CLN4U1-Mock Trial- Day 1- Getting Started:
- Read through the case study as a group and discuss the charges against the accused and some of the key points/issues for your side (crown or defence). Keep in mind, each time you read through your mock trial case you will discover more evidence.
- Determine what role each student would like to play. Remember, 1 or 2 students may have to take on an additional role- an opener or a closer, depending on the size of your group. There are 8 roles that need to be filled- if your group is smaller than 8 students, than some group members will need to double up.
- Write out your groups roles below:
Opening Statement:
Direct Examination of your first witness #1:
Direct Examination of your second witness #2:
Cross Examination of the opposing side’s first witness #1:
Cross Examination of the opposing side’s second witness #2:
Closing Statement:
Witness #1:
Witness #2
- Each person should start working on summarizing/highlighting the points that help you, and the points that hurt your side with regards to your anticipated evidence. Remember, these cases are a shade of gray -we wouldn’t be able to run a mock trial if there was a clear cut winner (the accused is beyond a reasonable doubt guilty, or 100% innocent).
- As a group, exchange contact information. You will need to converse outside of class time, so please exchange appropriate contact info, so you can be reached.
To become familiar with your case, please attempt to answer all of the following questions. You will hand these questions in when the mock trial is finished.
- What are the charges that are being brought before the court? (What does the accused stand charged with)?
- As either the defence or the crown, what is your main goal or objective in this trial?
- What is the main goal or objective of the opposing council?
- In short summary, what is the trial about?
- Who are the witnesses that your side will be calling to testify? Please provide their names, their occupation and relation to the case.
- Who are the witnesses that the opposing council will be calling to testify? Please provide their names, their occupation and their relation to the case.
- What evidence from your witnesses helps your case (strengthen your position)? Be specific: Witness #1 helps us by providing evidence that, Witness #2 helps us by providing evidence that
- What evidence from your witnesses hurts your case (weakens your case)? Be specific:
- How does the evidence from the opposing side help you? Please provide 3 examples
- How does the evidence from the opposing side hurt you? Please provide 3 examples