Project Review Checklist

State Risk Management is statutorily required to review projects pursuant to A.A.C. R2-10-201 and 202. Which are projects where:

  • The cost to construct, alter, or repair a state-owned or leased building will exceed25,000 dollars.
  • Or involving specialized safety or security equipment systems exceeding 10,000 dollars,

This checklist is a tool to assess potential risk exposures during initial project planning and if applicable jobsite walk through. It is intended to be a guide andnot an all-encompassing document that may require inclusion of unidentified concerns or concepts as many aspects of loss preventionare based on Fire/Life/Health and Environmental Safety requirements and BMP. Use this checklist to document your Preconstruction and Building Plan Review recommendations.

Environmental Health and Safety should be involved in all phases of project planning, starting with the initial design meeting, and should be included on the project's design team.

Agency: / Building: / Projected
Contract Date:
Project Number and Name: / Project Manager:
Cite Walk Date: / Agency Contact:
Brief Description or Project Scope of Work:
Air Emissions Equipment / Initial Review / Required Actions / Comments
YES / NO / N/A
Natural Gas installation / In progress
The project includes the installation or modification of fuel-burning equipment, such as: boilers, generators, hot water heaters, internal fuel combustion engines, etc. / Facility may need to obtain Air Permit; or if Facility has Air Permit, then new equipment may need to be added to Air Permit. ADEQ Generators:

Boilers over 200,000 BTU/hr need to comply with Arizona Boiler Act (Title 23, Chapter 2, Article 11) Industrial Commission ADOSH Boiler Safety

See the below links to Maricopa and Pima Counties Permit applications for Boilers over 300,000 BTU/hr and standby generators

*see Oil filled Equipment (Tanks)
Will the project include the installation of equipment, other than fuel-burning equipment, that will release emissions to the air, such as non-steam sterilizers, , or kilns, printing operations, blasting, earth moving, trenchingetc.? / Facility may need to obtain Air Permit; or if Facility has Air Permit, then new equipment may need to be added to Air Permit.
Maricopa Co.
Pima Co
Particle Pollution / YES / NO / N/A / Required Actions / Comments
Will dust or particulates be generated (ex: concrete work, excavations) If total surface area exceeds 0.1 acre. Or PM10 or PM2.5 particle pollution and dust suppression are required to prevent exposure of particulate matter (PM). A mixture of solids and liquid droplets floating in the air. / A.R.S. § 49-457.05, this Dust Action General Permit identifies a series of Best Management Practices (BMPs) for specific dust generating operations.

Asbestos / Initial Review / Required Actions / Comments
YES / NO / N/A
Will any building materials other than unpainted wood, glass, or metal be disturbed? / Request the most current asbestos inspection.
Does the facility have a current asbestos survey? / The asbestos inspection report must be current within one year. If not re-certification by a qualified person is required.
Are asbestos containing materials present or the project at a Public School K-12? / Contractors must be informed of the presence, location, and quantity of Asbestos Containing Material (ACM).
This project involves disturbance of asbestos-containing material (ACM) or material suspected to be ACM? / Qualified contractors must conduct asbestos abatement and disposal. Clearance sampling is also required.
Is a NESHAP Notification required for this project?
 It must be a regulated facility
 There must be RACM
 There must be threshold amounts / A County NESHAP Notification must be filed 10 working days before asbestos abatement occurs.
Consult ADEQ asbestos webpage for information on NESHAP Notification.
RACM threshold amounts: 260 linear feet or more on pipes
160 square feet or more on other facility components
35 cubic feet or more off facility components
Lead / YES / NO / N/A / Required Actions / Comments
Does the scope of work involve impacting or removing painted interior or exterior materials? / The Contractor shall be registered with the EPA as a Renovation, Repair, and Painting Contractor (RRP
See the EPA guidance onlead containing work.
The Contractor must adhere to the federal requirements listed in 29 CFR 1926.62 OSHA Construction Standard for Lead.
Insure the waste is characterized using a composite (TCLP) and disposed of properly. Keep waste manifest(s)
Will this project generate lead-containing paint debris (e.g. windows, window sashes, doors, jams, moldings, trim, etc.)?
Will this project be performed on a school or residential building?
Will this project generate any lead-paint-contaminated waste?
Property/Land Acquisition / Initial Review / Required Actions / Comments
YES / NO / N/A
Will the project include acquisition of new property, land or, development of previously undeveloped land? / All Appropriate Inquiry (AAI) shall be done in accordance with EPA All Appropriate Inquiry, using ASTM standard for Phase I investigations.
Universal Waste / YES / NO / N/A / Required Actions / Comments
Will this project generate any waste streams other than normal construction debris and universal wastes (e.g., flammable or corrosive chemicals, cleaning solutions, etc.)? / Have Contractor characterize the waste streams. Insure hazardous waste is properly characterized & disposed of. Retain copies of waste manifest(s)
See the EPA guidance on Universal Waste
Will the project generate any waste batteries (e.g. lead acid, alkaline, Nickel-Cadmium, etc.)? / Regarding waste management procedures. Batteries will need to be separated from all other waste streams. Use this web site to find local battery recycle locations:
Will the project generate fluorescent bulbs, or other regulated waste? / Fluorescent light bulbs need to be separated from other wastes streams. See the EPA guidance on Universal Waste
Will the project generate waste Mercury-containing devices (e.g., mercury switches, thermostats, etc.)? / Mercury-containing devices need to be separated from other waste streams. Federal Universal Waste Rule (see 40 CFR 273 & 40 CFR 273.13(c)) lays out the basic standards.
See the EPA guidance on Mercury Containing Devices
Will the project generate waste light ballasts that contain PCBs? Ballasts need to be separated from other waste streams and disposed of properly. / If not broken or leaking, they can be disposed of as Universal Waste. Otherwise, the fixture is not regulated PCB waste and can be recycled or disposed of as municipal solid waste.
See the EPA guidance on Light Ballast
Demolition / Initial Review / Required Actions / Comments
Yes / No / N/A
Will this project require demolition? (removal of any load bearing structures) / A demolition permit must be obtained from the County or State ADEQ. Also a Dust Action General Permit identifies specific dust generating operations.
All building materials are to be considered ACM containing until proved otherwise test results will be submitted to the County.
Will there be any chemicals or other materials remaining in the structure that need to be removed prior to demolition? / Do not attempt to remove the materials, provide a list of unused chemicals and unwanted materials for waste characterization.
Consult a hazardous waste disposal company to determine disposal requirements.
Will project disturb or expose workers to hazardous materials / substances? / Ensure that the contractor is aware of the hazardous materials presence and disposal needs. The contractor will be responsible for OSHA training for their workers who may encounter hazardous materials State workers that work in the area will also need to meet the same standards
Oil-Containing Equipment / YES / NO / N/A / Required Actions / Comments
Will the project include the removal of an Underground Storage Tank (UST)? / Use a ADEQ certified “Tank Service Provider” and use a State Contract, Fire Marshal or AJH oversight is required
Notifications to be submitted to ADEQ
Will the project involve an installation of an UST? / Provide ADEQ and the Fire Marshal with the size and contents of the UST. Use the State “Installation, Repair and Maintenance of Petroleum Storage Tank Systems” contract.
Will the project include the installation or removal of an Above Ground Storage Tank (AST)? / Provide the Fire Marshall or AHJ with the location of the AST, size & plans. And apply for the required permitting.
Electrical plans need to be approved by local building authority prior to fire inspection.
If over 1,320 gallons of oil is stored at a facility a Spill Prevention Control and Containment Plan will be required. See this EPA guidance on Plans.
Air Pollution Control for Project / YES / NO / N/A / Required Actions / Comments
Will the project involve sandblasting, grinding, or chemical cleaning of the outer surfaces of a building? / The general contractor should be responsible for obtaining any necessary permits.
Wastewater needs to be managed and workers may need respiratory protection.
If yes to the previous question, will this work be performed on painted surfaces? / Paint needs to be analyzed to determine if it is lead-based paint (greater than 0.5% lead by weight). An approved industrial hygiene firm should collect paint samples.
If yes to the previous question, will this work be performed on concrete or glass surfaces? / Precautious are needed to eliminate silica exposure.
Soil / YES / NO / N/A / Required Actions
Will the project include the removal or fill of suspected contaminated soil on Agency Property? / Consultants are on contract for “Pollutant” or Emergency response. To perform a waste characterization. Soil is to be tested for suspected contaminates or group of contaminates ( ACM). Removal will require a certified hauler and disposal or recycle at an approved facility.
Verify that fill is “clean fill”, by either testing or having the sand & gravel company provide a written certification
Storm Water / YES / NO / N/A / Required Actions
Will the project disturb one or more acres of land, or will disturb less than one acre, or the overall plan would ultimately disturb one acre or more. / Ensure that the contractor attains an Arizona associated with Construction Activities.
For construction and renovations, will the structure have any pollution sources exposed to storm water (uncovered dumpsters, uncovered outdoor material storage, outdoor equipment, etc.)? / During construction, use engineering controls such as swales and berms to ensure that storm water (rain) does not come into contact with potential pollution sources. If a drywell is used for containment of storm water ensure that soil inclusion is prevented. Permitting and registration of the drywell may be required. Use of permanent engineering controls, may remove the need for a drywell permit.
Wastewater / YES / NO / N/A / Required Actions
Will this project introduce a new wastewater discharge? / Contact the sewer company and ask for their specific requirements for wastewater discharge.
A wastewater discharge permit is likely required if discharge is not to a sewer company. Contact ADEQ for a determination of applicability, anticipated discharge rates, and proposed discharge locations. Some Counties have been given this oversight from ADEQ.
Radiation Safety / Initial Review / Required Actions
YES / NO / N/A
Are there any sources of ionizing radiation? (Alpha particles, beta particles, neutron particles, x-rays or gamma rays)? / The Arizona Radiation Regulatory Agency (ARRA) has licensing requirements for both ionizing and non-ionizing radioactive materials, see
Follow the requirements listed in the OSHA Standard for Ionizing Radiation protection, 29 CFR 1910.1096
Follow the requirements listed in the protection.
See this guidance on
See this guidance on disposal of
Are there any sources of non-ionizing radiation? (Examples: lasers, mercury lamps, arc welding, tritium exit signs)
Will Americium-containing ionization smoke detectors be removed or installed?
Is there tritium containing exit signs on the property and will they be removed?
Will any radiation or Laser equipment be removed, modified, or installed? / See this guidance on
Health and Safety
Fire/Safety / YES / NO / N/A / Required Actions / Comments
Special hazards exist, requiring specialized extinguishing systems. (Clean Agent, Kitchen Hood, Foam and Mist Systems) / Evaluate occupancy hazards and fire protection systems for new or added hazards.
Consult the State Fire Marshal’s office for guidance.
The project indicates that a panic alarm will be included or upgraded. / For guidance consult this link regarding GSD, Risk Management and DPS requirements for installation of
Any penetrations that are made to ceilings, walls or floor have certain fire and building regulations. / Ensure that penetrations are filled with fire-rated materials matching the surface penetrated.
Penetrations through loadbearing walls require prior review by the State Engineer.
Will (Hot Work) be performed; hot work includes welding, grinding, soldering, torch cutting, etc. / Verify that the contractor has a Hot Work Permit process. That addresses application of controls (ventilation, insolation, PPE) to eliminate the building up of hazardous fumes, mists, dusts (particulates) vapors, or gases and fire watch procedures.
If the project is a new construction, for a building greater than 75 feet above grade, then certain building codes and fire regulations apply. / The structure is considered a high rise according to Phoenix Building Codes. IFC-Chapter 93…
Work with State Fire Marshal’s office to ensure compliance with the IFC and Building Codes of the AHJ.
The electrical system for the new construction or renovation must have an arc flash and electrical safety analysis conducted. / Include the analysis in the scope of work for the electrical installations per the requirements of the NFPA 70E

Fire-Smoke Protection Equipment / YES / NO / N/A
The project involves the addition, removal, or alteration of fire protection systems (alarms, detection, or suppression then prior requirements must be met. / Submit plans to the Fire Marshal’s office and Loss Prevention for review.
The fire alarm, fire sprinkler or specialized suppression will need to be shutdown at any time during the project. / Ensure that the contractor provides trained individuals to perform fire watch. And that the Fire Marshal’s office has approved the submittal
Exterior construction, landscaping or storage should not impede access to Fire Hydrants, FDC’s or other Building Fire Safety features. / Ensure that contractor maintains access to exterior fixed fire equipment throughout the project.
All locations of pull stations, fire exits, fire extinguisher placement, fire alarm panels, fire alarms, strobes/horns, and any life safety/fire items are to be located on construction prints. / Please ensure copies with these items listed are given to the State Fire Marshal’s office, Loss Prevention (Risk Management Division), and GSD.
A Fire Department Information Center, (FDIC), must be in place at any new construction site with directions for employees for Fire/Life/Safety issues. / Please review IBC Standards section 911.1.5 for guidance

Automatic dampers may be required to be in place for non-rated ceilings (tied into the smoke alarm/detector). / Review IFC 2003 section 704, 909, 1507 and 1803...

Existing and/or new plumbing/piping and Water Supply / YES / NO / N/A / Required Actions / Comments
If plumbing is to be altered and affects availability of water closets, restrooms, and/or sanitary issues then OSHA standards must be met. / Alternate restrooms, sinks, water closets must be made available. See J Table
If new or existing plumbing is to be connected to non-potable wateror othersubstances. / Ensure that mandatory backflow guidelines are followed. See
If the water supply for building(s) are required to meet hydraulic flow requirements. / Provide documentation of hydraulic flow calculations to support water usage for new project. New water sources are to be testedif used by Staff or general Public.
If the water supply for building(s) project is provided by a new well source then certain mandatory conditions must be provided. / Provide Documentation of approval by ADWR, copies of permits and applicable water tests for intended use.
Documentation of origin of water source and manner delivered to Loss Prevention.
Projects involving reuse or receiving water that is recycled, grey water or effluent must meet specific requirements. / Provide documentation to ADEQ and copies of permits and related information.
Provide documentation if future plans incorporate recycled, grey water or effluent use.
Exits and Elevators / YES / NO / N/A / Required Actions / Comments
Protect openings, penetrations, and vertical exit enclosures with the proper fire and smoke resistance as indicated by code. / Consult NFPA101 .8.3.4 and beginning with IFC 703 and 704
Consult the State Fire Marshal’s office for further guidance.
Panic hardware must be installed on exit doors. And UL rated fire exit devices are required on fire doors. / Consult this link to verify that the correct devices are being installed.
Consult the State Fire Marshal’s office for guidance.
This construction or renovation impedes or entails changes to egress route components. / Ensure that changes to egress routes, lighting, doors and closures are reviewed by the Fire Marshal’s office for compliance with NFPA 101 and IFC 2003

During the project, plans must be made for temporary emergency egress and exits.
Emergency egress doors are required to swing with the direction of travel and have automatic closers.
Powered emergency lighting and exit signs must be provided in stairs, aisles, corridors, ramps, and escalators.
Emergency lighting is to be provided by an Emergency Power Supply System (EPSS). (UPS, generators) / Ensure that this system meets NFPA 110 emergency and standby power.
C:\Users\113452\Downloads\NFPA Generator Requirements (1).pdf
Consult the State Fire Marshal’s office for further guidance
This area may be accessible to the public or individuals requiring mobility accommodation / Ensure that the contractor and architect are aware that the finished areas need to be compatible with American Disabilities Act (

The area is subject to accessrequirements of ADA 403-404, for door width and hardware.
This area is subject to access requirements of ADA 504 or 505, for stairway, ramps and hand rail design.
New elevator installations are required to meet standards in accordance to the building type. / Ensure that the contractor uses a certified elevator company and notifications are made to