Plan for Assessment
Introduction to Welding
A weldingunit introduces students to safety hazards associated with laboratory activities, discuss careers related to metals and welding, and teach students the accurate techniques for welding on different machines. The grading system consists of a variety of techniques to ensure students are achieving necessary skills and knowledge from the work sample.Formative, summative, and authentic forms of assessment are incorporated into the five categories of student evaluation. A detailed syllabus is handed out to describe each area of evaluation, and eliminate confusion about student expectations and course objectives.
Student Participation (40%)
Students are graded on classroom and laboratory participation including: attendance, active participation, notebooks, and the daily use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and safety. Students will keep complete and organized notebooks which outline progress made on a daily basis. Students who do not behave in a safe manner or wear incorrect PPE are not allowed to participate in laboratory activities, and alternative assignments will be designated.
Labs/Projects (30%)
The Advanced Metals and Welding class is a primarily hands-on laboratory environment where students are asked to advance their skills and knowledge from the prerequisite course of Introduction to Metals and Welding. Assessment in the laboratoryand projects will be conducted through rubrics, discussion, self-evaluation, and peer grading.Rubrics help students problem solve and develop solutions for correcting welds. Students will be asked to perform several welds to determine understanding of techniques and principals.
Assignments (10%)
Worksheets, handouts, notes, and other in-class assignments are expected to be completed on time and convey that students have vested appropriate time and effort. Late assignments can be turned in with a point deduction, and below-average work is to be corrected and resubmitted. Assignments will be organized in student notebooks for future reference on tests, quizzes, and other assignments.
Tests (10%)
A pre-test will be administered in the beginning of the course to determine student knowledge and understanding of MIG, Oxygen/Acetylene, and TIG welding, shop safety, and basic metals knowledge. Pretests will be graded and passed back for students to review and use as a resource for the final assessment or post-test. The pre-test and the post-test will be identical tests evaluating the level of learning throughout the work sample, and designed after the objectives of the course.
Quizzes (10%)
Written, oral, group, and individual quizzes are administered to check for understanding of unit material. Quizzes are short in length usually less than ten questions and may include short answer, fill in the blank answers, or multiple choice.
Extra Credit
Involvement in FFA activities may serve as extra credit opportunities. After students have attended meetings, community service events, Career Development Events, or other activity a brief synopsis will be written to explain students’ involvement and responsibilities within the activity, to receive the extra points.