Academic Year:2016/
2017 / Total fund allocated:
PE and Sport Premium Key Outcome Indicator / School Focus/ planned Impacton pupils / Actions to Achieve / Planned Funding / Actual Funding / Evidence / Actual Impact (following Review) on pupils / Sustainability/
Next Steps
3. increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport / Continue to raise profile and quality of PE across the school / Training in delivery of Real PE programme / £860 / £860 / Course attended, implemented across year groups / High engagement of pupils, positive feedback from pupil questionnaires / Training cascaded to wider range of staff during 17/18
5. increased participation in competitive sport / Continued high profile attendance at competitive sporting events / Membership of school sports partnership / £1300 / £1300 / Participation levels increased at all age ranges / Pupil engagement increased & participation levels increased / Maintain membership & increased participation levels during 17/18
2. the profile of PE and sport being raised across the school as a tool for whole school improvement / Use PE within Maths improvement plans / Purchased “Maths of the day” materials/training and disseminate to staff teams / £595 / £595 / Materials being used successfully in each team / Positive feedback from staff and pupils re. interest levels and interaction of pupils / Continue to use in 17/18 & supplement with additional resources
4. broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils / Utilise IT resources across a wider range of subjects / Purchase Learn Pads for use in PE lessons / £750 / £733 / Learn pads used regularly in KS2, pupils enthusiastic to record / Pupil questionnaire Jan 16 indicated positive views / Extend use further into KS1 & FS classes

Remainder of income is used to offset costs of fulltime specialist PE coordinator (Actual cost to school - £18,991)