Southwest Power Pool
Reliability Compliance working group MEETING
October 26, 2017
Omni Hotel at Park West – Dallas, TX

• Summary of Action Items •

  1. For all subcommittees scope statements reviewed and staff references removed and bring them back to the RCWG.
  2. Due to the dissolution of theRisk-Based Compliance Monitoring Task Force and creation of the new Risk-Based Compliance Monitoring Subcommittee, Ms. Pyle and Ms. Stringer will provide the new organizational group scope back to the RCWG and to transfer the deliverables from the RBCMTF.
  3. Ms. VanBrimer will remove Staff references from scope statements of the subgroupsunder the RCWG.
  4. Ms. VanBrimer will update the rosters on the SPP’swebsite to reflect current membership and staff support.
  5. The status of SOL definition / methodology and reporting of exceedances will be brought to the OCRTF for discussion by those RCWG members participating on the OCRTF at the next conference call on November 6.

• Summary of Approvals •

Agenda Item 4 – For Consent Action (Approval Items)

Mr. Guidry moved to approve the previous meeting’s minutes. Ms. Pyle seconded. There wasno additional discussion. There were 0 no votes and no abstentions.

Agenda Item 5 – Approval Item: CGC Chair Nomination Approval

Ms. Wright moved to have Ms. Flandermeyer continue as the Chair of the RCWG.

Mr. Maldonado seconded. There was no additional discussion. The entire RCWG was in favor. There were 0 no votes and no abstentions. Motion carried.

Agenda Item 6 – Approval Item: Vice Chair nomination and election

Ms. Flandermeyer moved to have Mr. Allen continue as the Vice Chair of the RCWG.

Ms. Wright seconded. There was no additional discussion. The entire RCWG was in favor. There were 0 no votes and no abstentions. Motion carried.

Agenda Item 8 – Approval/Discussion Item: Charter Revisions

Mr. Ruskamp moved to keep the NERC reference in the charter. Mr. Jones seconded. There was no additional discussion. Mr. Safi voted no and Mr. Gray abstained. Mr. Bailey was not present on the phone for the vote. Motion carried.

Ms. Wright moved to approve the RCWG charter as revised at the meeting. Mr. Eddleman seconded. There was no additional discussion. 0 no votes and no abstentions. Mr. Bailey was not present on the phone for the vote. Motion carried.• Summary of Approvals Continued •

Agenda Item 8i - Misoperations Subcommittee

Mr. Allen moved to disband the Misoperations Subcommittee. Ms. Pyle seconded. There was no additional discussion. 0 no votes and no abstentions. Mr. Bailey was not present on the phone to participate in the vote. Motion carried.

Agenda Item 8iv –Risk-Based Compliance Monitoring Task Force

Ms. Watkins moved to disband the Risk-Based Compliance Monitoring Task Force. Mr. Safi seconded. There was no additional discussion. There were 0 no votes and no abstentions. Mr. Bailey was not present on phone to participate in the vote. Motion carried.

Ms. McEndaffer moved to form the Risk-Based Compliance Monitoring Subcommittee. Mr. Eddleman seconded. Additional discussion was held to ensure that the deliverables from the Risk-Based Compliance Monitoring TaskForce will be transferred to the subcommittee as well as discussion about where to place the deliverables. All were in favor. There were 0 no votes and no abstentions. Mr. Bailey was not present on phone to participate in the vote. Motion carried.

Agenda Item 14 – Review/Approval Item: ORWG Revised RR162

Mr. Maldonado moved to approve RR 162 as presented. Mr. Safi seconded. There was no additional discussion and there were 17 yes votes, 1 no vote, and 4 abstentions. Mr. Bailey was not present on phone to participate in the vote. Motion carried.

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Southwest Power Pool
Reliability compliance working group MEETING
October 26, 2017
Omni Hotel at Park West – Dallas, TX


Agenda Item 1 – Administrative Item

SPP RCWG Chair Ms. Flandermeyer called the meeting to order at8:01 am. The following members were in attendance or represented by proxy:

Alice Wright / Arkansas Electric Cooperative Corporation
Bo Jones / Westar Energy
Ellen Watkins / Sunflower Electric Power Corporation
Greg Milosek / ITC Great Plains
Jennifer Flandermeyer (Chair) / Kansas City Power & Light Company
John Allen (Vice Chair) / City Utilities of Springfield, Missouri
Melinda Campbell Proxy for Kalem Long (On Phone) / Algonquin Power & Utilities Corporation
Louis Guidry / Cleco Corporation
Mahmood Safi / Omaha Public Power District
Mark Buchholz(On Phone) / Western Area Power Administration
Matt Caves / Western Farmers Electric Cooperative
Robert Gray / Board of Public Utilities, Kansas City, Kansas
Terri Pyle / Oklahoma Gas & Electric
Thomas Maldonado / Xcel Energy
Tony Eddleman / Nebraska Public Power District
Jonathan Hayes (Staff Secretary) / Southwest Power Pool
Kathy Erhard proxy for Stace Kegley / Grand River Dam Authority
Deborah McEndaffer / Midwest Energy
Mike Lotz proxy for Mike Murray / Independence Power and Light
Eric Ruskamp / Lincoln Electric System
Carla Holly / BP Wind Energy / Flat Ridge 2 Wind LLC
Michael Bailey (On phone) / American Electric Power
Ashley Stringer / Oklahoma Municipal Power Authority
Heather Morgan / EDP Renewables

Agenda Item 2 – Attendance

Mr. Hayes reviewed the attendance for the meeting including confirmation of proxies for the meeting and quorum was achieved.

Agenda Item 3 – Agenda Review

A minor change was suggested and Ms. McEndaffer moved to approve the revised agenda. Mr. Guidry seconded. No additional discussion 0 no votes and noabstentions.

Agenda Item 4 – For Consent Action (Approval Items)

Mr. Guidry moved to approvethe previous meetings minutes. Ms.Pyle seconded. There was no additional discussion and 0 no votes and no abstentions.

Agenda Item 5 – Approval Item: CGC Chair Nomination Approval

Mr. Hayes gave an overview of the recent changes to the SPP Bylaws concerning process and terms of the Chair position. Ms. Wright moved to recommend Ms. Flandermeyer continue as the Chair of the RCWG. Mr.Maldonado seconded. There was no additional discussion. The entire RCWG was in favor. 0 no votes and no abstentions. The recommendation will be forwarded to CGC for approval.

Agenda Item 6 – Approval Item: Vice Chair Nomination and Election

Ms.Flandermeyer moved to nominate Mr. Allen to continue as Vice Chair of the RCWG.

Ms. Wright seconded. No other nominations were made. There was no additional discussion. The entire RCWG was in favor. 0 no votes and no abstentions.

Agenda Item 7 – Discussion Item: EAWG Update (Moved to later in the day)

Ms. Flandermeyer gave a summary of the group’s activities which included in part dissolving the Event Analysis Working Group under the condition that the other Working Group’s charters address the events that were under their purview. The working groups would be responsible for staffing a team that looks at an event and reports back to the larger group. Ms. Flandermeyer and Mr. Klassen are working on a draft to achieve this goal. TWG, SPCWG, ORWG, CIPWG, SAWG, RCWG are the working groups chosen to complete the reviews. Currently theEAWG is only reviewing the charter on an annual basis. Ms. Flandermeyer hopes to have a document in the next few weeks to outline the new process which will be going to MOPC.

Agenda Item 8 – Approval/Discussion Item: Charter Revisions

RCWG discussed many topics including: differences now that the SPP RE is being dissolved,how SPP is currently registered,who is performing SPP’s CMEP work, and reporting and how it should be worded to cover all regional rules outside of what NERC might enforce. Mr. Ruskamp moved to keep the NERC reference in the charter. Mr. Jones seconded.All approved.Mr. Gray abstained and Mr. Safi voted no. Mr. Bailey was not present on the call for the vote.

Ms. Wright moved to approve the RCWG charter as revised at the meeting. Mr. Eddleman seconded. There was no additional discussion. 0 no votes and no abstentions. Mr. Bailey was not present on the call for the vote.

  1. Misoperations Subcommittee:the history and future of the subcommittee was discussed, including the option to disband this group from under the RCWG and allow the SPCWG to re-establish under their purview. Mr. Allen moved to disband the group. Ms. Pyle seconded. There were 0 no votes and no abstentions. Mr. Bailey was not present on the call for the vote.
  2. Outreach Subcommittee:the discussion wasmoved to November call.
  3. Standards Coordination:the discussion wasmoved to November call.
  4. Risk-Based Compliance Monitoring Task Force:Ms. Pyle reviewed the deliverables assigned to this task force. Ms. Pyle also identified a need to move this task force into a subcommittee given that the footprint will be changing from a Regional Entity registration perspective and could offer multiple approaches to risk-based monitoring. Ms. Pyle stated that additional help will be needed for the subcommittee. Ms. Watkins moved to disband the task force. Mr. Safiseconded. There was no additional discussion. There were 0 no votes andno abstentions. Note: For this vote,Mr.Bailey was not present on the phone to participate in the vote. Ms. McEndaffer moved to form the Risk-Based Compliance Monitoring Subcommittee from the now dissolved Task Force. Mr. Eddleman seconded. Additional discussion was held to ensure that the deliverables of the TaskForce will be transferred to the subcommittee as well as discussion about posting of deliverables. All were in favor. There were 0 no votes and no abstention votes. Note: For this vote, Mr. Bailey was not on phone to participate in the vote.

Action Item: Due to the dissolution of theRisk-Based Compliance Monitoring Task Force and creation of the new Risk-Based Compliance Monitoring Subcommittee, Ms. Pyle and Ms. Stringer will provide the new organizational group scope back to the RCWG and to transfer the deliverables from the RBCMTF.

Action Item: Ms. VanBrimer will remove Staff references from scope statements of the subgroups under the RCWG.

Action Item: Ms. VanBrimer will update the rosters on the SPP’s website to reflect current membership and staff support.

Agenda Item 9 – Discussion Item: SOL Project

Ms. Flandermeyer summarized the previous discussions with SOL development and current perceived state of the SOL definition discussion. In addressingthe concerns expressed by MRO, the feedback received suggests a huge step forward on the SOL Methodology, but there is still room for improvement.

Agenda Item 10 – Discussion Item: RR Development (SOL Methodology)

Mr. Allen gave a summary of the purpose and history of the RR development after RR228 had been passed. The current project to draft a new RR has been tabled until a future meeting.

Agenda Item 11 – Discussion Item: TOP 001 Update SOL exceedances

Mr. Ruskamp gave a summary of TOP-001 R15 as well as the need for guidance from the SPP RC on how to provide notifications. There was further discussion with Mr. Robertson on what triggers the R15 activity and how to ensure only the desired notifications are made to the SPP RC. It was suggested to Mr. Robertson to discuss in the upcoming meeting of the Operating Criteria Review Task Force.

Action Item: The status of SOL definition / methodology and reporting of exceedances will be brought to the OCRTF for discussion by those RCWG members participating on the OCRTF at the next conference call on November 6.

Agenda Item 12 – Discussion Item: SST Project Update (PMU)

Mr. Parker gave an overview of the history andcurrent status of the project. Mr. Parker filled in additional informational gaps that the group had from previous meetings andinformed the group of the reference documents posted on the Synchrophasor Strike Team’s page that can provide member assistance. Mr. Parker also walked through the demo of the PMU tool and what SPP staff utilizing this tool will see in practice.

Agenda Item 13 – Discussion Item: PMU Compliance Assessment Update

Mr. Stelly gave a presentation on the SPP RTO’s compliance assessment of PMUs to complete the action item from the RCWG. Mr. Stelly reassured the RCWG the data wouldn’t be used to impact members compliance in Phase 1 based on this assessment and discussions held with SPP staff. Mr. Stelly provided a summary of controls and processes given to assure the data use would be appropriate to not impact the members’ compliance positions.

Additional discussion included perceived risk to each company and some companies gave their perspective about the detective and procedural controls referenced in Mr. Stelly’s presentation.

Agenda Item 14 – Review/Approval Item: ORWG Revised RR162

Mr. Parker gave an update on the history and intent of RR162 as well as the previous concerns raised with the RR and how they have been addressed.

Ms. Wright gave a summary of the SPP PRPC process and informed the group that she wasn’t concerned at this point of not being notified before SPP moves to the next phase of the project. Ms. Wright also clarified that she was comfortable as long as Mr. Stelly provides an updated compliance assessment for future phases of the PMU project and the group is updated quarterly.

Mr. Maldonadomoved to approve RR 162 as presented. Mr. Safi seconded. There was no additional discussion and there were 17 yes votes, 1 no vote, and 4 abstentions. Note: For this vote, Mr. Bailey was not present on the phone to participate in the vote. Motion carried.

Agenda Item 15 – Discussion Item: RCWG Work Plan

  1. Coordination (Assignment 1)...... Assigned Members

Ms. Flandermeyer and Mr. Hayes updated the group on the communication piece of this item.

  1. Protection of information (Assignment 3) ...... Assigned Members

Mr. Clark gave an update on information protection assessment. The group has held conference calls to discuss CIP-012 and other operational security perspectives. There are several RCWG members participating in this effort. An initial meeting has occurred. No other work has been completed.

  1. NERC and SPP governing documents (Assignment 6) ...... Assigned Members

Mr. Allen summarized RR237 and Mr. Hayes provided further updates from the TWG actions being taken on this RR. SPCWG is also working through cleaning up their sections of the SPP Planning Criteria starting with Section 8.

  1. (Assignment 7) Mr. Ruskamp updated the group that phone calls to discuss the compliance overlap between SPP Tariff, Market Protocols and Criteria had been held. Nov 17this the next meeting to coordinate on results. Assignments have been made to start with Market Protocols and then Tariff.
  2. (Assignment 8) Mr. Eddleman updated the group that the OCRTF has met three times since the RCWG last met. Next meeting is scheduled for November 6, 2017. The OCRTF initially thought that the Operating Criteria should be eliminated or moved into standalone documents. SPP staff is now recommending some sections need to be kept and so the OCRTF is working to revise those sections.
  1. SPP and Member NERC participation (Assignment 2) ...... Assigned Staff

Mr. Safi updated the group that a conference call was held to look at how the implementation guidance should be created. The team looked at trade forums, etc., to see how others have addressedit and found a NATF guideline document that the team felt it could use for this assignment if appropriate.

Agenda Item 16 – Discussion Item: RR Master List Review

Mr. Hayes reviewed the three RRs that are coming to the group in November.

Agenda Item 17 – Discussion Item: 2018 Schedule

Ms. Flandermeyer summarized the change in direction on how meetings are scheduled in conjunction with other groups and how to schedule around regional meetings.

The group would like the meetings to not be joined with an entire week of activities, even if it means they have to travel more times in a year. Mr. Eddleman, Mr. Maldonado and Mr. Safi offered to host a meeting. Ms. Flandermeyer also reminded the group that access to other RE offices are available as well.

Agenda Item 18 – Summary of Action Items

Mr. Hayes reviewed the action items from this meeting and reviewed the previous action items as well.

Agenda Item 19 – Discussion of Future Meetings

Mr. Hayes gave an update on the two meetings throughout the end of the year.

Agenda Item 20 – Adjourn

Matt Caves moved to adjourn at 4:52. The meeting on October 27, 2017was cancelled due to the group making it through the agenda in one day.

Respectfully Submitted,

Jonathan Hayes

RCWG Secretary

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