Title: Comparative Efficacy of Different Fungicides against Late Blight Diseases of Potato incited by Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) de Bary and standardized the doses for its Management
Siddique NA
Ejab Grop, Ejab Agro Ltd, Thakurgaon, Bangladesh
Potato is now one of the staple food in Bangladesh. Late blight disease is one of the great problems in potato cultivation programme. Some plant diseases that can completely destroy Potato plot, late blight is one of these devastating fungal diseases that attacks the potato field and completely destroy the potato field. If any proper preventive measure cannot be taken from beginning of initiate the late blight, farmers as well as potato seed production companies can be faced into great hamper. Although this devastating diseases can be controlled by using traditional fungicides like Carbondazim or Metalaxyl. Plant growth and tuber formation are gradually prohibited. As a results the farmers and seed potato production companies cannot get sufficient production/ expected yield. The objective of this present research is to standardize the protocol by which late blight diseases can be controlled easily without prohibition of the plants growth and its yield.
Efforts made in present investigation to evaluate the concentration of few commonly used fungicides for their comparative efficacy against Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) de Bary- the incited of late blight, with a view to select the most effective fungicides for the disease management. The highest (99.70) percentage of disease control and the highest yield (26.68 MT/ha) were recorded on fungicides containing 3.5 mg/L Sunoxanil 72 WP (Cymoxanil 8%+Mancozeb 64%) with 3.0 ml/L Contaf 5 EC (Hexaconazol 5%) during 2015-2016. The lowest (75.68) percentage of disease control and the lowest yield (15.67 ton/ha) were recorded on fungicides containing 2.0 mg/L Ridomil MZ 72 (Metalaxyl 8%+Mancozeb 64%) with 1.0 ml/L Autostin 50 WDG (Carbondaxim 50%) during 2014-2015. It was concluded that Sunoxanil 72 WP (Cymoxanil 8%+ Mancozeb 64%) acted as the best fungicide when applied as prophylactic measures. Sunoxanil 72 WP (Cymoxanil 8%+ Mancozeb 64%) was combined with Contaf 5EC (Hexaconazol 5%) showed the best result when applied as curative measures. On the other hands when Actiphose (Phosphorous acid)) was used with Mancozeb (Indofil M-45) showed comparatively better performance. Plant growth as well as its yield gradually decreased due to the application of Carbondaxim and Matalaxyl. It is new finding, although Metalaxyl and Carbondaxim play on vital role to protect the late blight after appearance the disease, the plant growth, tuber formation along with the yield was gradually inhibited. Therefore, it is recommended that Metalaxyl and Carbondaxim application should be avoided to protect the late blight after or before appearance the disease.
Keywords: Potato; Late blight; Management; Hexaconazole; Mancozeb; Sunoxanil 72 WP; Autostin50 WDG; Actiphose; Ridomil MZ 72; Disease index; Disease control
My Mission and Vision:With my interpersonal skills, creativity and learning experiences willing to achieve a dynamic and challenging job and keep enriching my career.
To build up my career in any challenging field.
Working with vision oriented constructive plan to serve an organization.
To ensure the quality of seed
Especial Experiences:Establishment of protocol of tissue culture grown Potato, Stevia, Gerbera, Zinger, Orchid, Medicinal Plants and Ornamental Plants.
Maintenance of mini-tuber and Breeder seed potato production within the net house.
Maintenance of foundation and certified seed potato production in the large scale.
To Minimize the production cost for seed production.
To Control diseases of potato immediately.
To Increase the tuber number of seed potato by utilization special technology.
Self Assessment Others Experience:Strong interpersonal and team work skills, Energetic, self motivated, Result oriented, Good adaptation capacity.
Preparation of project proposal with planning & budgeting and maintenance the account of any item.
Preparation of farm layout on the basis of location.
Academic Qualification:(Start from the latest one) :Degree / Name of University / Institution / Division/ Class / Field / Completion Year & Session
Ph. D. / Institute of Biological Sciences,
Rajshahi University / Award / Plant Biotechnology / 2005
M.Sc. / Department of Botany
Rajshahi University / Ist Class / Botany (Genetics) / 1992
( Hons) / Department of Botany
Rajshahi University / Upper 2nd Class / Botany / 1991
H.S.C. / Rajshahi Education Board / 2nd Class / Agriculture Science / 1988
S.S.C / Rajshahi Education Board / 2nd Class / Arts / 1986
Research Achievements:
Session / Duration / Positions &Institute / Title & Supervisors
1999-2000 / 2002-2005 / Ph.D. Research Fellow
Institute of Biological Sciences University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh / Thesis title: Endangered Medicinal Plants in the Barind Tract and Biotechnological Approaches for their Conservation.
1.Professor M.A. Bari Miah
2. Professor A.T.M. Naderuzzaman
1991-1992 / 1994-1995 / Thesis group student
Department of Botany,
University of Rajshahi,
Bangladesh / Thesis: Studies on In Vitro culture of Dendrobium aphyllum Roxb.
1.Professor O.I. Joarder
2.Professor M. Monzur Hossain
Service Experience :
Positions / Institute/ Project / Duration / Duration
Research officer
/ “Disease free seed Potato production in Biotech Seeds (A tissue culture based seed production farm), Rajshahi / June1996-June1999 / 3 YearsPotato development specialist
/ USAID, PRICE (Poverty Reduction by increasing the Competitiveness of Enterprises) / November/10 toMarch/12 / 1.5 YearsChief Scientistific Officer
/ Ferdous Biotech (Pvt) Ltd.South Panisail, Gazi pur / April/12 to August/ 12 / 6 Months
Scientific Manager
/ Aman PlantTissue Culture ltd.Aman Agro ltd., Aman Group. Rajshahi. / September/12 to October/14 / 2 Years
Manager / Ejab Plant Tissue Culture ltd.
Ejab Agro ltd, Ejab group, Thakurgaon / October/14to Still now / 2Years
Personal Information:
Father’s Name: Late. Nozmal Hoque
Mother’s Name: Most Arefa Bagum
Date and country of birth : 10th December1969
Age : 46
Nationality : Bangladeshi
Marital status : Married
Permanent & Corresponding address:Dr. Md. Nuru Alam Siddique
C\O Late. Nozmal Hoque
Village: Horipur
P.O. Kochasahar
P.S. Gobindoganj
District: Gaibandha
Mobile no.880-01768920271
Working History:Position:Scientific Manager (Octobet/2014 to still now)
Ejab Plant Tissue Culture lab.
Ejab Agro ltd. Ejab group, Thakurgaon, Bangladesh
Scientific Manager (September/2012 to Octobet/2014)
Aman Plant Tissue Culture ltd.
Aman Agro ltd., Aman group ltd, Rajshahi, Bangladesh
In laboratory base:Establishment of Protocol of Tissue culture Potato plantlets,
Apparatus Handling Experience:Media Preparation, Culture, Stock Solution Preparation and all relevant programme.
Gel Electrophoresis , Micro centrifuge, Micropipette, UV-Tran illuminator, Laminar AirFlow, Micro-oven, Incubator, Electric Weighing Balance, Magnetic Stirrer, Autoclave, Microscopes,Dissolution tester, UV-spectrophotometer, Ph- meter.
In Field Base on PotatoMaintain a farm to produce Mini-Tuber and Breeder Seed of Potato from Plantlets & Minitubers with in net house.
Maintain a farm of produce Foundation Seed of Potato from Breeder Seeds.
Maintain a farm of produce Certified Seed of Potato from Foundation Seeds
Provide technical support to potato seed production programme.
Maintenance to establish the plantlets in the hardening bed.
Maintenance the disease management in seed production field.
Analysis of soil and weather condition for forecasting about potato seed production.
Ensuring the appropriate soil condition and intercultural operation of potato farm.
Research project preparation:Research project plan preparation in different aspects especially food security, Value chain development and Potato, Zinger, Orchid, Medicinal Plants and Ornamental Plants.
Budget preparation for the research project.
Working plan preparation in different project.
Preparation of checklist and guideline to assess the field requirement as a part of supervision and monitoring.
Ensure over all crops production field management.
Position: Potato development specialist: From November/ 2010 to March/ 2012
Title: Poverty Reduction by increasing the Competitiveness of Enterprises
United States Agency for International DevelopmentOffice of Acquisition and Assistance
Policy Division (M/OAA/P)
Washington, DC 20523-7100;
Major Job Responsibilities:Organize training to the potato seed growers on better farming practices to enhance the quality and quantity of potato seeds.
Facilitate to establish demonstration plots of seed potato as per plan.
Facilitate to establish marketing network.
Take timely initiative in implementing the activities.
Ensure optimum utilization of available resources.
Support with technical expertise during seed production.
Provide support to for capacity building in seed potato storage.
Facilitate to improve skill & knowledge for improving firming practices.
Provide support to potato seed growers, farmers for adequate understanding about potato seeds produce from the tissue culture techniques.
Evaluate available training of lab technician, producer’s and other stakeholders in tissue culturing plants and selected species and recommend ways to improve the knowledge of farmers and primary processors.
Identify and include in training and work, actions farmers may take to improve their incomes from the production and marketing of crops.
Supervise and support the implementation of the action plan and development of training materials and courses on high value production of selected plants.
Prepare and submission monthly, quarterly report and need based report regular basis.
Provide technical assistance to the project staff.
To arrange short meeting, monitoring and coaching for developing the project staffs capacity.
Prepare budget plan as per donor & organization requirement.
Position:Chief Scientist (April 12 to August 2012)
Ferdous Biotech (Pvt) Ltd, Gazipur, Bangladesh
In laboratory base:Establishment of Protocol of Potato, Zinger, Orchid, Medicinal Plants and Ornamental Plants.
Media Preparation, Culture, Stock Solution Preparation and all relevant programme.
In Field Base on Potato:Maintain a farm to produce Micro-Tuber and Breeder Seed of Potato from pre-breeder seed within net house.
Maintain a farm of Produce Foundation Seed of Potato from Pre-Foundation Seed.
Provide technical support to potato seed production programme.
Maintenance to establish the plantlets in the hardening bad.
Maintenance the disease management in seed production field.
Train up the seed growers to strengthen the capacity to grow potato seed regarding cost minimize in the field.
Analysis of soil and weather condition for forecasting about potato seed production.
Ensuring the appropriate soil condition and intercultural operation of potato farm.
Identify the biotic and a biotic stresses of potato find out the above to the message for overcoming those stresses.
In Field Base on Medicinal plants:Selection and Identification of Medicinal Plants by questionnaires survey.
Documentation of indigenous knowledge regarding medicinal values.
Organize training to village herbal doctors on better practice to enhance the profession.
Facilitate to establish germplasm demonstration plots for conserve the high valued and endangered medicinal plants.
Ensure optimum utilization of available resources.
Provide to support for capacity building in herbal practice.
Facilitate to improve skill & knowledge for improving herbal practices.
Evaluate available training of village herbal doctor to improve the knowledge.
Supervise and support the implementation of the action plan and development of training materials and courses on high value production of selected medicinal plants.
Position: Researcher Officer (Seed Production):From June1996-June1999
Rajshahi, Bangladesh.
Major Job Responsibilities:Provide suggestions and recommendations for required measures or practices to solve or tackle various problems encountered in selected seeds production.
To follow up of program activities of Development & Potato seed production at Rajshahi.
Prepare the guidelines for mother seed production and demonstration plots with the selected seed crops in selected spots of the working area.
To help contract farmers to produce seed and maintenance seed qualities.
Prepare training manuals for all the relevant seeds production and conduct training sessions when & where needed.
Collect data from field and consequent report writing.
Work with the climate change adaptation for ensuring environmental considerations.
To prepare training of the staffs and the contract farmers of the program for post harvest management practice.
Others Experience:Distribution of crops in the field according to type, crop rotation and cropping patterns.
Involve in instrument of modern production technology of vegetables, potato & Horticulture Nursery with marketing.
Provide technical advice to solve the problem associated with establish a vegetable & potato farm.
Preparation of checklist and guideline to assess the field requirement as a part of supervision and monitoring.
Ensure over all crops production field management.
Co-ordinate and Planning, Designing, Budgeting and Implementation.
Supervised and provide technical assistance to establish tree stapling nursery.
Computer Literacy:Software:
Operating System: (Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP),
Office Productivity Tools: (MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Acrobat.
Training Received: :S.I. / Training Title / Organized by / Location / Year / Duration
1. / “Integrated Crop Management and Post-harvest Technology in Fruits” / Germplasm Center, Fruit Tree Improvement Project (FTIP), / Department of Horticulture, BAU, Mymensingh / 2001 / 6 days
2. / Project Design and Proposal writing. / CARE-Bangladesh, Dhaka. / Dhaka / 2002 / 5 days
3. / Production of Potato seed production and management technology / ATDP, USAID / Rantic, Rajshahi. / 2003 / 5 days
4. / Production of Seed Potato and field management Technology / TARC / Rangpur / May/2004 / 4 days
5. / Seed Potato production and its Commercial implications. / TCRC, BARI / Gazipur / 2004 / 5 days
6. / Monitoring & Evaluation. / BARD Comilla. / Comilla / 2004 / 6 days
7. / Role of Tissue culture in seed potato production in Bangladesh / RANTEC / Rajshahi / 2005 / 2 days
8. / Monitoring, Evaluation & Report Writing. / Bangladesh Institute of Management / Dhaka. / 2005 / 10 days
9. / Qualitative improvement of seed potato production and distribution in Bangladesh / IHANDP, Dept. of Agricultural Extension (DAE), / Dhaka. / 2005 / 2 days
10. / Global Scenario and Status of Medicinal Plants in Bangladesh / Business Promotion Council / Dhaka / March 2008 / 02 Days
1.Dr. Md. Nuru Alam Siddique,
1.Professor M.A. Bari Miah
2. Professor A.T.M. Naderuzzaman
ISBN-13: 978-3-8465-4858-5
Published at: 22-12-2012
Price: $92.70
Language: English
LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Germany.
Web site:
LIST OF PUBLICATION:Papers Published from USA:
1. N.A. Siddique, MS Aktar, NH Swapon (2016) Comparative Efficacy of Different Fungicides against Late Blight Diseases of Potato incited by Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) de Bary and its-J Plant Pathol Microbiol-7:7DOI: 10.4172/2157-7471.1000364
2. N. A. Siddique and M. A. Bari, (2006) ‘Plant Regeneration from axillary shoot segments derived callus in Hemidesmus indicus (L.)R. Br (Anantamul) an endangered medicinal plant in Bangladesh’ Journal of Plant Sciences in USA. Vol. 1 (1) 42-48.
3. N. A. Siddique , M.H. Kabir and M. A. Bari, (2006)“Comparative in vitro study of plant regeneration from nodal segments derived callus in Aristolochia indica Linn.and Hemidesmus indicus (L.) R. Br- endangered medicinal Plants in Bangladesh” Journal of Plant Sciences in U.S.A.Vol. 1 (2) 106-118.
4. N. A. Siddique, Jaime A. Teixeira da Silva and M. A. Bari, (2006) ‘Preservation of indigenous knowledge regarding Important and endangered medicinal plants in Rajshahi district of Bangladesh.’Journal of Plant Sciences in USA Vol 1(2): 161-175.
5. N. A. Siddique, M. Anisuzzamanand M. A. Bari (2006) ‘Comparative in vitro study of plant regeneration from axillary shoots derived callus in Aristolochia indica Linn. and Hemidesmus indicus (L.) R. Br- endangered medicinal Plants in Bangladesh -Journal of Plant Sciences in USA Vol 1(4): 286-296.
Papers published from Pakistan:6. N. A. Siddique, M. A. Bari. N. Khatun, M.Rahman, M. H. Rahman and S. Huda,( 2003)-“ Plant Regeneration from Nodal Segments Derived Callus in Hemidesmus indicus (L.) R.Br(Anantamul) an Endangered Medicinal Plant in Bangladesh” in Journal of Biological Science in Pakistan 3(12): 1158-1163.
7. N.A. Siddique, M. A. Bari, A.T. M. Naderuzzaman, N. Khatun, M. H. Rahman, R.S.Sultana, M.N. Matin, Sharmin Shahnewaz and M. M.Rahman, –(2004) “ Collection of Indigenous Knowledge and Identification of Endangered Medicinal Plants By Questionaire Survey in Barind Tract of Bangladesh in Journal of Biological Science in Pakistan 4 (1) 72-80.
8. N.A. Siddique, M. A. Bari, Sharmin shanewaz, M.H. Rahman, M.R. Hasan, M.S.I. Khan and M.S. Islam-(2004) “ Plant regeneration of Withania somnifera (L.) Dunal (Ashwagandha) from nodal segment derived callus an endangered medicinal in Bangladesh” in Journal of Biological Science in Pakistan 4(2): 219-223, 2004.
9. Sharmin shanewaz, M. A. Bari, N.A. Siddique and M.H. Rahman- (2004). “Effect of Genotype on Induction of Callus and Plant Regeneration In Vitro Anther Culture Of Rice ( Oryza sativa. L.) in Journal of Biological Science in Pakistan7(2) 235-237.
10. N. A. Siddique, M. A. Bari, M.M.Pervin,N. Nahar, L.A. Banu, K. K. Paul, M.H. Kabir, A.K.M.N. Huda , M.U. Mollah and K. M. K. B. Ferdaus- (2005) “Screening of Endangered Medicinal plants Species by Questionaire Survey in Barind Tract in Bangladesh in Pakistan Journal of Biological science 8(12) 1783-1793.
11. Sharmin shahnewaz, M.A. Bari, N.A. Siddique, N.Khatun, M. H. Rahman and M.E. Haque (2003) “Induction of Haploid Rice Plants through in vitro Anther culture” in Pakistan Journal of Biological science 6(14): 1250-1252.
12. N. Khatun, M. A. Bari. R. Islam, S. Huda,N. A. Siddique, M. H. Rahman and M. U. Mollah –(2003) “ Callus Induction and Regeneration from Nodal segment of Potato Cultivar Diamant” in Journal of Biological science in Pakistan 3(12): 1101-1106.
13. S. Huda, N. A. Siddique, N. Khatun, M. H. Rahman and M. Morshed – (2003) ''Regeneration of shoot from Cotyledon derived Callus of Ckickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) in Pakistan Journal of Biological Science6(15):1310-1313.
14.A.N.K. Mamun, M.N.Matin, M.A. Bari, N.A. Siddique, R.S. Sultana, M.H. Rahman and A.S.M. Musa- (2004) “ Micropropagation of woody Legume ( Albizia lebbeck ) through Tissue culture”- Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 7 (7): 1099-1103.
15.R.S.Sultana, M.A. Bari, M. H. Rahman,N.A. Siddique and N. Khatun (2003) –(2004) “In vitro rapid regeneration of plantlets from leaf explant of watermelon ( Citrullus lanatus Thumb. ) in Pakistan Journal of Biotechnology 3(2) 131-135.
16.N. A. Siddique, M. A. Bari, M.M.Pervin, N. Nahar, L.A. Banu, K. K. Paul, M.H. Kabir and A.K.M.N. Huda. (2006) “Plant Regeneration from axillaryshootsderived callus in Aristolochia indica Linn. an endangered medicinal Plant in Bangladesh” in Pakistan Journal of Biological science 9(7) 1320-1323.
Papers published from Bangladesh:17. N.A. Siddique, M. A. Bari, S. Huda and B. Sikdar –(2002) “Plant Regeneration from nodal segments derived callus in Aristolochia indica Linn. Bangladesh” Bangladesh J. Genet. Biotech.3. (1&2):51-52.
18. N.ASiddque, M. Hossain, S. Huda and O.I. Joarder – (2001) “Plantlet Regeneration from callus of Dendrobium apyllum (Roxb).” Bangladesh J. Genet. Biotechnol. 2.(1&2):155-158.
19. S Huda, R Islam, M A Bari, N.A Siddique and M. Islam. –(2003) “Shoot regeneration from callus of cotyledonaty node explants in Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) Bangladesh J. Genet. Biotech. in vol 3. (1&2) 41-43.
20.N.A. Siddique, M. A. Bari, S Huda and M.E. Haque, ( 2002 and 2003)-“Plant Regeneration from Axillary shoots segments derived callus Withania somnifera (L.) Dunal (Ashwagandha)”. Bangladesh Journal of Agriculture, Vol: 27&28 65-70
21. S. Huda, Islam R, M.A. Bari, N.A. Siddique, M. S. Islam and M.Z. Hosain (2002 and 2003)–“Genotypic variation in shoot regeneration from different explants of Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.)”Bangladesh Journal of Agriculture, Vol: 27&28 59-64.
22.M.S. Islam,N. A. Siddique and A.S.M. Noman (2005) -“Shoot differentiation from callus culture of node explants of Vitex negundo”.Bangladesh Journal of Crop Science, Vol. 16(2) 293-298.
Papers Submitted in USA:23.N. A. Siddique and M'. A. Bari –“Comparative in vitro study from axillary shoot segments derived callus in Hemidesmus indicus (L.)R. Br (Anantamul) and Withania somnifera (L.) Dunal (Ashwagandha) an endangered medicinal plant in Bangladesh” in Journal of plant Sciences on 3-3-2006.