the year. / Maintain junior numbers & increase where possible, with an aim to lose none to other local teams through reasons of non-engagement.Aim at representational honours where possible.
d) Maintain an inclusive selection policy whereby all children particularly at the younger end are encouraged and rewarded, regardless of ability. / Ensure those children who continually attend practice sessions are given a chance in games, regardless of specific ability. / Team leaders. / Continually throughout the year. / Low drop-off rate at practice sessions due to indifference.
e) Aim to ensure that all junior members particularly at the older end have an understanding of what it takes to run a cricket club, and how they can and should contribute. / Instill a sense of pride & personal responsibility in the junior section, involving them fully in club activities, and allowing them to make their own specific contributions to the successful running of the club. / Team leaders, parents & committee. / Continually throughout the year. / Active involvement of junior members in club activities such as fund raising and ground maintenance.
f) Recruiting and retaining female players through having girls play in boys’ teams. Develop a girls’ team. / Have separate girls’ changing rooms. Use the umpires’ rooms initially.
Advertise that PCC is inclusive.
Encourage girls to bring friends. / Team leaders, parents & committee. / Girls to play in boys teams immediately. Girls’ team by 2017 / Increased number of girls playing. The setting up of a girls’ team.
Sporting objectives / How to achieve objective / What resources required / Timelines / How to measure success
g) Set up a third senior team that can act as a bridge from youth cricket, to encourage sport for life. / Acquire a second ground. In the interim, approach Ryedale to use their ground during their away fixtures. / Committee & junior section / Third team for the 2016 season. / Acquire the use of a ground. Develop the team.
h) Achieving and maintaining Clubmark / Complete Clubmark objectives & get and maintain Clubmark / Clubmark sub-committee to organise & lead / By end of 2015 season / Clubmark has been obtained.
i) Set up teams at the younger end (U9). Aim to have two teams in each age group (U11, 13 & 15) / Encourage numbers (see point c) above) to have sufficient junior players. Ensure there are sufficient coaches/team managers to run said teams. / Committee, officers & members. / By 2015 season. / Objective has been achieved. 2xU9, 2xU11, 2xU13, 2xU15 teams
j) Liaising with schools / Liaise with Scarborough & District junior representative who coaches in local schools to provide PCC as a contact point / Junior Section leaders / By 2015 season / Gain new members through relationship with local schools
k) Hosting youth competitions / Aim initially at district and county rep games, expanding to whole of Yorkshire. Start at the U11 age group / Junior Section leaders / U11 district by 2014, N Yorks by 2015. Yorks by 2017 / Events held annually.
l) Team in the U18 Scarborough & District league / Encourage junior members in the age group to take part / Source a ground Supply more coaches. Junior Section leaders / By 2016 / U18 team set up.
5. Senior Cricket
We will develop playing standards across the senior teams to support playing at the highest standards possible within the Yorkshire cricket structure.
Sporting objectives / How to achieve objective / what resources required / how to access resources / timelines / how to measure successa) Strive to continually improve the standard of the players / Encourage attendance at net sessions. Identify external coaching resource. / Captains to encourage. Information to be posted on website, etc. / Artificial surface nets, artificial wicket, box cage. / Pre-season then weekly during season. / Initially by the teams being competitive in their respective divisions. Aim is for 1st team promotion to Premier Division by 2016 season, 2nd team to finish comfortably in 2015 season, win promotion in the 2016 season.
b) Endeavour always to play in the best spirit of the game, respecting others and encouraging juniors to aspire to senior selection. / Example set by Captains & Vice-captains together with a selection policy that doesn’t accept ill-discipline / Captains & Vice-Captains. / Every match. / No discipline issues with the league, and PCC will be a club other teams welcome visiting and playing against. No. of junior players representing the club at 1st & 2nd team level.
c) Encourage new members to join the club, enthused by what they have seen & heard. / Advertise in local press before start of each season. State our inclusive approach through our website information . Offer a warm welcome to anyone who expresses an interest in joining. / Committee, officers & members. / On-going / Aim for at least 1 new senior playing member per season.
d) Maintain a high standard of competence through our senior team scorers / Encourage competence, accuracy, neatness & efficiency. / Captains / Every match. / Accuracy of scorebook and score sheets. Good league marks.