IA Tracking Spread Sheet Status POP June 28, 2011


Focuson projects scheduled for Pay Periods 20

  • 10101 IA 11-1567, Lift Edit to Allow Non-Federal TSP Loan Documents 097 via FESI
  • 10234 IA11-1556, Override Codes on FESI Files
  • 10299 IA11-3001, New Agency Code for Inspector General's Office


FMO to follow-up on projects are completed and the IA is not signed.(Red)

Implemented (No signed IA)

Project Number:10362

IA Number:11-1192

Dept/Agency: AG/11

Dept Agency Contact:Jennifer Sweet:

Title of Project: USDA Forest Service Participation in FESI 2011 Test Window #1

Brief Description:The U.S. Forest Service (USFS) requests to schedule a Front-End System Interface (FESI) test in Window 1 for Lump Sum Leave Payment (LSP). The USFS has over 12,000 temporary workers each year requiring a LSP at the end of their appointment. Using a FESI file would reduce processing time, increase accuracy and provide timely receipt of a LSP to our terminated employees

For this test database, I request NFC load a population of USFS temporary appointment employees who have termination actions at the time of thisrequest. Temp Employee NOA’s are 115, 515.


Amount $3,400

FMO to follow-up on IA’s at the agency over 30 days.(Yellow)

Unsigned IA’sat the agency for more than 30 days:

Project Number:90491

IA Number:11-1097

Dept/Agency: AG/11

Dept Agency Contact:JenniferSweet:

Title of Project:Add POI to ASPD Job Code Search

Brief Description:1.Position Management > Job Code > Find an Existing Value > Job Code Profile

2.Currently when searching an FS number under the Job Code UFS link, the associated “Job Codes with the ASPD” results do not display POI information. 3.Insert POI between Job Code and Master Record Number. 4.See Screenshots below


Project Number:90492

IA Number:11-1098

Dept/Agency: AG/11

Dept Agency Contact:Jennifer Sweet:

Title of Project:Additional ORG Structure Codes

Brief Description:1.Position Management > Position Information > Add a New Value > Description

1.a Select the magnifying glass next to the Department Field after a Job Code has been entered; the search screen appears. 2.Currently, when creating a new position in EmpowHR and searching for Department codes the results currently display the Org Structure to only the 5th level. 3. Add Org Structure code levels 6, 7, and 8 as “look up” fields as well as the corresponding display fields in the search results. 4.See screenshots


Project Number:90493

IA Number:11-1099

Dept/Agency: AG/11

Dept Agency Contact:Jennifer Sweet:

Title of Project: ASPD Free Search Field

Brief Description:1.Position Management > Position Information > Find an existing value.

2.Add a free text field between Job Code and Description for an “ASPD” number connected to the ASPD Library. 3.Add ASPD number results after “Occupational Series” in the search results

4.See screenshots below


Project Number:00470

IA Number:11-1094

Dept/Agency: ZG/OCC

Dept Agency Contact:Allan Holland [

Title of Project:Annual Leave Ceiling for ED/GC Appointed Positions

Brief Description:Office of Compliance wants to implement a change to two positions (Executive Director and General Counsel) within the Agency to have those positions annual leave mimic an SES position. In other words, have the annual leave ceiling automatically be at 720 hours and have that amount as the use/loose cut off for rollover each calendar year.


Project Number:00506

IA Number:10-1085

Dept/Agency: HS/TA

Dept Agency Contact:NANCY PIERCE

Title of Project:TSA Request ABCO to Waive 203 Bills

Brief Description:We are requesting a Project Number be established in order to process the following agency request: TSA has requested ABCO to waive 203 bills. The waivers can be done by GS-7/10 technicians. A GS-11/10 will write the procedures and the GS-11/10 and GS-12/10 accountants will share in reviewing the work. Below is the amount of time needed to complete each waiver. The work can only be performed during OT hours.


Project Number:00583

IA Number:11-1065

Dept/Agency: HS/CU

Dept Agency Contact:Phillip, Damischa [

Title of Project:Benefit Statement Calculations for CBP

Brief Description:I.Change the formula for calculating the high-three for Customs and Border Protection Officers covered by the Customs Officers Pay Reform Act (COPRA) of 1994. Public Law 103-66. All CBP employees covered by the COPRA act to include CBP Officers and CBP Agriculture Specialist.. COPRA allows for the inclusion of “certain overtime pay” in the definition of “basic pay” when calculating the high three average salary. The employees covered by COPRA can be identified by the COPR STATUS “Y” on IRIS Screen 103 or on their payroll records.


Project Number:00656

IA Number:11-1306

Dept/Agency: DL/DL

Dept Agency Contact:

Title of Project:Cost Estimate of Correcting Pre-Conversion CSRS Contributions

Brief Description:I received a voicemail from Edward Dozier this morning stating that NFC will not be processing our cases when they are sent in without an agreement. Since we have employees who recently retired or are planning to retire soon that are affected, how can we get their records corrected in a timely fashion so that their retirements are not delayed if NFC will not process them on a case-by-case basis? I sent three cases yesterday to Sheila Tabb for employees who retired in August and September. I have one more employee who is retiring at the end of September.


Project Number:10175

IA Number:11-1344

Dept/Agency: LA/LA

Dept Agency Contact:Wennersten, Maria [

Title of Project:Establish a New BUS Code for a New Local

Project Description. Request to establish a new bus code for a new local that was formed under AFSCME Council 26. Please let me know how quickly this can be implemented in the NFC system. Since this request has the attention of our senior management and Congress I need to keep them apprised.

Scheduled:CY11 PP03 (IA request was delayed)

Project Number:10200

IA Number:11-1185

Dept/Agency: AG/32

Dept Agency Contact:Jennifer Sweet:

Title of Project: USDA RD WebTA Accounting Modification

Brief Description:The USDA Rural Development (RD) requests an enhancement to Kronos webTA that will accommodate RD’s Activity Work Time Reporting System which adds detailed time data entry capabilities for individual employees by modifying standard WebTA work start/end times data entry screens for each day. This enhancement will allow RD staff to enter daily work start and stop times by job activity and related RD program or Administrative duty. The data will be used to develop full cost and unit costs to satisfy RD cost management information needs and OMB reporting requirements.


Project Number:10204

IA Number:11-1309

Dept/Agency: SM/70

Dept Agency Contact:Neumeister, Tom [

Title of Project: Smithsonian Request for New POI

Brief Description:OPM has assigned POI 1864 to the Smithsonian Institution, Executive Resources, Office of Human Resources, effective October 2010. This is a request to establish POI 1864 in the NFC system to cover the Smithsonian’s Executive Resources which is defined as follows:Employees in SM-70 and SM-71 currently in POI 1536 (this excludes POI 4451) who are also in pay plans SL, ST, GG (in SM-70) and SA, SZ, SY, AE, and IC (in SM-71).


Project Number:10263

IA Number:11-1330

Dept/Agency: SM/70

Dept Agency Contact:Hillock, Jean [

Title of Project: Add POI Option to PACS

Brief Description:We need NFC to add an option to allow users to select a POI when running the PACS Carrier Reports.We need to be able to run the PACS4514 Carrier Tran. Detail by POI from the Reporting Center.We have users that are only allowed access to POI 4451. When they normally run reports from the reporting center, they have the option to select a POI.


Project Number:10265

IA Number:11-1311

Dept/Agency: DL/SO

Dept Agency Contact:Terrell, Lashonda

Title of Project:OER POI Updates

Brief Description:Based on our conference call with NFC this morning, I updated the first section to include the language from your email. Also, changed the official to Gene.I have one word of caution, NFC will need to let us know of any cost associated with their code modification, if it comes to that. OASAM will have to find out if there is funding for it, depending on the cost.


Project Number:10286

IA Number:11-1533

Dept/Agency: TR/91

Dept Agency Contact:

Title of Project:Stop Certain Auto Actions For Treasury

Brief Description:Currently, the National Finance Center (NFC) Payroll/Personnel System (PPS) processes personnel actions (PAR), payroll actions and time and attendance (T&A) data for HR Connect customers to be used in the processing of payroll. At this time, NFC is the system of record for all personnel and payroll reporting. The NFC also does automatic generation of certain personnel actions based on creditable service. Those actions are: Conversion of Career Tenure, Within Grade Increases, Change of Service Computation Dates (SCD), Completion of Probationary Periods, Termination of Federal Employee Health Benefits (FEHB) and Termination of Federal Employee Group Life Insurance (FEGLI). To accomplish this, NFC captures paid and non-pay time from the T&A and/or PAR actions and carries them in counters along with dates for each to determine when the action should be generated. Each automatic action has separate and specific requirements for determining what time is creditable and the time frame in which the action should be generated.

Scheduled:CY11 PP14

Color Key:

Yellow: Signed IA Past Due

Red: Project Implemented without signed IA

Green: Tracking only
