Public Use of City Hall (Councillor D. Thiele).

That the March 26, 2003, Corporate Services Department report be received for information.

Report Summary

This report responds to an inquiry regarding public use of City Hall.

Previous Council/Committee Action

At the February 19, 2003, Executive Committee meeting, Councillor D. Thiele made the following inquiry:

“I received a letter from the Edmonton Inter Faith Centre. They were dismayed and surprised that permission for their prayer service, “prayers for peace,” to be held in the City Room of City Hall was cancelled. Edmonton Inter Faith Centre represents many, if not all, faiths in the city and as a group feels more comfortable using City Hall as a neutral ground.

  1. In the letter it states that the reason for this event being cancelled was for it’s “political overtones.” What were the political overtones?
  2. What is the policy in regards to having events and bookings at City Hall?
  3. How do “Prayers for Peace” differ from the prayers held before each City Council meeting?
  4. What other organizations are we not going to allow to book events at City Hall? NAARR (Northern Alberta Alliance on Race Relations), environmental organizations, etc.?
  5. Does the policy restrict social issues such as poverty, feeding children, race relations and diversity?
  6. How does this “Prayers for Peace” differ from the previous services that they, Edmonton Inter Faith Centre, have had in City Hall?”


The answers to the above questions are reported in the same order as asked:

  1. The Council-approved City Hall Space Use Policy A1432 is very clear on this issue. Clause 9.01 reads: “Public rallies involving people protesting, promoting or supporting an issue not related to a matter over which the City of Edmonton has jurisdiction shall not be approved.” The theme of the service - the possible war in Iraq- was clearly not an issue over which City Council had jurisdiction.
  2. The policy, which was adopted by City Council in April 2001, has few limitations on community user groups booking City Hall. User groups must be a registered, non-profit organization carrying on activities that benefit a broad cross-section of the community. They must also provide proof of insurance. Bookings are taken on a first-come basis and groups are only charged on a cost-recovery basis when they require City services to support their event. City Hall has fewer booking restrictions in place than either the Alberta Legislature or Canada Place.
  3. The prayer given before each City Council meeting is a regularly scheduled agenda item regardless of current local or world events. The Prayers for Peace service was clearly focused on the war in Iraq.
  4. All bookings are based on City Hall Space Use Policy A1432. City Hall will continue to be available for community groups to meet and gather.
  5. The NAARR has met two or three times in recent years at City Hall, as have several local environmental groups. The City of Edmonton shares common goals with both these groups and has some authority over diversity, race relations, and environmental issues.
  6. Examples of issues that would not be permitted in City Hall include those involving international border disputes, oppressed peoples from other countries and social policy issues that are the responsibility of the federal or provincial governments.
  7. The policy does not restrict social issues from coming to City Hall as long as City Council has jurisdiction over the issue. Issues like poverty, feeding children, race relations and diversity all fall, to some degree, within City Council’s jurisdiction.
  8. The Edmonton Interfaith Centre holds two or three events in City Hall each year, e.g. the United Nations Day for Elimination of Racial Discrimination. Their celebrations have been general in nature, non-denominational and unrelated to current events.

Background Information Attached.

  1. City Hall Space Use Policy A1432

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Attachment 1

City Hall Space Use Policy A1432


City Council (information) 2001 04 09 / City Manager
Senior Management Team 2001 02 15
PREPARED BY: / Corporate Services Department, Communication Branch / DATE: / 2000 11 30
Policy Statement:


The purpose of this policy is to:

Provide a fair and reasonable procedure for the use of City Hall space while maintaining the principle of public access to City Hall. It also ensures that the majority of non-civic events hosted by Edmonton and area registered not-for-profit organizations are free and open to all citizens. The operating principle of "user pay" for incremental costs is reflected in these procedures.

This policy is subject to any specific provisions of 1he Municipal Government Act or other relevant legislation or Union Agreement.

Attachment 1

City Hall Space Use Policy A1432


1.01 “Advertising and Commercials” means any filming activity that uses the image of City Hall to state or imply an endorsement of, or connection to, a product or service.

1.02 “Carillon” means the 23-bell system atop the Friendship Tower of City Hall Plaza, which is capable of automatically performing various tunes and being operated manually by a keyboard.

1.03 “Catered Events” means an event involving the serving of light finger foods and/or non-alcoholic beverages.

1.04 “Charitable Appeals” means appeals in which funds are directly solicited (i.e. Poppy Drive, Daffodil Day, etc.).

1.05 “City Hall Host” means a staff member provided by the City of Edmonton to facilitate and assist with an event on-site prior to, during and immediately following the event.

1.06 “City Manager” means the chief administrative officer within the meaning of the Municipal Government Act or his delegate.

1.07 ”City Room” means the main public area on the main floor within City Hall.

1.08 “Commercial Activity” means an activity in which goods, services or entertainment are sold for profit for the benefit of a private business and not the general public.

1.09 “Community Flag Pole” means a flag pole located on the southwest corner of the plaza near the Cenotaph.

1.10 “Community Not-for-Profit Displays” means a static or video presentation that assists not-for-profit organizations to communicate on activities and topics of interest to the general community.

1.11 “Community Special Event” means a free, open general public activity or activities organized and managed by Edmonton area not-for-profit groups presenting topics of broad community interest (example: public meetings, forums, information exchanges, media conferences, kick-off events for registered charitable appeals, community entertainment).

1.12 “Corporate Displays” means a static or video presentation created by a civic department or one of the civic agencies on community-related issues and services.

1.13 “Corporate Special Event” means activities sponsored by the City of Edmonton or one of its mandated boards or authorities.

1.14 “Council-Sponsored Event” means any private or public corporate event approved directly by City Council and held at City Hall.

1.15 “Displays” means a static or video presentation, which assists groups and the City of Edmonton to communicate topics of interest to the community-at-large.

1.16 “Feature Film Making” means filming activities, which are undertaken for the purpose of entertaining or educating, with no advertising or sales message stated or implied.

1.17 “Fund Raising Activities” means an activity in which goods, services or entertainment are sold to the public, with profits returning to a group to benefit the community at large (i.e.: bake sales, auctions, raffles, bridge-a-thons, private concerts and other activities).

1.18 “Heritage Room” means a large meeting room located on the southeast side within City Hall.

1.19 “Incremental Costs” means expenses that are above the regular operating cost to maintain building operations and public programming.

1.20 “Media Conference Room” means a small room (maximum capacity 20 people) located on the second floor of City Hall by the media offices.

1.21 “News Conference” means any event organized for the purpose of attracting media coverage. A formal news conference may involve speakers, activities, entertainment, displays, etc.

1.22 “Not-for-Profit Organizations” means groups that are established and registered under a law of Alberta or Canada for a purpose other than to make a profit, who operate within the Edmonton region, and who carry on activities benefiting a broad cross-section of the community.

1.23 “Permanent Displays” mean works of art, an award or gift to the City, or other objects and memorabilia significant to Edmonton's history, milestones, achievements, or City Hall's role as the legislative centre of municipal government.

1.24 “Plaza” means the area located immediately south of City Hall, including the large reflecting pool and grass areas.

1.25 “Public Rallies” means events which involve people protesting, promoting or supporting an issue through the use of any or all of the following:

·  Devices to amplify sound.

·  The carrying of signs or placards.

·  Angry, abusive language or shouting.

1.26 “Site” means the City Hall building and surrounding grounds that are considered part of City Hall's property.

1.27 “Use Agreement” means a signed agreement between the City of Edmonton and a group or organization that outlines the terms and conditions for using City Hall for a booked event or activity.


2.01 City Manager shall specify procedures for approvals and appeals.


3.01 Applicants shall sign an agreement respecting terms and conditions of use, which allows the City to charge costs for any equipment provided or work done by City staff or authorized contractors in respect of or related to the event. This agreement imposes a general liability insurance requirement, an indemnity and waiver provision, and any other terms and conditions that the Law Branch deems advisable.

3.02 The requesting organization's mandate and activities shall not discriminate against any individual or group as outlined in the Human Rights, Citizenship and Multiculturalism Act.

3.03 The City of Edmonton reserves the right to set the level of service required and the resulting charges, based on the nature and size of the activity. These charges will be identified at the time of booking.

3.04 A group (Group A) has four weeks to confirm its booking details. However, if another group (Group B) contacts City Hall in the meantime requesting the same date and space, and is prepared to provide signed paperwork immediately, then Group A shall be given one week to confirm its booking. If Group A is unable to do so, the space shall be forfeited to Group B.

3.05 All events shall be pre-booked with all forms completed and the necessary documents received by the booking staff at least 48 hours prior to the event.


4.01 Normal Plaza hours of use shall be Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. – 10 p.m.; Saturday, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.; Sunday 11 a.m. – 5 p.m.

4.02 Attendance in the Plaza paved area, excluding the pool/rink area, shall be limited to 1,700 people. When the empty pool is included, attendance shall be limited to 4,700.

4.03 The City of Edmonton may reserve Plaza space but other non-reserved groups may use the Plaza for spontaneous activities at any given time.

4.04 Set-up and takedown shall not interfere with the normal operation of City Hall.

4.05 Cooking shall not be permitted on the Plaza.

4.06 Commercial activities shall not be permitted on the Plaza.

4.07 Signage shall not be permitted on the Plaza without the approval of Communications Branch.

4.08 Vehicle access or parking shall not be permitted on the Plaza unless otherwise authorized by Asset Management & Public Works.

4.09 Skate boarding, bicycle riding or in-line skating shall not be permitted on the Plaza.

4.10 Collection of names on a petition shall be permitted on the Plaza provided that they do not impede pedestrian traffic.

4.11 City Hall furniture shall not be used outside on the Plaza.

4.12 Utilizing the City Room as a rainout option will be considered only if it has been booked in advance. In this instance, groups shall become responsible for incremental costs as outlined in the Cost Recovery Guidelines. Costs will be estimated at the time of booking. Cancellation of rainout space must be received at least 24 hours in advance of the event, or by Friday at noon for weekend events.

4.13 As the Plaza is immediately adjacent to Sir Winston Churchill Square, requests for Plaza use shall consider activities booked in Churchill Square to ensure activities in the Square are not visually or audibly compromised by an activity on the Plaza, and vice versa.

4.14 Refer to section 8.0 of this policy and procedures document for additional information or limitations regarding Plaza use.


5.01 Normal City Room hours of use shall be Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. – 10:00 p.m.; Saturdays 9 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.; Sundays and Statutory Holidays 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., closed Christmas and New Years Day.

5.02 Attendance shall not exceed 350 people with chairs or 600 people using the staircase for seating.

5.03 Attendance at stand-up receptions shall not exceed 800 people.

5.04 Attendance at sit down receptions with people seated in rounds of 10 shall not exceed 180 people (if sight lines are required) or 220 people, if tables are placed at the sides of the grand staircase. Larger groups may be considered on an individual basis.

5.05 The collection of names on a petition shall not be permitted in the City Room.

5.06 Skate boarding, bicycle riding or in-line skating shall not be permitted in the City Room.

5.07 Refer to section 8.0 of this policy and procedures document for additional information or limitations regarding City Room use.


6.01 Normal Heritage Room hours of use shall be Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. – 10:00 p.m.; Saturdays 9 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.; Sundays and Statutory Holidays 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., closed Christmas and New Years Day.

6.02 Attendance shall not exceed 90 people.

6.03 Advanced bookings will be accepted at anytime for one-time events scheduled at City Hall. Other on-going, regularly scheduled functions by not-for-profit community groups can be booked into the Heritage Room, one event booking every 90 days, for a total of four bookings per year.