Report from the Chair
Chief Pat Kelly
As we approach 1000 paid members in this relatively new EFO Section I want to provide you with some updates on what your Board has been doing since September 2015.
•In the upcoming IAFC 2nd Vice Presidential election the Board had some good conversation about the two candidates and decided we were going to endorse Chief Gary Curmode for that position. Gary had been very active as a Board member representing the Missouri Valley section in the old National Society of Executive Fire Officers (NSEFO) prior to becoming the now EFO Section. As an EFO grad we believe he can represent the fire service nation well over the next three years
•Our Section has two seats up for election this year; Great Lakes Region and the Western Region. If you have an interest in representing either of these two sections please go to the website for information on how you can “throw your hat into the ring”. You will be receiving, or should have already received, an email discussing the elections and the importance that you vote for those who will represent you in your region. Please be active in this section and vote when the time comes.
•The Section just completed our first Strategic Direction Plan. It was presented to the entire IAFC Board on April 14, 2016 and was unanimously approved. This provides the section with a strategic direction for the next 2 years. I encourage everyone to go to the website and review this document to see where your section is going.
•In reviewing your monthly OnScene Magazine you will find an article each month written by a Board member of this section. I encourage each of you, who have a great idea, to develop an article and submit it to our section for consideration to be published through the IAFC in one of the forums available.
•This section again is very active in the management of the EFO Symposium at the National Fire Academy. This year the Symposium will be held September 8-10 with the Symposium moving to the Spring, as had been held in the past, in 2017. Registration is open so sign up to attend this great reunion and educational opportunity that is being held for the 28th time.
•If you are going to Dallas for FRI this year please stop by the EFO Section Booth in the IAFC arena and talk to a Board member.
•Members of the Board are currently sitting on three different IAFC Committees representing you and this section.
•IAFC Elections Committee - Vice Chair Harold Phillips
•Succession Planning - Past NSEFO Chair William Bingham
•New Section Efforts Committee - Southwestern Rep. William Hyde
The final informational piece that I want to bring to your attention is a joint committee that your EFO Section has established to look at Professional Development for the fire service. Members from the EFO, VCOS and Company Officers Sections, along with members of the IAFC Professional Development Committee and other invited guests, have agreed to join forces in this initiative. Our objective is to look at what each group is doing so as to not duplicate efforts in this area. We have only had 2 meetings so we are in the discussion phase and I will keep you updated as we solidify our goals and objectives.