Religion Spring Exam
Study Sheet
Your exam will include the following topics: the Christmas season/ liturgical year, Lent/Easter, and Church History. You will need not only the quizzes and tests which have been returned to you but also your Church History notebook and your text. I gave you back several open notebook quizzes that you will need to study from.
We began this semester with a study of the Age of Persecution…recall that we watched a video called “An Empire Conquered” Be able to explain the meaning of “The blood of martyrs is the seed of the church.” Who was Constantine? What were the effects of his edict? What is the sin of apostasy?
We then focused on the Age of Councils….the idea of heresy is central to this concept. What is a heresy? Who is Arius? Why does the Nicene Creed differ from the apostles creed? What does the Church teach about ecumenical councils?
We also focused on the Age of Monasticism and what that meant to the Church after the fall of the Roman Empire. You should know a great deal about monasticism especially since you did a poster on this idea. You should know how an illuminated manuscript is created .
Who is Donald Jackson and why were we talking about him?
What happened to the Church during the middle ages? What new orders were formed? How does a mendicant order differ from a monastic one? What happened to church architecture during the Middle Ages?
Most recently we have talked about the need for reform in the church and how that relates to the Protestant Reformation.
Review Chapters10 through 16 of your text book.
Church history terms to know: persecute, edict, purgatory, heresy, conversion, martyr, apostasy, ecumenical council, monk, hermit, evangelization, barbarian, Dark Ages, monastery, rule, scriptorium, abbot, ora et labora, liturgy of the hours, lauds, vespers, vellum, illuminated manuscript, calligraphy, Book of Kells, Gregorian chant, clergy, excommunication, Crusades, Inquisition, lay investiture, Romanesque, Gothic, cathedral, flying buttresses, Christendom, stained class, catechism, diocese, relic, indulgence, 95 Theses, sola scriptura and sola fide, vernacular, ecumenism, Reformation, Counter Reformation, Council of Trent
We reviewed the Lenten/Easter season. Please review this vocabulary: Ash Wednesday, almsgiving, fasting, abstaining, Triduum, stations of the cross, Paschal Mystery, alleluia, ritual, passion. Know the events that happened in Jesus passion and the day on which they occurred.
People: Write one fact about each of these people associated with Church History
Select at least 10 of these people that you know you need to review for the test
GenesiusAntonyof EgyptBenedictScholastica Columba Thomas Aquinas
PatrickBoniface Martin Luther
Francis of AssisiHenry VIII Ignatius of Loyola
DominicPope Leo XPope Gregory the Great Pope Gregory VII Pope Francis Pope Leo the Great
Johan TetzelJohann Gutenberg
Major events to know the date of
The fall of the Roman Empire
The Beginning of the Reformation
The Council of Trent
What is an illuminated manuscript? You should also be able to discuss the Saint
John’s Bible. Who is Donald Jackson?
What is a religious order? Name several, tell who founded them and what they
are known for.
We have learned about religious orders and you should know the initials that
various groups write after their names and why
Faithful Companions of Jesus
What does it mean to “form your conscience” about any issue? All people are called to do this.
How do monks in today’s monasteries carry out the same role that monks did during the Age of Monasticism when they were responsible for the evangelization of Europe?
What are the marks of the Church? Be able to write a sentence about each one.
Discussion Question
To be prepared in advance
We have spent this year studying Church history. Thinking back on what you have learned, what are the many and various ways you could answer the question…”What is the Church?” Think about who founded this Church and why? How is the history of the church a story of ups and downs…high points and low points? Why is this the case? What does the church teach about the ups and downs? How does
this relate to the Holy Spirit?