Request for Accelerated PPH Examination under the Global PPH Pilot Program (GPPH)
1.1RU application number1.2. Filing date
1.4. Priority Date
3. Corresponding application OEE/РСТ number ______
4. Anexplanationofcircumstancesconcerning theacceleratedexamination
The Rospatent application must be a corresponding applications filed with ___5* if at least one claim has been indicated as patentable/allowable by the OEE or in WO/ISA, WO/IPEA, IPER/IPEA work products.
5*. Work product theGPPH request is based on
5.1.Nationalworkproduct from one of the following Offices:
Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO)
DanishPatentandTrademark Institute (DKPTO)
NationalBoardofPatents and Registration of Finland (NBPR)
Hungarian Intellectual Property Office (HIPO)
Icelandic Patent Office (IPO)
Israel Patent Office (ILPO)
JapanPatentOffice (JPO)
KoreanIntellectual Property Office (KIPO)
Norvegian Industrial Property Office (NIPO)
Portuguese Institute of Industrial Property (INPI)
Spanish PatentandTrademark Office(SPTO)
Swedish Patents and RegistrationOffice(PRV)
United Kingdom of Intellectual Property Office (UKIPO)
United States PatentandTrademark Office (USPTO)
5.2. Internationalworkproduct from one of the following Offices:
Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO)
DanishPatentandTrademark Institute (DKPTO)
NationalBoardofPatents and Registration of Finland (NBPR)
Hungarian Intellectual Property Office (HIPO)
Icelandic Patent Office (IPO)
Israel Patent Office (ILPO)
JapanPatentOffice (JPO)
KoreanIntellectual Property Office (KIPO)
Norvegian Industrial Property Office (NIPO)
Portuguese Institute of Industrial Property (INPI)
Spanish PatentandTrademark Office (SPTO)
Swedish Patents and RegistrationOffice(PRV)
United Kingdom of Intellectual Property Office (UKIPO)
United States PatentandTrademark Office (USPTO)
Documentsto be submitted ( in case of unavailability through electronic databases )
1. Claim correspondence table showing that all claims on file must sufficiently correspond to one or more of claims indicated as patentable/allowable in the ____5*______in pp.
2.Copies and translations of all Office actionssent to applicant by OEE ip pp.
3. Copyandtranslationof a decision to grant a patent by OEE or a copy of a written opinion WO/IPEA, IPER/IPEA in pp.
4. Copy andtranslationof claimsin correspondingapplication indicated as patentable/allowable in the ____OEE/ WO/IPEA, IPER/IPEA in pp.
5. Copy of non-patent literaturecitations used by an examiner for the base of rejection in pp.
A request for substantive examination and document,confirming fee payments for filing this request in pp.