Report on Tarunotsava
Tarunotsava programme commenced with an invocation rendered by the participants. An introduction to the programme was given by Mrs.T.Uma Maheswari PGT(Eng) and S.Thamilarasan PGT(Phy). Later Dr.V.Kalyanaraman, Principal highlighted the salient features of the programme and motivated participations to be active and regular to benefit the most from the programme.
The First Day
Dr.Rajesh Kanna, the guest Lecturer created awareness in the process of “Strength and weakness analysis of personality”. The second session of the First day concluded with Mrs.L.Nyvethitha Engineer, ESSKAY DESIGN AND STRUCTURES Pvt.Ltd highlighted the development and career guidance.
The Second day:
On the second day, the participants took up newspaper activity as a language building exercise by Dr.V.Kalyanaram, Principal.
In the career guidance session, students were made to understand in various avenues in educational field by shri S.Thamilarasan PGT (Phy).
The third day:
Continued the Session on ground water recharge and usage by A.Muthamilselvan Assistant Professor, Centre for Remote Sensing,Bharthidasan University,Trichy. The session was on what is drinking water? What is the source of drinking water? What is the water budget? And what are the causes of ground water depletion. The participates found the session as the best session.
In connection with world health day, the participants prepared food without fire under the guidance of Dr.V.Kalyanaraman, Principaland Dr.Rekha Yoga Teacher.
The Fourth day
Activities to improve Language skills(Both in English and Hindi)On the 4th day students were given exposures to improve their language skills like listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing in English under the guidance of Mrs.T.Uma Maheswari PGT(Eng).
The Fith Day
On the 5th day students were exposed through various activities in Hindi such as extempore, drama, skit, making films etc., under the guidance of Mrs.Ganga naidu Assistant Professor dhanalakhsmi Srinivan Arts college Perambalur.
The School invited madam Ranjana Inspector of Police, Perambalur to highlight the Safety and security to protect themselves from the miscreants and emphasized the important of obeying the Traffic Rules.
The Sixth Day
Next day (i.e) 6th day was Career guidance & Counseling section in which students were highlighted the future prospects of different courses, availability of various academic programmes in different Schools/Colleges and universities by Shri.S.Thamilarasan PGT (Phy) of this Vidyalaya.
The Seventh Day
On the 7th day the vidyalaya conducted drawing and painting competition, solo song competition and group song competition for the interested students. Under the supervision of Shri.Sanjay Singh Gautham TGT(AE).
The Eight Day
On the 8th day school arranged special coaching’s sections in sports under the guidance of Mr.Mohan various sports were conducted and the selected students are being participated at Regional Level Sports Meet.
The Ninth Day
On the 9th day students were made to acquire and understand on basic concepts in science (Physics,chemics,Biology) and its applications on day to day life, by Shri.S.Thamilarasan PGT (Phy), Shri.R.Tamilselvan PGT(Bio) and Shri.K.Karthik Kumar PGT(Che).
The Tenth day
On 10th day students were made to understand simple technique in basic mathematical operations such as Vedic approach and numerical abilities,etc.,by Mr.V.Krishnamoorthy PGT(Maths).
The Eleventh day
On 11th day students were exposed to E-Learning ,data analysis through excel, showing presentation using MS power point with the help of YouTube videos channel like Khan Academy videos etc under the guidance of Shri.Mohammad Ahsan PGT (Comp.Sci).
The twelfth day
On 12th day DR.Mithra,secretary,Christian education society, focused on personality development. how people study the character of a person through their hand writing and how personality is formed through fundamental structures of the human mind,the id,ego and super ego
On13th day faculty of Dhanlakshmi SirinivasanCollege of education on innovative school visit, visited our school observed the teacher’s classes, performed experiments interacted with the students as a part and also participated in Tarunotsava Program.
Tarunotsava program for the year 2018-19 of KV Perambalur has come to an end with the vote of thanks to the authorities and the organization. Participant expressed their heart fell gratitude for having conducted such a wonderful program.