Chair of Council: Councillor Peter AshtonTown Clerk; Louanna Winch

7th March 2018

Since the last report to councillors and the informal meeting, we have met with Nigel Gillatt and Tom Harte from Bradford’s Estates’ Team and had several e mail exchanges.

Costs have been refined or become clear.

The main issues we have endeavoured to resolve or clarify:

1)The proposed CAT is for 5 years with a break clause of 3months notice

2)The previous agreements regarding the Library will be continued

3)A review will take place in December 2018, in view of further budget uncertainty from March 2019

4)To formalise the procedure Baildon Town Council will need to complete a Stage 2 CAT application

5)A Partnership Agreement has been drafted regarding the Town Council’s role in decisions regarding the future of the site to be signed off at, at least, Asst. Director level

6)The rates for the site were incorrect in the original calculations and, therefore, the previous charge of £3,400 for the whole site, has been increased to £4,550 for ICH alone. If we hadn’t pushed to keep the Library separate (see point 2) there would be a rates liabilityof £17,000. Previous calculations had been made on a basis similar to other public hall transfers but these are to charities and get rate relief. We and Bradford are not and don’t.

7)Baildon TC to collect and pay over to Bradford Estates hire income from local groups up to a maximum of £12,000 as Bradford will no longer have a Public Halls team to administer bookings. This does not include funding from Adult Education and Libraries, which will go direct to Bradford Estates

8)Baildon TC will manage all bookings, which is a cost in terms of officer time

9)Baildon Town Councilwill be responsible for arranging cleaning and caretaking, the current costs are circa £4,000. We may look to find savings here.

10)There is a shortfall in funding of £22,633 for which we will be liable to pay half ie £11,316. This figure includes the rates and caretaking and cleaning costs already mentioned in 6) and 9) above and leads to a further amount of £2,733 as in the summary below

11)Bradford will take on all other liabilities, including for example, a share of the shortfall, utilities, repairs and any reduction in expected room hire income

Summary of Financial Situation

Total Average Running Costs:£61 836£61 836(A)

Income from local user groups£12 087

Income for Adult Education£15 000

Income Libraries Contribution£12 116

Total Expected Income£39 203(B)

Shortfall in funding£22 633 (A)- (B)

50/50 split – Baildon contribution total£11 316

Baildon contribution to cover: Cleaning and Caretaking £4 033 (see note 9 above)

Ian Clough Hall Rates £4 550

Shortfall Contribution £2 733

Total £11 316

NB The rates and the shortfall contribution to be paid to Bradford as per point 22 of the Heads of Terms.

The Lease and Partnership Agreement contain all further known details.

If any other information becomes available it will be reported to councillors at the meeting on 12th March.