1.Purpose of Report and Policy Context

1.1The progress of the project and the planned timings for implementation of the scheme.

1.2The planned maintenance of highway structures is contained within the Transportation Services Capital Programme. This programme of works aims to retain the asset value of the structures by maintaining them in the most cost effective way.


2.1It is recommended that:-

The award of contract be delegated to the Head of Transportation Services to enable the project to be delivered in the time frame proposed. This award would be subject to the funding of the project being allocated through the Local Transport Plan, Supplementary Credit Approval system in December 2003 and the funding being adequate.


3.1In November 2002 a report was presented to the Transportation Advisory Group detailing the planned maintenance repairs that were required to the substructure of Poole Lifting Bridge.

3.2As a result of this report the sum of £50,000 was allocated to prepare the contract documentation for this project.

3.3A detailed analysis of the funds required was undertaken in the summer of 2003. It was acknowledged that due to the unique nature of the lifting bridge an expert adviser would be required. The adviser is to analyse the structure in its temporary state whilst the works were being undertaken, and ensure that no adverse effect could arise during the course of the works. As a result of this involvement and the cost of the diving work required to inspect the structure the fees required to prepare this piece of work were revised to £71,242. The Transportation Advisory Group subsequently approved this sum on 18 September 2003.

3.4The preparation of this document has now commenced along with an additional diving session to inspect areas for further deterioration since the last inspection in March 2003.

4.Timing of the works

4.1As detailed in the previous Committee report the works to the substructure are required as a matter of urgency and it is therefore planned to commence on site in April 2004, this being the earliest time of year that conditions are suitable for underwater repairs. The estimated time for completion of the project is still being assessed but is likely to be in the region of 20 – 27 weeks. It is therefore important that the works start promptly in order to complete the project by October when the waters can become cloudy, thus affecting the ability of the Contractor to undertake the work.

4.2If it is not possible to commence the works in April then it is likely that the scheme will either be delayed by a whole year or only part of the works will be completed in 2004 with remobilisation costs payable in 2005 to complete the outstanding work.

4.3As a consequence of this constraint it is proposed to complete the tender preparation by the 21 November and ensure that priced tenders are returned early in January. Due to the specialist nature of the project an eight-week lead in period will be required for the Contractor and therefore it is necessary to let the contract by the end of January at the latest.

4.4As the proposed timings of the works do not fit in with Committee cycles it is necessary that the award of contract be delegated to the Head of Transportation Services in order that the scheme can commence in April.


5.1The estimated cost of the project is £1.2M. In order to undertake this work in the appropriate time frame an Exceptional Maintenance Bid has been submitted to Government Office South West detailing the severity of the problem and the extent of works required.

5.2A decision on this bid is expected in the week of December 15 2003, along with other funding allocations against the Local Transport Plan bid.

5.3In the event of the funding not being made available or being insufficient in this round of funding, another report will be presented to this Committee early in the New Year. This report would detail :

  • the decision from Government Office South West
  • an evaluation of this project against other projects proposed for inclusion within the Capital Programme for 2004/05
  • implications of it not being undertaken within the proposed timescale


Head of Transportation Services

Background Papers

Committee Report – Transportation Advisory Group – 14 November 2002

Name and telephone Number of Officer Contact

Helen Rice – 01202 262009
