What Is It?
- It’s the best fun camp to go to!
- Cuboree is a huge camp for Cubs from all over NSW, and maybe cubs from other states. You will meet people from all over the place.
- We will camp and do activities in a Pack of 36 cubs7 leaders, with an adult cooking team.
- We would expect mostcubs from your Pack to be camping in the same Cuboree Pack, with at least one of your normal cub leaders. If none of your leaders can be there, your cubs can still come along, they will get the same care from leaders of a local Pack.
- There is a big Opening Ceremony, with some entertainment, three huge days of activities, and a Closing Ceremony.
- We will provide tents and dining areas, you bring your personal gear.
- There is a practice “Shakedown” camp 16th-17th November 2013for the Pack to meet up. Everyone going to Cuboree must attend this camp. It is a great opportunity to get to know the other leaders and cubs in your “Cuboree Pack”.
When Is It?
- Next January –Monday 6th to Friday 10thJanuary, 2014. We will arrive on Monday, have the Opening Ceremony that night, 3 days of fun, then on Thursday night there will be a Closing Ceremony. One more night camping, then home on Friday.
Where Is It?
- Cataract Scout Park, just near Appin.
What Will We Do?
- The camp’s theme is “Once Upon a Time …”, so we will do all sorts of great activities from different storybooks. We will spend our time doing activities related to Treasure Island (a pirate base) and other things you will just have to come to find out about.
How Much Does It Cost?
- $250 per cub, $200 per leader, scout, venturer, rover or adult helper
- How about doing some fundraising? The more youhelp to fundraise in the next few months, the more you can help offset the cost for each cub. Talk to your Group.
- Application forms back to your cub leader with Cheque for $100 to “your Scout group name” by 15thMay. We have to know this early so we can organise all sorts of things.
Who Can Go?
- Cubs have to be born on or after 10th January, 2003.
- Scouts, Venturers, Rovers and Leaders can come and help, it’s great fun. Scouts must have their Pioneer Badge, have minimum 2 years in Scouts and have attended a Scout Leadership Course. Preferably they will be age 14 at the camp.
- We will have some parent helpers as cooks for our Packs and to help on the Pirate base.
More Information?
- See your cub leader, Contact name on the application form orRegion Office.
- See the NSW Scouts Website and click on the “Cuboree” item.