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Abstract of Proposed Project
PROJECT TITLE (Do not exceed 60 characters and spaces.) / Colorectal Cancer ProjectPROGRAM DIRECTOR(First, MI, Last, Degrees) / Becky Nguyen, MPA, MPH
ORGANIZATION / Vietnamese American Cancer Foundation (VACF)
PRIORITY AREA (see FORM 2) / Primary Prevention and Screening, Screening Barriers, Psychosocial/Cultural and Survivorship Issues, Health Communications
RELATIONSHIP TO COLORECTAL CANCER / Colorectal Cancer, Average & High Risk Population Screening, Quality of Life/Survivorship,
Patient Navigation, Referrals & Care Coordination
The Vietnamese American Cancer Foundation’s (VACF) mission is to prevent cancer, improve patient quality of life, and save lives through cancer education, research, advocacy, and services in the Vietnamese American community. In line with its mission and those of the California Colorectal Cancer Coalition, VACF’s Colorectal Cancer Project strives to increase colorectal cancer knowledge, awareness, and screening compliance for an underserved and underinsured population in Southern California. The Project will aim to provide in-depth and culturally and linguistically-tailored community seminars, disseminate FIT kits with an 80% return rate, and provide patient navigation and individualized follow-up for people with abnormal results.
VACF’s Colorectal Cancer Project will comprise of the following activities:
- Translate and produce a bilingual colorectal cancer informational brochure and collection of community resources to help those with colorectal cancer
- Host four (4) half-hour radio shows on ethnic stations. The radio shows will feature a local gastroenterologist who will provide an overview of colorectal cancer facts and recruit individuals to attend the Colorectal Cancer Project’s community education seminars.
- Facilitate two (2) culturally and linguistically appropriate community educational seminars and distribute FIT kits for about 100 participants at each event. Seminars will go in depth into colorectal cancer facts, risks, and the importance of early screening. Each event will be paired with a follow-up meeting a couple of weeks after to explain results for those with a positive FIT result.
- Conduct patient navigation to link participants to colorectal screening services in the community. VACF will continue to perform care coordination for the patient if he/she has a screening result that needs further follow-up.
The Vietnamese American Cancer Foundation (VACF)’s mission is to prevent cancer, improve patient quality of life, and save lives through cancer education, research, advocacy, and services in the Vietnamese American community. VACF was founded in 2002 by local cancer survivors, physicians, and volunteers who recognized the need for culturally and linguistically appropriate cancer support and resources in the underserved Vietnamese American community. In 13 years, VACF has grown to be an integral and reputable organization that continues to provide strong cancer care coordination and patient navigation, along with health education and cancer prevention in the broader community.
PROJECT DIRECTOR (First, MI, Last): / Becky Nguyen, MPA, MPH1