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27thFebruary 2006
Australian Stock Exchange
Company Announcements Office
Three Diamond Drill Holes Completed into Coherent 3D IP Anomalies with Coincident Soil Geochemistry, Aldebaran Prospect
- Drill testing of coincident conductivity, chargeability and/or resistivity3D Induced Polarisation geophysical and zinc + lead soil geochemical anomalies commenced at the base/precious metal Aldebaran Prospect, SMRV Project, Tasmaniain early-February and threeholes have now been completed for 459.5m.
- The primary target is a high-value polymetallic volcanic hosted massive sulphide (+ gold) deposit similar tothe World Class Rosebery Deposit / Mine, which is located ~125km to the north in the same Mount Read Volcanic sequence, with >32 million tonnes at 14.6% zinc, 4.5% lead, 146g/t silver and 2.3g/t gold.
- Mapping has revealed extensive and encouraging regional VHMS-like chlorite and sericite alteration, with local pervasive silica, within a footwall unit similar to that at the nearby Wart Hill Prospect.
- A large Cambrian age mineralisinghydrothermal system was apparentlyactive atAldebaranand the area’soverall prospectivity has been confirmed byvarious geological, geochemical and geophysical evidence, plusthe drill holescompleted to date.
- The strongest mineralisationintersected in TasGold’s first drill hole (V34-1 of January 2004)) was 1.2m grading1.24% Pb, 1.22% Znand 13g/t Ag, from 21.8m downhole, in broken quartz - galena veins. The widest intersection downhole was 27m grading 0.10% lead and 0.34% zinc (from 106m to 133m), in the entire interceptof a vitric rich volcaniclastic siltstone, within100m of strong, pervasive sericite-silica-Fe-Mn carbonate alteration (36to 136m).
- Hole ALD002 targeted lead and zinc anomalies in soil coincident with prospective lithologies and a 3D IP resistivity high that extends to 75m+ depth, plus copper in soils partly coincident with an extensive chargeability high that extends to depth. The hole intersected the host horizonand below it was a 42m mineralized interval of strong grey silica – sericite altered quartz-phyric volcanic, crosscut by thin veinlets, disseminations, and spots and clots of galena+/-sphalerite(80 to 122m downhole). The mineralised interval coincides closely with a resistivity high and assays are awaited.
- The large size of the alteration zone, types of alterationobserved, host lithology, strong zinc, lead and silver in soil geochemistry, strong and cohesive conductivity and chargeability anomalies from the 3D IP and style of mineralisation observed is representative of a VHMS system.
- It is anticipated that an additional hole will be completed at Aldebaran during this drilling program.
The Mt Osmund syncline is proximal to and covers prospective VHMS prospects including Aldebaran (V34), Wart Hill (V19), North Wart (V33), East Camp (V29) and Taurus (V22). The zone includes the Wart Hill and Hudson River volcanics folded around the core of the syncline, which is composed of the Waterloo Creek volcaniclastics and the siliclastics of the Owen Group. The area was extensively gridded, soil sampled and mapped by Geopeko Ltd in the early 1980’s. This work identified the bulk of the existing prospects in the district.
The Aldebaran Prospect was delineated by gridding the eastern side of the Mt Osmund syncline searching for repetitions of the Wart Hill VHMS lithologic horizon. A strong linear coincident Pb, Zn and Fe soil anomaly is located over rhyolitic volcaniclastic sediments and quartz-feldspar-biotite lavas. The soil anomaly extends for more than 1.5 kilometres in length and is approximately 200m wide. An extensive moderate Pb-Zn anomaly is located in the SE of the grid area. No Au geochemistry data exists for the grid, however, TasGold geologists have panned gold to 3mm sized ‘nuggets’ from the associated drainages. Outcrop in the area is poor but the Cambrian volcanics are thought to dip moderately west and strike NNW. They are uncomformably overlain to the east by the Waterloo Creek Group.
A 1984 dipole-dipole IP survey identified a weak coincident chargeability anomaly whilst gradient array IP surveys identified a prominent linear resistivity anomaly to the immediate east and parallel to the soil anomaly. These were both low ‘power’ and resolution (depth) surveys, however the data is still valid. The chargeability anomaly is probably due to disseminated pyrite in chlorite altered volcanics associated with the prospect, modelled as a footwall stringer zone as would be found at the base of a VHMS deposit.
The principal basemetal and iron soil anomaly trends NNE sub parallel to a fault through the central portion of the Aldebaran area, with more widespread anomalous soils evident in the southeastern portion of the 3D IP grid area. Lead in soil anomalies apparently best reflect the surface expression of VHMS-related mineralisation.
Strong chlorite is locally evident within finer units of the crystal rich volcaniclastics at the host horizon and beneath within the feldspar-phyric “footwall” volcaniclastics. Sericite is widespread, reaching moderate intensity locally within both the footwall and hangingwall lithologies. The hangingwall crystal-rich volcaniclastics are commonly iron oxidised, perhaps reflecting widespread oxidation following burial of a VHMS system.
The 3D IP survey has provided key 3 dimensional targeting vectors to use in conjunction with other geological and geochemical aspects of the Wart Hill /Aldebaranregion.
Lithologies in the Aldebaran (V34) area are apparently a folded repeat of the VHMS hosting volcanics at Wart Hill, ~1.5km away on the western side of the Ordovician-aged Osmund Syncline. The area is dominated by variably quartz-phyric volcanics, with the footwall comprising feldspar dominant volcaniclastics, a host sequence marked by quartz-feldspar+/-biotite porphyry with intercalated fine grained variants of the footwall and hangingwall volcanics and a hangingwall comprising massive quartz-feldspar crystal rich volcaniclastic sandstone. Chargeability highs are evident mostly within the footwall volcaniclastics, but locally extend through the host horizon into the hangingwall crystal-rich volcaniclastics. Host horizon lithologies coincide with both resistive and chargeable zones, whereas the hangingwall volcanics are clearly delineated by conductive zones.
Hole V34/1 targeted visible galena and sphalerite in augered samples. High in the hole at 21.8m, broken qtz-gal veins returned 1.2m grading 13g/t Ag, 1.24% Pb and 1.22% Zn. The major significant interval being 27m grading 0.1% Pb, 0.3% Zn (from 106 to 133m), representing the entire interval of a volcaniclastic siltstone. The porphyry beneath the volcaniclastic siltstone is similarly Pb-Zn mineralised to that above it. If the stratigraphic facing is west as inferred then this mineralisation possibly represents influence from a nearby feeder zone to VHMS. The base metal in soil anomaly immediately west of the V34/1 collar is stronger than the extensive elevated base metals in the footwall to the west, possibly being seafloor focused VHMS, stratigraphically above the basalt in the top of V34/1. The dominant sedimentation style in the Aldebaran area is high density turbidite flows. Facies are typically finer that those at Wart Hill, with an identifiable debris flow not yet located. A step back drill hole to the west of V34/1 is warranted, time permitting.
Footwall Feldspar-phyric Volcanics (FFV)
Mapping at Aldebaran has revealed extensive regional VHMS-like footwall chlorite and sericite, plus local pervasive silica alteration within a footwall unit similar to that at Wart Hill. Footwall lithologies are primarily characterised according to the relative abundance of feldspar crystals/phenocrysts, which commonly reach moderate intensity (20 to 60%), with quartz phenocrysts present at weak intensity(0 to 20%).
With overprinting alteration these lithologies are difficult to distinguish from porphyry. The principal example of this is the foliated and pseudo breccia textured sericite-silica altered volcanics that crop out east of the basemetal anomalism in the central eastern portion of the grid. These rocks locally have a hyaloclastite porphyry facies appearance, however the siliceous matrix and alteration, as well as mapped continuation of less altered units into the area, suggest they represent altered volcaniclastics.Chloritic feldspar phyric volcaniclastics outcrop sparsely in the area of the chargeability anomaly mx2.
Porphyry (P)
Porphyry commonly crops out as a massive unit bearing weak coarse quartz phenocrysts, and weak to moderate intensity feldspars, with accessory biotite locally. The groundmass is typically pale green and aphanitic.
Host Sequence (HS)
The host sequence is represented by intercalated flows of the dominantly feldspar-phyric and crystal rich volcaniclastics. Finer facies in the HS reflect a period of relative quiescence, evidently lying at the time horizon equivalent to the ElliottBay contact between the CVC and Tyndall Group.
The feldspar bearing FFV facies is commonly moderately feldspar phyric with very sparse quartz phenocrysts in the HS. Variants of the HCV are fine grained apparently thin flows, that are well sorted and quartz grain packed. They are very similar to the epiclastic sandstones described from the Wart Hill area. Minor volcaniclastic siltstone is evident locally and given it’s close spatial association with the epiclastic–like facies, is included in the HS.
Hangingwall Crystal-rich Volcaniclastics (HCV)
Distinctive quartz-feldspar crystal rich volcaniclastic sandstones form the hangingwall and part of the host horizon at Aldebaran. These units are typically moderate to rich in rounded volcanic quartz crystals (0.5 to 6mm) with weak to moderate intensity feldspar crystals (1 to 3mm), commonly forming a crystal packed texture.
The HCV displays textural features that are typical of high density turbiditic mass flows. Basal weakly lapilli-lithic crystal volcaniclastic sandstone is sparse, but sometimes evident in the vicinity of finer facies from the underlying unit / flow. Massive moderately sorted medium to coarse grained crystal packed volcaniclastic sandstone is widespread, commonly forming intervals that likely exceed 50m in thickness. Flow tops are evidenced by thin regular bedded facies of commonly slightly finer volcaniclastic crystal sandstone.
High density mass flow turbidite facies form widespread blanketing deposits, with similar facies being evident throughout the Mount Read Volcanics within the Tyndall Group (e.g. Comstock Tuff and mass flows at Burn’s Peak, that are located above the Rosebery mineralised horizon).
Strong chlorite is locally evident within finer unit of the crystal rich volcaniclastics at and beneath the host horizon, within feldspar-phyric “footwall” volcaniclastics. The best chlorite is evident in the far north, near V34/1 and far SE of the IP grid.
Sericite is widespread, reaching moderate intensity locally within both the footwall and hangingwall lithologies. Sericite along with silica reaches moderate intensity proximal to Devonian quartz vein hosting fault structures. A unique occurrence of strong pervasive grey to translucent silica is evident along a later Devonian milky quartz veined structure (orientated NNW) through the south western portion of the Aldebaran grid. Weak pervasive silicification is only locally evident.
The hangingwall crystal rich volcaniclastics are commonly iron oxidised, perhaps reflecting widespread oxidation following burial of a seafloor exposed VHMS system.
Vein style massive and minor disseminated galena-sphalerite is evident within hole ALD001. The former bears dark brown sphalerite, unlike the honey colour often evident at Wart Hill and probably represents Devonian remobilised mineralisation. Thin irregular stringer pyrite, weakly disseminated base metal sulphide and carbonate spots and veins are likely related to VHMS forming processes.
Disseminated pyrite is not commonly evident in outcrop, however, relict boxwork texture is locally preserved. Semi-massive pyrite reaching 15% is located within footwall feldspar-phyric chlorite altered volcanics in the central north of the grid.Leakage basemetal anomalies are commonly coincident with traces of mapped and inferred faults. Note that the main N-S basemetal soil anomaly is coincident with both quartz veined structure and the host horizon.
Strongest surface geochemistry is apparently located within the host horizon rather than at the base of the hangingwall crystal rich volcaniclastics, which bear widespread low level basemetals. The latter mineralisation possibly represents poorly focused VHMS, resulting from large thicknesses of mass flow crystal-rich volcaniclastics continually covering / swamping the seafloor exhalative horizon.
All structural data has been collated and data scatter is strong for beds and bands, with interpretation uncertain, reflecting the Devonian overprint on the Cambrian. Stereographic analysis for the entire Wart Hill area for bedding and banding reveals a likely fold plunge of approximately 60o to 185o, influencing Cambrian aged rocks. This is at odds to the apparent Devonian trend reflected in Ordovician aged sediments (shallow/moderate to 350o), indicating that folding in the Cambrian was significant in this area. A weak Devonian fold trend of 60o to 345 o is indicated by stereographic plots, but is apparently less intense. This difference could result from the influences of Cambrian and Devonian deformation as well as late wrench faulting.
By analogy to the Wart Hill area, a series of west inclined folds with late west dipping faulting / shearing along fold limbs is also likely in the Aldebaran area.A principal feature is the inferred syncline passing ~NNW, immediately west of the horizon drilled by V34/1, ALD001 and ALD002. This structure, whilst complicated by faulting, is evident with the 3D IP resistivity data. A further inferred parallel anticline is likely to be located east of the drilled host horizon and coincident with chargeability highs trending NNE.
Fault dislocations are readily evidenced by strong foliation and psueodo-breccia textures, as well as widespread quartz veining.Principal orientations for the quartz veining are 330o~160o. Foliation is variably developed and intensity typically ranges from moderate to strong, with a few massive un-foliated outcrops evident. Foliation is relatively consistent throughout the Aldebaran area.
A principal basemetal and iron anomaly trends NNE sub parallel to a fault through the central portion of the Aldebaran area. Drilling from V34/1 returned low level Pb-Zn anomalism. High iron defines the quartz-feldspar crystal rich hangingwall volcaniclastics in many areas. Iron is less elevated although still high (to 2%) over some chargeable footwall / host horizon areas. An extensive zone of elevated Cu and Fe is evident in the south eastern portion of the grid and potentially reflects widespread alteration proximal to a VHMS system.
The Pb-Zn anomalies coincident with quartz-feldspar crystal rich volcaniclastics in the Aldebaran area possibly reflect leakage from covered VHMS at depth. Feldspar-phyric CVC like units in the base of this interval representing a period of relative quiescence during which VHMS mineralisation was poorly focused with fresh influxes of minor mass flows. Notably few base metal in soil anomalies exist within chargeable areas, however a few exceptions are apparent, one being the 0.4% Pb peripheral to the mx2 anomaly (see below).
Outcrop over chargeable zones at surface locally shows evidence of disseminated sulphides, such as at MX1. Sericite and weak pervasive silicification is also locally evident. Pervasive chlorite and minor sulphide occurs both within and marginal to such anomalies locally. An example of the later is location 381450mE, 5251610mN where chlorite alteration with trace disseminated sulphide is coincident with ~0.4% Pb in soils. More distal to an extensive chargeable anomaly, but coincident with a weak shallow anomaly is the chlorite, disseminated and locally semi-massive pyrite and local pervasive silicification zone evident at 381240mE 5252810mN, which is also coincident with anomalous Zn in soils (0.25%).
A significant +600m long chargeable zone (V34 mx3) extending to depth at it’s northern and southern ends (V34 mx2) lies in the central southern portion of the Aldebaran IP grid. At shallow depths the chargeability anomaly has tails directed to the east that are possibly indicative of footwall feeder zones. This is in agreement with the local interpreted west facing and dipping volcanic sequence. Highly anomalous basemetals are evident proximal to the west of the anomaly at both ends, within low chargeability zones. The chargeability anomaly is apparently strataform and possibly reflects footwall stringer alteration.
The strataform chargeability anomaly has depth extent and plunges moderate to steeply west, linking to an extensive chargeability anomaly at depth to the NW. This anomaly is possibly located on a shallow NNW dipping syncline, as reflected in the fold pattern of the adjacent Denison Group sediments of the Osmund syncline. This may reflect a site for VHMS mineralisation, given that strong alteration (including chlorite, semi-massive sulphides, silica and sericite) is located up dip on the eastern limb in the N of the Aldebaran grid. Elsewhere strong chlorite, one of the best indicators for proximity to a VHMS ore, is localised on the margins of chargeability anomalies.
Given this scenario, the northern conductor (Cond2) and associated basemetal mineralisation is possibly an up dip to the east expression of the VHMS system. Mineralisation is apparently low tenor here in disseminated and late vein form, reflecting distal alteration and remobilised leakage respectively.
Possible leakage plumes of sulphide are evident as shallow chargeability anomalies in the hangingwall crystal volcaniclastics, particularly to the west of the V34 mx2 chargeability target.A weak chargeability anomaly extends along the eastern margin of the survey area. This is in agreement with an inferred anticline, located between this and the principal drilled basemetal host horizon.
V34 mx1
This zone of chargeability is coincident with strong resistivity on its eastern margin,that is postulated to represent a mineralised porphyry intrusion with associated disseminated sulphide. No significant soil geochemistry is associated with this target. Samples directly above the chargeability anomaly are notably Fe deficient, supporting the possibility of a different lithology there. The coincident chargeability and resistivity doesn’t provide a first order drill target, however, weakly anomalous basemetals in soils are coincident with a shallowly south dipping conductivity anomaly to the south and Cu is anomalous a further 100m south.