Scope and Planning Form for a Formal Mentoring Program
When creating a formal mentoring program for your area of the University, you can use these questions to discuss the purpose and operations of the mentoring program.
Step 1: Laying the FoundationOverall Purpose. What is the essential question or problem that is to be addressed by the formal mentoring program? Why is it being created?
Mission Statement. What is the underlying philosophy or vision that will guide the design and implementation of the formal mentoring program?
Goals. What are the specific goals and outcomes to be accomplished by the formal mentoring program? Be sure to make these goals as specific measurable and achievable as possible.
Alignment with Mission. How will the formal mentoring program contribute to the University’s overall mission?
Alignment with culture. In what ways will the formal mentoring program be consistent with the University’s overall culture?
Integration. What existing programs within the University can be linked and support the mentoring program? How will the mentoring program be integrated with these structures?
Step 2: Framing the Structure
Organizational Support. Who is the driver or sponsor of the program? In what specific ways will he/she/they demonstrate their support for the program?
Communication. How will information about the program be communicated? To what populations will the mentoring program be communicated? What methods will be used?
Target Population. What population is the mentoring program designed to target? Will the program target a specific gender and or ethnic group for participation?
Skills and Issues. What skills or issues will the mentoring program address?
Adjusting to Campus Life
Newcomer Adjustment
Choosing a Major
Affinity Group (e.g., women in science)
Campus Involvement
Community Service
Campus Resources / Study Skills
Academic Skills (e.g., Writing)
Leadership Development
Career Development
Internship Process
Professional Development
Job Search
Resource Requirements. What resources are needed to successfully implement, operate, and maintain the mentoring program?
Administration. Which unit/department will manage the program? Who will be the program administrator?
Step 3: Installing the Walls
Number of Participants. How many people will be targeted to participate as protégés? As mentors?
Recruiting Mentors. How will mentors be identified and recruited? What characteristics are desired and/or required or mentors?
Levels/Seniority above Protégé
Leadership Experience
Availability of Time
Willingness to Mentor
Knowledge and Skills
Previous Mentoring Experience
Recruiting Protégés. How will protégés be identified and recruited? What characteristics are desired and/or required of protégés?
Levels Below Mentor
New Students
Part of Target Population (e.g., non-traditional students, LGBT students)
Enrollment in a Specific Course (e.g., UNIV 101)
Interest in Leadership Development
Openness to Experience and Learning
Participant Requirements. Will participation in the program be voluntary or mandatory for protégés? For mentors? Why? How will objects be overcome? How will exceptions be handled?
Time Commitment. What will be the time commitment for the mentoring relationship?
Number of meetings/hours per month:______
Length of the formal mentoring relationship (e.g., 1 semester):______
Matching. How will mentors and protégés be matched? Who will do the matching? What characteristics will be considered (e.g., similarities, differences)?
Training. Will the program include training for protégés? For mentors? Which topics will be included? Who will conduct the training?
Step 4: Maintaining the Program
Obstacles and Challenges. What challenges or obstacles do you anticipate in implementing and maintaining the program? How will these be overcome?
Protégé Support. How will the program provide on-going support for protégés?
Mentor Support. How will the program provide on-going support for mentors?
Monitoring. What methods or steps will be taken to monitor the progress of mentoring relationships? How often will check-ins be conducted? Who will initiate the check-in?
Method / Frequency / Responsibility
Survey / Monthly
Once per semester / Program Administrator
Evaluation. How will the success of the program be evaluated?
Reaction Surveys
Focus Groups
Evaluations of Statistics (e.g., Retention rates, Test scores)