Report RPF 2007-39Page 1 of 2
DATE PREPARED: June 12, 2007
/ PAGE 1 OF 2REPORT NO. RPF 2007-39
SUBJECT: SeniorsAdvisory Committee Meeting re: Minutes of Meeting, June 11, 2007
[ ] Approved
[ ] Approved with Amendments
[ ] Other
Resolution #
The purpose of this report is to provide Council with a summary of the inaugural meeting of the Seniors Advisory Committee held on Monday, June 11, 2007.
The primary purpose of this meeting was to finalize the community survey for distribution during the summer months and to determine which programs to offer this fall. The survey was finalized and approved. Several programs were recommended by the Committee including a walking club, first aid and CPR, yoga, Taoist tai chi, chair yoga, chair fitness and other workshops which may be of interest to older adults and seniors. Intergenerational programs such as a movie night and computer training were briefly discussed. Refer to the attached minutes for additional information.
The purchase of new chairs and tables for the Norwich Seniors at a cost of $9,395.00 plus taxes was approved by the Committee.
Lynne deMontmorency has volunteered to do an article for the fall/winter Leisure Guide and to prepare a brochure listing services available for older adults and seniors.
The Seniors Advisory Committee (SAC) is beginning to identify the new programs and services for the community and will have a better idea of the community need once the survey is completed.
That Report No. RPF 2007-40, Seniors Advisory Committee re: Minutes of Meeting, June 11, 2007 be received as information.
Seniors Advisory Committee Minutes – June 11, 2007
Final Version Community Survey (Older Adults & Seniors)
Prepared by:Approved by:
Mary-Lou Ambrose-LittleBetteanne M. Cadman
Director of RecreationClerk-Administrator CMC, CMO
Parks and Facilities
Township of Norwich
Recreation, Parks and Facilities Department
Seniors Advisory Committee
Monday, June 11, 2007 7:00 PM
Norwich Community Centre, Band Room
Attendance:Marie Avey, Celia Orth, Lynne deMontmorency, Cathy Cowan and Mary-Lou Ambrose-Little.
Regrets: George Amey, Tracy Gillanders and Mayor Donald Doan.
Everyone was welcomed back to the committee.
Approval of Agenda
Motion to” Approve the agenda as printed.”
Moved by: Lynne deMontmorency
Seconded by: Cathy Cowan
Approval of the Minutes May 8, 2007 Meeting
Motion to” Approve the Minutes of the May 8, 2007 Meeting as presented.”
Moved by: Lynne deMontmorency
Seconded by: Cathy Cowan
4.12008/09 New Horizons Grant – Service Canada
Mary-Lou Ambrose-Little reported that she was contacted by our Service Canada representative. He is recommending that this group apply for 2008/09. The criteria were distributed for review and recommendations by the committee at the August meeting.
4.2 Community Questionnaire/Survey
The community survey is approved and members are to find 20 residents each to complete the surveys this summer. Cathy Cowan found that she had to help people complete the questionnaire. In the questionnaires received, residents are looking for first aid training, other seminars and workshops, year-round pool and some expressed the need for transportation to activities. Marie Avey suggested that Carm Swayze may be a person to contact about this; he currently transports residents to appointments.
Action: everyone to complete 20 surveys to bring to the August meeting for review.
4.3 Norwich Seniors Club – approvals of purchases
Sylvia Van Esch and Janet Slater met with Mary-Lou Ambrose-Little and the Schoolhouse sale representative to discuss the purchase of new tables and chairs for the seniors. A meeting with sales representative, Terry Leveille, Schoolhouse Products Inc. recommends the “Mity Lite” tables as the best choice for seniors groups. He explained that because they are light weight, it is easy to move them. Refer to the attached proposal for information on both the tables and chairs. Note that the cheaper version found at local retail outlets do not last.
Motion: to purchase new chairs and tables for the Norwich Seniors at a cost of $9,395.00 plus taxes, from Schoolhouse Products Inc., as per the proposal submitted May 25, 2007.”
Moved by: Marie Avey
Seconded by: Lynne deMontmorency
Action: shuttle board and carpet bowling equipment pricing will be done by Mary-Lou Ambrose-Little for the August meeting.
4.4 Fall/Winter Older Adult & Senior Programs
Programs planned by RPF staff include Smart Serve, Red Cross First Aid & CPR, yoga (Pam Genge at Oxford Centre Hall). Pam Genge will also offer a chair fitness class at the Norwich Community Centre. She will be teaching aquafit at the Otterville Pool this summer.
Cathy Cowan has followed up with Ida, the 85 year old yoga instructor, who would like to teach this fall and winter. She does a version of chair yoga. Mary-Lou Ambrose-Little will contact her directly.
The Committee expressed their interest in educational programs and workshops geared to older adults and retirees such as power of attorney, VON and Public Health programs being brought to the Township.
Lynne deMontmorency has volunteered to do an article for the fall/winter Leisure Guide and to prepare a brochure listing services available for older adults and seniors.
Discussion on integrating local history into programs ensued with Cathy Cowan and Marie Avey volunteering to look into this concept and report back; for example, war vets to talk to students and the public schools.
Mary-Lou Ambrose-Little has contacted the Woodstock Taoist Tai Chi Association re: offering a program this winter at the NCC and is awaiting a reply. This program was very successful two years ago.
Other programs which could be offered include walking club at the NCC, which could run all year similar to shopping malls. For this to be available early in the day for older adults and seniors, a leader at the beginning is needed; possible project for Cathy Cowan to lead?
Intergenerational programs such as a movie night and computer training were briefly discussed.
Other Business
Next Steps
- Find 20 residents each to complete the community survey and bring results to the August meeting.
- Continue to collect information on seniors programs & service for our inventory. To be completed for the September meeting.
- Explore other workshop and program possibilities for the fall/winter session.
Next Meeting Date
Monday, August 13, 2007
7:00 PM
Norwich Community Centre - Band Room
8:10 PM
2007 Older Adults & Seniors Public Survey
As a resident of the Township of Norwich, your feedback is important in future planning for leisure needs in the community.
Tell us a little bit about yourself:
1. I live in (check one):
Curries Eastwood Oxford Centre Burgessville Holbrook
Springford Milldale Otterville Norwich Other, specify_____
2. My age is (check one):
50- 59 60-69 70-79 80-89 90+
3. Does the number of recreation opportunities available to older adults in your community adequately meet the needs of this population?(Check one):
Yes Sometime No Don’t know
4. What types of activities would you participate in if they were offered in the Township? (Check as many as apply to you):
Seniors Centre/dedicated space in existing facilities
Outdoor activities i.e. walking, hiking, biking, canoeing and daytrips to point of interest
Special Events – such as health & wellness, housing options or other topics of interest to seniors
Lifelong Learning – classes, seminars and workshops
Exercise & Fitness Classes – many levels, aerobics and strength classes
Volunteer Opportunities – interested & what are the possibilities
Health & Social Services -free or discounted health education, screening & counselling
Adult/Senior Day Care Program – i.e. VON Adult Day Care
Other, specify: ______
5. What are the barriers, which prevent you from participating in leisure activities? (Check as many as you like)
Time Money Transportation Skills Don’t know what’s available Lack of interest family Lack of energy
6. Are you a certified instructor who would be willing to teach a class if there is interest in your specialty?
yes no
If yes, please provide your name, address, phone numbers and specialty area(s):
7. If you have a special request for recreation and leisure programs, please mention them in the space below.
8. If you have any questions or comments regarding recreation and leisure services, please mention them below.
Thank you for your participation in this survey. Your feedback is important to the Township of Norwich in its planning for future leisure needs in the community.
Seniors Advisory Committee…