7.09/0606/FUL- Single-storey side extension at CORAL GABLES, DONKEY GATE, SOLESBRIDGE LANE, CHORLEYWOODWD3 5SN for MrClive Colman
Parish: Chorleywood / Ward: Chorleywood EastExpiry Statutory Period: 15 July 2009 / Officer: Mr R Holmes
This application has been brought before the Committee as it has been called in by Chorleywood Parish Council.
1.Relevant Planning History
1.1The dwelling was formerly known as Pennbury Cottage.
1.205/0703/CLPD - Certificate of lawfulness proposed use: Erection of timber fencing around allotment - Permitted – 12July 2005.
1.306/0302/FUL - Infill extensions, conversion of detached office outbuilding to residential accommodation, existing detached outbuilding converted to habitable accommodation with first floor above to create a self contained unit and changes to fenestration detail on all elevations - Withdrawn - 05.04.2006.
1.406/0543/FUL - Retrospective: Change of use of disused allotment land to residential amenity land –This was refused on 7June 2006 for the following reason:
The development has resulted in an urbanisation of a Green Belt area having an unacceptable impact upon the open character of the Green Belt and sets an undesirable precedent within the locality. The development results in the extension of a residential curtilage into the Metropolitan Green Belt contrary to PoliciesGB1 andGB8 of the Three Rivers Local Plan 1996- 2011.
This subsequently went to appeal and was allowed subject to conditions.The condition imposed by the Appeal Inspectorwithdrew permitted development rights for the erection of buildings and other structures on this land.
1.506/0592/FUL - Infill extensions, conversion of detached office outbuilding to residential accommodation, existing detached outbuilding converted to habitable accommodation with first floor above to create a self contained unit and changes to fenestration detail on all elevations - Permitted - 13.08.2007. Implemented.
1.607/1356/FUL - Demolition of existing garage and sheds and erection of replacement garage and store - Permitted - 14.09.2007. Not implemented.
1.707/1357/CLPD - Certificate of Lawfulness Proposed Development: Erection of replacement gates with 1.85m piers at access to communal driveway - Permitted - 07.09.2007.
1.808/0093/CLPD - Certificate of Lawfulness Proposed Use: Relocation of 1.85m boundary fence –withdrawn 5March 2008.
1.908/0341/CLED - Certificate of Lawfulness Existing Development: Fence –This application was withdrawn on 05.03.2008 as the fence was incorporating a change of use of the land.
1.1008/0540/RSP - Retrospective: Change of use from allotment land to residential garden and erection of 1.85m high close boarded fence -Permitted- 23.05.2008.
2.Detailed Description of Proposed Development
2.1The application dwelling is a detached bungalow situated within the Metropolitan Green Belt. To the south and east the site is bounded by the Chorleywood Common Conservation Area. To the north the site is bounded by the Chilterns AONB. To the east of the dwelling is an area of disused allotments (which has become a grassed amenity area). Some of this land was purchased and through a change of use application has become part of the residential curtilage of Coral Gables. The application dwelling is sited away from the highway, beyond the rear of neighbouring properties which align Rickmansworth Road and Solesbridge Lane. The boundary treatment around the application site consisting of a 1.8m high closeboarded fence, 2-2.5m high hedge and mature trees and a gate to the driveway provide significant screening from the surrounding dwellings and open land.
2.2This application seeks planning permission for a single-storey side extension which is set 1.8m from the north-west flank elevation and adjoins the main dwelling towards the front. It would be set back 4.5m from the front elevation and would have a width of 4m and a depth of 10.6m. It would have a hipped roof with a height of 2.1m to the eaves (same as existing) and 3.7m to the ridge (set down 0.5m from the existing roof). Two windows are proposed in the front elevation serving a bathroom and hall, one window in the south-east flank serving the hallway, one window to the rear serving a bedroom, and a window and patio doors in the north-west flank serving bedrooms. Windows, doors, render and tiles would match the existing dwelling. The extension would create two bedrooms.
3.1Chorleywood Parish Council – the Committee had objections to this application and have called it in on the following grounds:
The percentage increase over the years has more than doubled from the original dwelling and with the single storey side extension would take the percentage over the allowable limit.
3.2Site/Press Notice
3.2.1Not applicable.
3.3.1Number consulted: 9
Number of responses: 0
4.Summary of Representations
5.Reason for Delay
5.1Committee cycle.
6.Relevant District Plan Provision
6.1Policies GB1, GB6, GEN3, SPG3 and Appendices 2 and 3 of the Three Rivers Local Plan 1996 - 2011 (Adopted 2001).
7.1The application dwelling is sited away from the highway, beyond the rear of neighbouring properties which align Rickmansworth Road and Solesbridge Lane. The proposed extension would be set back from the front elevation and would attach to the flank elevation furthest away from the drive. The boundary treatment consisting of a 1.8m high closeboarded fence, 2-2.5m high hedge and mature trees would provide significant screening. The proposed extension would not be readily visible from the streetsceneand therefore would not result in any significant adverse impact on the streetscene.The extension would be constructed with materials which match the existing dwelling and consequently the development is seen as sympathetic to the existing appearance of the dwelling.
7.2The application dwelling is situated 80m from the dwellings along Solesbridge Lane and a minimum of 50m from the dwellings along Rickmansworth Road. Given this distance, the significant boundary treatment, and the fact that the proposed extension would only be single storey and relatively small, it is considered there would be minimal impact on any neighbouring property.
7.3The application dwelling is within a Green Belt location and any additions must not result in a dwelling which is considered to be disproportionate to the original. The 06/0592/FUL application consisted of extensions that infilled the dwelling’s ‘L-shape’. The extensions implemented in the 06/0592/FUL application cited a 25% increase from the original building.The new extension would have a total floorspace of 42.4 square metres which would represent a further 23% increase. Therefore, based on these calculations from this previously approved application, the current proposal would result in a 48% increase in the floor area of the original dwelling, which, as Chorleywood Parish Council state, would exceed the guidelines set out in SPG3. However, the extension would only be single storey, would be set down from the main roof and set back from the front elevation of the main dwelling, and would therefore be subordinate to the main dwelling. Given that the previously approved extensions infilled the previous L-shaped dwelling, the addition of a side extension is not considered to have a detrimental impact upon the openness of the Green Belt nor would it appear prominent within the surrounding Green Belt land.
7.4Furthermore, taking into account the Inspector’s comments relating to the application site not forming part of the countryside setting to Chorleywood in the appeal for the application 06/0543/FUL:
‘The site is tucked away amidst housing development.’
It is considered the proposed development would not have an adverse impact upon the Metropolitan Green Belt to warrant a refusal. It would also not impact on the nearby Chilterns AONB or the Chorleywood Common Conservation Area because - as the Inspector stated - the land is tucked away behind the dwellings of Rickmansworth Road and Solesbridge Lane and the area is considered to have the appearance of a residential nature, as opposed to open countryside.
7.5The dwelling would retain ample amenity space and parking space for a dwelling of the proposed capacity. This would accord with the relevant standards of the Three Rivers Local Plan 1996 - 2011.
7.6It is considered on balance that the proposal would not cause demonstrable harm to a degree which would warrant a refusal, and as a result, the development is viewed as acceptable.
8.1That PLANNING PERMISSION BE GRANTEDsubject to the following conditions:-
C1The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.
REASON:In pursuance of Section 91(1) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 and as amended by the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.
C2All new works and works of making good to the retained fabric shall be finished to match in size, colour, texture and profile those of the existing building.
REASON:To ensure that the external appearance of the building is satisfactory in accordance with Policy GEN3 and Appendix2 of the Three Rivers Local Plan 1996-2011.
I1Given the site circumstances, including the previous appeal decision, and the provisions of Policies GB1, GB6,GEN3, SPG3and Appendices2 and3 of the Three Rivers Local Plan 1996- 2011 (Adopted 2001), the proposed development (subject to the conditions attached to this permission) would not have a significant adverse effect on the Green Belt or residential amenities of any neighbouring properties or otherwise result in demonstrable harm.
I3The applicant is encouraged to incorporate energy saving and water harvesting measures when implementing this permission. Information is available from the Council’s Building Control Section, who may be contacted on 01923 727138, and on the website Any external changes to the building which may be subsequently required should be discussed with the Council’s Development Control Section prior to the commencement of work.
I2The applicant is advised that the Government has introduced new fees for the written discharge of conditions. Requests can be made by letter or by application form. Forms are available on our website together with further details for the new charges. The fees are payable per request and not per condition. Requests made without the appropriate fee will be returned unanswered. The fees are £85 per request (or £25 where the related permission was for extending or altering a dwellinghouse or other development in the curtilage of a dwellinghouse).
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