Republic of Costa Rica
National Archives
Literal Certificate
Number of Certification: RNPDIGITAL 5034513-2016
Legal status: 3-002-654082
Social Reason or denomination:
Asociación de Pescadores Artesanales del Caribe Sur
Present Status: Registered
Original document: Book 2011, Seat 325507, Date of Registration: 2402/12
Date of publication: 02/02/12
Place: Limón, Talamanca, Sixaola in Punta Uva locality in the Rachito Lodge Building
Syntesis of objectives: Promote the culture of responsible fishing and care of the marine ecosystem
End date of the legal status: Begun in 20/08/2011 End date: None
Date of Directors and or extensions: The Board is comprised of sis members: President, Vice president, secretary, treasurer, vocals one and two. Fiscal organ is comprised of one fiscal. All are elected in Ordinary Assembly the second half of each year, for a period of three years, taking office of their responsibilities as of October 1 of the same year.
The President is the legal and non-legal representative of the Association with general power without added limitations according to the role assigned in Article 1253 of the Civil Code. The Vice president substitutes the president in its temporary absence with the same attributions and responsibilities. It is the attribution of the General Ordinary Assembly to agree to buy goods and accept.
Registration date: 20/03/2015
Post: President
Occupied by: Héctor Mc Donald Herrera, id number 7-0113-0544
Representation: Legal and non legal representation
Vigencia: Begun 01/10/2014 End date: 30/09/2017
Registration date: 20/03/2015
Post: Vice President
Occupied by:
Representation: Legal and non legal representation
Vigencia: Begun 01/10/2014 End date: 30/09/2017
Registration date: 20/03/2015
Post: Vice President
Occupied by:
Representation: Legal and non legal representation
Vigencia: Begun 01/10/2014 Vencimiento: 30/09/2017
Registration date: 20/03/2015
Post: Vice President
Occupied by: Barrington Serlindon Smart Taylor id number 7-0047-0042
Representation: Legal and non-legal representation
Vigencia: Begun 01/10/2014 End date: 30/09/2017
Registration date: 20/03/2015
Post: Secretary
Occupied by: Maria del Rosario Suarez Toro id number 800520083
Representation: does not apply
Vigencia: Begun 01/10/2014 End: 30/09/2017
Registration date: 20/03/2015
Post: Treasurer
Occupied by: Róger Eduardo de la Trinidad Rodríguez Acuña, id no. 1-0599-0149
Representation: does not apply
Vigencia: Begun 01/10/2014 End date: 30/09/2017
Registration date: 20/03/2015
Post: Vocal 1
Occupied by: María Grace Jímenez Araya id no. 7-0044-0439
Representation: does not apply
Vigencia: Begun 01/10/2014 End date: 30/09/2017
Registration date: 20/03/2015
Post: Vocal 2
Occupied by: Ethel Latouche Delgado, id no. 7-0140-0801
Representation: does not apply
Vigencia: Begun 01/10/2014 End date: 30/09/2017
Registration date: 20/03/2015
Post: Fiscal
Occupied by: José Manuel Ugalde Jímenez id no. 7-0097-0191
Representation: does not apply
Vigencia: Begun 01/10/2014 End date: 30/09/2017
Does not have resident agent or does not apply for this type of legal status, end of post or responsibilities in the legal status.
There is no information regarding powers given by the legal status.
There is no information about affectations to the legal status.
There is no information of pending movements about the legal status.
There is no information about observations regarding the legal status.
This certification, that has the monetary feed duly paid, constitutes a public document in accordance with article 369 of the Civil Code, item 5 in the Law of Certificates, Digital Signatures and electronic Certifications No. 8454 and the Executive Decree no.35488-J published in the Official Gaceta no. 196 October 8, 2009. In that legal framework, there is an obligation by public and private entities as well as particular persons to receive this document. In case there are problems in receiving it and using it in its legal effects, please communicate it to the clerk in the Center for Assistance, telephone 2202-0888.
Dear User: The National Archive indicated that the value of this Certification established by the Administrative Board is of Two Thousand four hundred and eighty Colones with fifty cents plus the stamps. No one legal or physical person can change this amount.
Given though the Digital Services portal and with data consulted in an official replica of the Data Base of the National Archive at 14 hours and 42 minutes and 3 seconds on February 29, 2016, it can be verified in the following web site: within the next 15 natural days. If there is any inconsistency in the information, please contact so that the inconsistency and competency of the resolution can be determined.
Translated literarily by the Secretary of the Board, María del Rosario Suárez Toro on March, 26, 2016