PrivateHorticultural Polytechnics
Dr. Y.S.R. Horticultural University
AdministrativeOffice, Venkataramannagudem – 534 101
West Godavari district, ANDHRA PRADESH
Venkataramannagudem – 534 101
RC.No.4561/Spl.Cell/2015 Date:07.04.2018
Expression of Interest is invitedfromthereputededucational Institutions/NGOs/other private organisations forestablishmentof privateHorticultural Polytechnicsin four (4) districts viz., Kurnool, Nellore, Srikakulam and Visakhapatnam ofAndhra Pradesh withaffiliationto DR.YSRHU.
Interested firms may expresstheirinterestasper theproformaanddetails indicated in the University website The REGISTRAR, DR.YSRHU,Administrative Office,Venkataramannagudem – 534 101 latestby4.00 P.Mon 07.05.2018 in a sealed cover superscribing “Expression of Interestfor Private Horticultural Polytechnics” alongwiththeprescribedfees.
General Instructions
TheDr.YSR Horticultural University(DR.YSRHU),Venkataramannagudeminvites“ExpressionofInterest”fromReputedEducationalInstitutes/NGOs/ Other private Organizationshavingvastexperienceineducation,socialservice,charityetc., whohave service motoforservingtheagriculturalsectorandfarmersinAndhra Pradeshandnot-for profitmoto,for the establishment of privatepolytechnicsinthe field of Horticulture during the AcademicYear2018-19intheStateofAndhraPradesh. TheApplicantshouldsubmit ‘Expression of Interest (EOI) to the University as per the prescribed Proforma addressedtotheRegistrar,Admin.Office,Dr.YSR Horticultural University, Venkataramannagudem, West Godavari district -534 101 .TheApplicationsreceived after the last date will notbeaccepted.
The prescribedProformafortheEOIandthedetailsregardingnormsand guidelines for affiliation of Private polytechnics can be downloaded from University website. TheApplicationwithEOImust beaccompaniedbyaDemandDraftfor Rs.10,000/- (Rupees Ten thousand only) towardsapplication Fee(Non-refundable)in favour of Comptroller,DR.YSRHU,payable atTadepalligudem. The lastdate ofsubmission ofsealedEOIapplicationand otherdocumentscompleteinall respects (copies of documentsoflandregistration,buildingplansandphotographs)isupto07-05-2018at 16.00hrs. The application without the application fee of Rs.10,000/- will not be accepted. DR.YSRHU reservestheright toacceptorrejectany/allapplicationswithout assigning anyreasonthereoforincurring any liability whatsoever. Prospective applicantsareadvisedtoregularlyscan throughDR.YSRHUwebsite ascorrigendum/ amendmentsetc., ifany,willbenotifiedontheDR.YSRHU websiteandseparate advertisementwill notbemadeforthis.Applicantsshall notethattheselectionprocess willbesubjectedtorelevantGovernmentordersandguidelines.TheUniversityreserves the right to cancel the processordefertheprocess without assigning any reason, in the larger academic interest.
Superfluous and unnecessaryinformationneednotbefurnished.Noinformation shallbeentertainedaftersubmissionofEOIdocuments unless specifically called for.
The organizations / Institutions / NGOs, who fulfil the norms, guidelines and requirementsforestablishmentofPolytechnicsneedonlytosubmittheEOI. Hence, theapplicantsarestrictlyadvisedtocheckwhethertheyfulfilalltherequirements ofLand,buildings,Staff,Infrastructuralfacilities,Corpusfund/equipped laboratory facilities before submitting the Expression ofInterest, since the application fee is non- refundable.
About Dr.YSR Horticultural University (DR.YSRHU)
Andhra Pradesh Horticultural University (APHU) was established by the Government of Andhra Pradesh through Act No. 30 of 2007 with head quarters at Venkataramannagudem, Near Tadepalligudem, West Godavari district. This University renamed as Dr. YSR Horticultural University (Dr.YSRHU) through Act 13 of 2011. Dr.YSR Horticultural University holds pride of place as the Second Horticultural University in India and the first of its kind in south India. Dr.YSRHU is a specialized University for horticulture-related Education, Research and Extension. After State bifurcation the University is now meant for 13 district of new Andhra Pradesh State. The University is now running eight (8) Horticultural Colleges, nine (9) Horticultural Polytechnics, Eighteen(18) Research Stations and four (4) Krishi Vigyan Kendas in Andhra Pradesh.
The Dr.YSR Horticultural University has established Horticultural Polytechnic in the State offering a Post matriculate diploma in Horticulture with an objective to train the rural youth as gross root level workers catering to the needs of Horticulture and allied sectors. Initially it was designated as terminal diploma course for those candidates who could not afford to pursue higher education and to provide avenues for self employment. Later the University has provided an opportunity to these diploma holders to pursue higher education by reserving 15 percent of the seats in B.Sc(Hons) Horticulture through a common Entrance Examination, HORTICET conducted by the University.
The duration for the Diploma in Horticulture is two years (Four Semesters) and the medium of instruction is in Telugu. The syllabus for the diploma course is so designed to enable the students to “Learn by doing” in various subjects like crop production, crop protection, Soil Science, Horticultural Engineering and Seed production etc., Presently the four Government Horticultural Polytechnics are 1) SKPP Horticultural Polytechnic, Ramachandrapuram, East Godavari district (2) Horticultural Polytechnic, Nuzvid, Krishna district (3) Horticultural Polytechnic, Kalikiri, Chittoor district (4) SSPG Horticultural Polytechnic, Madakasira, Ananthapuram district and five Private Horticultural Polytechnics are (1) N.R.R. Horticultural Polytechnic, Neliparthi village, Salur mandal, Vizianagaram District, (2) Nova College of Horticultural Polytechnic,Vegavaram, Jangareddygudem, West Godavari District, (3) Sadineni Chowdaraiah Horticultural Polytechnic, Maddirala, Chilakaluripet mandal, Guntur District, (4) S.B.V.R Horticultural Polytechnic Badvel, Kadapa District, (5) S.B.L.R Horticultural Polytechnic, Khambalapadu village, Podili mandal, Prakasam District.
Thefollowingnormsandguidelinesareframedforimprovingqualityeducation in Private Polytechnics affiliated to Dr.YSR Horticultural University (DR.YSRHU)andwillbeeffectivefromtheAcademicYear2018-19.
1. Admission:
Admission into the Private Polytechnics will be made by DR.YSRHU along withthe PolytechnicsrunbytheUniversitywiththeexistingselectioncriteria.Intakeofstudents in each Polytechnic is not more than 40and will be decided by the University depending upon the Diploma course, facilities, manpower and infrastructure. Reservation guidelinesadoptedinGovernment shall be followed.
The entire seats allocation will be done by DR.YSRHU only and there is no provisionformanagementquotaseats.
2. Name of the Courses:
(a) TheHorticultural PolytechnicsofferDiplomainHorticulture(DH)
3. Syllabus & Medium:
CoursecurriculumadoptedinDR.YSRHUshallbefollowedinPrivatePolytechnics also
4. Duration & Medium of the Diploma:
a) For DH : 2 Years (Telugu medium)
5. Affiliation Fee:
The Institutes have to pay the followingamountsperyearperDiploma
course towards affiliation fee.
OnePolytechnic/diplomawith 40 students – Rs.1,00,000/- (Rupees One lakh only)
6. UniversityExaminationFee:
Also an amount of Rs.930/- (Rupees nine hundred and thirty only) per student per semester towards University ExaminationFee has to be paid toDR.YSRHU within one month from the commencementofthesemester with an increase of 10% hike every year.
7. CorpusFund:
ThecorpusfundtoDR.YSRHUisRs.15,00,000/- (Rupees Fifteen Lakhs only). The Corpus fund mustbe paid after the Committee, constitutedforevaluationor therequirementsphysically,recommends for permission. Finalpermissionwillbegrantedonlyafterpayment of corpus fund to the University.
8. Fee Structure:
For the First Year First Semester is Rs.19,970/-(Rupeesnineteen thousand nine hundred and seventyonly) and Rs.13,310/- (Rupeesthirteen thousand three hundred and ten only) for the First year Second semester with an increase of 10% hike in every year.
9. HostelDepositHostelEstablishmentCharges:
AnamountofRs.5000/-(RupeesFivethousand only) to be paid atthe time of
taking admission towards Hostel Deposit (Refundable). Hostel establishment charges shall not be more than Rs.400/- (Rupees four hundred only) per student per month under any circumstances.Messchargesshallbecollectedfromthestudentsonmonthly basisas per the University rules. The exemption will be given to days scholars if the parents/guardiansresideinthesametownorvillage.
10. / SeatCancellationFee:ForGeneralCandidates / Rs.1000/- (Rs. One thousands only)
ForSC/ST Candidates / Rs. 500/- (Rs. Five hundred only)
11. / StaffPattern:
Principal: M.Sc (Horti) specialization in Horticulture/M.Sc(Ag) in Horti/Post-Graduate in Agriculture Sciences with minimum of 3 years experience in Horticultural crops.
HEO : Farm Manager (Diploma in Horticulture)
Teaching : 3– B.Sc. (Horti) – 1 lady teaching assistant compulsory
Assistants wherever Girl students are enrolled
Non-teaching staff:
Junior Assistant:Two
(For Boys & Girls Hostels)
12. InfrastructuralFacilities
The following infrastructural facilities are to be provided by the Polytechnic.
(a) Land
Cultivated land of 20 ha. (Twenty hectares only) withsufficient irrigation facilities is essential to start a Polytechnic.Thelandshouldberegisteredinthenameof the applicant(s)withinthevicinity of 3 km.
Copiesofrelevantdocuments or registration must beenclosedwithapplication with latest E.C.
(b) Buildings
For Horticultural Polytechnics:
AnAdministrativeOfficewith120sq.mspaceandwaitingroomforgirls and
proper rest rooms for all
Twolecturehallsof80squaremeterscarpetareaeachwithstudytables to
take first year and second yearclasses.
Two laboratories of 80 sq.mts each of carpet area is needed.
One room measuring 50 square meters carpet area for staff
A separate room for library with 300 square meters carpet area is needed.
Toaccommodate 40girlsand 40boys,twoseparatehostelsarerequired.
X21 feet each with partitions in which 14 students can be
accommodated). A separate 32 X 21 feetkitchen and dining hall shall be
Copies of relevant documents of registration,building plans & photographs mustbeenclosedwiththeapplication.
13. RulesandRegulations:
TheRulesRegulationsframedin Dr.YSRHUregarding academics, admissions, conduct and discipline including anti ragging rules as per Supreme Court Guidelines as given in DR.YSRHU – Regulations – 1986 (and amendments as and when) are applicable to the students ofall polytechnics both Govt. andPrivate,affiliated toDR.YSRHU.
14. Award of Diploma: Diploma will be awarded by DR.YSRHU.
15. Criteria for selection and monitoring of PrivatePolytechnic: Theselection criteria consists of two phases
Inthefirstphase, the application in the prescribed proforma will be scrutinized in terms of the norms, guidelinesandrequirementsbasedonthe supporting documents submittedalongwiththeapplication. The firms who fulfillthe requirements, norms and guidelines in all aspectswill be short listed. The DR.YSRHUreserves theright to acceptor rejectany/allapplicationswithoutassigninganyreasonthereof orincurringanyliability whatsoever.
Inthesecondphase,theDR.YSRHUwillconstitute a team which will visit the proposed site, inspect the amenities, and other infrastructural facilities of the firms short listed and submit a report to the University with recommendations/ remarks.
16. De-affiliationrules:
The Private Polytechnics shall be closely monitored by the Committee constitutedbytheDR.YSRHUfromtimetotime.Anydeficienciesandirregularitieswill leadtoimmediatecancellation oftheaffiliation.
The private polytechnics can be de-affiliated for thefollowingreasons: (1)Mass copying
(2) Insufficient number of teachers
(3) Improperconductingoftheoryandpracticalclasses
(4) Improper maintenanceof laboratories and library facilities
(5) Deviation from the academic rulesand regulations and
(6)Non-compliance with all norms and guidelinesfor affiliation. The final authorityforde-affiliationistheVice-Chancellor,DR.YSRHU.
FAX: 08818-284311
I. ApplicationforDiplomainHorticulture
III. ProposedYearofStarting(Academicyear) :
IV. ParticularsofInstitution/Organization/ Societies
a) NameoftheInstitute/Organization/ Societies :
b) PostalAddress
Town/Village : Mandal : District : Pin :
V. Phone–Office(WithSTDcode) :
a) MobileNumber : b) FaxNumber : c) E-mail :
d) Website :
a) Name : b) Designation : c) EducationalQualifications : d) Experience : e) AddressforCorrespondence :
f) Phone (Office) : g) Mobile : h) Fax : i) E-mail :
VII. Land Particulars (Copies of proof should be enclosed)
1) Land Location :
2) Distance fromthe Polytechnic :
3) Area (In ha.) :
4) Survey Number :
5) Whether Registered :
6)RegistrationNo. & Date : (enclose copies)
7) Irrigation :
8) Extent of area under Rain fed :
9) Extent of area under cultivation :
10) Source of Irrigation :
11) Farm machinery and equipments available :
VIII. Building and Infrastructure facilities (Copies of proof should be enclosed)
1) Total built up area : a) Carpet area : b) No. of rooms (give dimensions) : c) Total Administrative area :
2) Amenities available: (Copies of proof should be enclosed)
a) Class rooms : b) Laboratories : c) Library : d) Computer roomwith No. of Computers : e) Internet facility (LAN/VAN/Wi Fi) :
IX. Hostels:(Copies of proof should be enclosed)
1) No. of Rooms available: : a) For Girls : b) For Boys :
2) Kitchen and dining halls available or not :
3) If, available the dimension of the room :
4) Sports and Games facilities: :
a) Facilities for outdoor games (ground area etc.,) :
b) Facilities for indoor games : X. Medical facilities whetheravailable with in the :
XI. NCC/NSSUnits : XII. Other Information:
1) Awards/ Honors received :
2) Briefly mention notable extra curricular/ charitable: Activities ofthe Society/ Organization/NGO
3) Specify any other information that brought Laurels: To Organization.
Note: Furnish both hard and soft copies of the documents for proof and photographs of the facilities available.