How and Why?

Choose two and write a thorough response.

These two questions are worth twenty percent (20%) of your Chapter test score.

1. Describe examples of both vertical and horizontal integration.

2. In what ways did labor conditions change for the working class in the 50 years after the Civil War?

3. What conditions were similar and different for new immigrants and black in urban areas?

4. How did nativist groups attempt to halt the mixture of culture that came to the United States in the period 1880-1910?

5. What circumstances led to the sudden rise and fall of the Knights of Labor?

6. Compare and contrast the philosophies and tactics of the Knights of Labor, the American Federation of Labor, and the International Workers of the World? Why, in the long run, did one group succeed while the other two failed?

7. What social developments reveal the emergence of a predominant middle-class culture in the United States?

8. Address the following statement: “Despite the great wealth produced by the industrial boom, class divisions in America were sharply divisive in the period 1880-1910.”

9. How did the newly developed immigrant neighborhoods provide a familiar and supportive environment for its inhabitants?

10. Support one of the following positions:

“New immigrants were assimilated into mainstream American culture.”

“New immigrants adjusted to mainstream American culture.”

“New immigrants adjusted to American culture and contributed to its diversity.”