Center/Classroom: / Teachers: / Week of:

(A) General Information

Study/Topic - BIG IDEAS this week: In this new curriculum theme, children will explore the many different ways that people (and goods/cargo) get from place to place. In this first week, we will explore concepts related to maps, wheels, and road signs, while making connections with children’s personal experiences. / Key vocabulary:
1.  Transportation 1. Transportación
2.  Vehicles 2. Vehículos
3.  Road, street, sidewalk 3. Calle, Carretera, Banqueta
4.  Traffic, traffic light 4. Tráfico, Semáforo
Specific vehicle names – car, truck, van, bus, bicycle, etc. Nombres específicos de vehículos – Carro, Troca, Van, Autobús, Bicicleta, etc.
Monday “To Do” List: / -  Review Planned Read-Alouds; read books through at least once.
-  Review Small Group Activity forms and gather/create materials, including variety of small vehicles; materials to make ramps; a few simple maps; “touch box” with circles/spheres inside.
-  Review lyrics to “Driver Song” and “Twinkle Twinkle Traffic Light”; create song charts.
-  Gather/create materials for centers and circle time, including milk cartons or other materials to make buildings, vehicle-picture word cards, paper plates, large stop sign and/or traffic light
-  Remove any items from centers that are in poor condition or children no longer use.
-  SS Week-
Support for Dual Language Learners: / Use visuals such as pictures or vehicles when talking about the different modes of transportation. Encourage children to repeat what you say and offer them descriptive language to extend both their home language and English. Encourage children to use their home language to tell you about what they are doing during free play or small group time; even if you can’t understand, you can encourage them through nonverbal signals such as smiling and nodding, or with brief phrases such as “¿Verdad?” (really?) or “¡Dime más!” (tell me more!)
Family/ Community Involvement: / Encourage families to point out different types of cars or other vehicles as they walk or drive with their children. They can talk about how loud/quiet, fast/slow the vehicle is, and where it might be going. E.g., what do they think is in the delivery truck that passes them on the street? Where might that train or bus be going and what might it be carrying? Families can also look for street signs (railroad signs, stop signs, yield signs, pedestrian crossing, etc.) and talk about what they mean. Remind families in advance about the “Question of the Day” so children can be on the lookout for a traffic light or stop sign on the way to school.
There are always props and materials needed for classroom activities, and parents can be extremely helpful by donating or lending items. This week items include (clean) milk cartons, paper towel rolls, spools, dowels, or other 3D construction materials; transportation-related materials, such as license plates, licenses, transit cards, bus tickets; or a wheel, tire, or other item with wheel/axle for children to take apart in the Discovery Area.
Consider taking a neighborhood walk to look at different types of transportation! You can get children’s predictions in advance about what they might see; count and categorize the types of vehicles you see; and/or take pictures to post in the classroom afterwards.

(B) Materials to Enhance Children’s Play

Blocks / Dramatic Play / Toys and Games
Vehicles, street signs, traffic light (made from paper/cardboard if needed)
Paper, pencil, clipboards to draw maps of streets/buildings children create
Materials to make ramps, e.g. different lengths of cardboard – see Small-Group Activity
Pictures of roads (e.g. in city, highway, winding road near cliff, etc.) / Add:
Maps, travel books, pictures of places / Add:
Vehicle counters
Vehicle picture-word cards to sort and match – see Activities Packet; may want to save train/boat images for later weeks of theme.
Art / Library/Writing / Discovery/Science
“Making buildings”: Small (clean, empty) milk cartons, paper-towel tubes, popsicle sticks, toothpicks, cardboard scraps, or other materials (collected or donated by families).
Note: These buildings will be used for a small-group activity during week 2. / Add:
Read-aloud books for this week
Additional transportation-related books if available
Song charts for “Driver Song” or “Twinkle Twinkle Traffic Light” / Add:
[If available]: “Take Apart” – An old bicycle wheel, roller blade, or other item with wheel(s); also provide basic tools, magnifying glass. Allow children to take apart and examine how the item(s) work.
Sand and Water / Music and Movement / Computers
Street signs (can use extra signs from Block Area, make them yourself, or have children help create them on popsicle sticks to stick in sand) / Add:
Stop sign and/or traffic light. (Can make traffic light from cardboard, with red, yellow and green circles attached by Velcro). Children can hold up the signs to signal their friends playing instruments: play when light is green, slow down on yellow, stop when it is red (or on the stop sign). / Add:
Outdoors / Cooking
“Driving on the Road”: stop sign and/or traffic light; paper plates; chalk or colored tape.
Children can create “roads” from chalk or tape, and “drive” using the paper plates as steering wheels. Others can hold the stop sign or traffic light (using Velcro pieces to change from green to yellow to red).
Talk about safety rules (look both ways before you cross the street, hold hands with an adult to cross, etc.)

(C) Group Experiences

/ Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday /
Opening Circle
Closing Circle / Arrival: Attendance graph
Morning Circle:
Welcome song & one other
-SS Puppet Script
Review daily schedule and rules now and throughout the day
Transition: Question of the Day (QOTD): “How did you get to school today?” (Car, bus, walking) Use visuals. Have children answer charting with whiteboard/pocket chart/etc.
Music/Movement: SS Song & one other
Transition: SS Brain Builder-
Closing Circle:
Review QOTD results with the full group, counting each column and writing the numeral.
Goodbye song / Arrival: Attendance graph
Morning Circle:
Welcome song & one other
- Maps: Show children a few examples of different maps. (Suggestions: city maps, neighborhood maps, map of a zoo or museum, hand-drawn map of classroom, school or neighborhood street.) Talk about what do we use maps for? How can they help us? What do you see on these maps?
Review daily schedule and rules now and throughout the day
Music/Movement: : “Driver Song” and/or “Wheels on the Bus”
Closing Circle:
Goodbye song / Arrival: Attendance graph
Morning Circle:
Welcome song & one other
Review daily schedule and rules now and throughout the day
Transition: QOTD: “Did you see a traffic light on your way to school today?” (Y/N) Provide a picture to aid with children’s comprehension.
Music/Movement: : “Twinkle Twinkle Traffic Light” and/or “Wheels on the Bus”
Transition: Choose a math transition
Closing Circle:
Goodbye song / Arrival: Attendance graph
Morning Circle:
Welcome song & one other
Review daily schedule and rules now and throughout the day
SS Skill Activity
Transition: QOTD: “Did you see a stop sign on your way to school today?” (Y/N) Provide a picture to aid with children’s comprehension.
Music/Movement: SS Song
& “Beanbag Toss” (see below)
Transition: SS Brain Builder-
Closing Circle:
Goodbye song
Read-Alouds / Group 1: Duck on a Bike
Group 2: Trashy Town by Andrea Zimmerman
(recall from “Neighborhood” theme) / Group 1: Trashy Town by Andrea Zimmerman
(recall from “Neighborhood” theme)
Group 2: Duck on a Bike / Group 1:SS Story and Discussion-
Group 2: SS Book- / Group 1: SS Book-
Group 2: SS Story and Discussion-
Small-Group Activity / Group 1: Painting with Vehicles
Group 2: Ramps / Group 1: Ramps
Group 2: Painting with Vehicles / Group 1: SS Skill Activity-
Group 2: Wheel/Circle Hunt / Group 1: Wheel/Circle Hunt
Group 2: SS Skill Activity-
Special Activities / Tangible Acknowledgement System: / Play Yard Map (see activity guide) / Play Yard Map (see activity guide) / Have children pass beanbag around the circle in various ways – over head, behind back, etc. Then have them pair up and toss beanbags to each other, then into a basket. (Provide multiple baskets to minimize wait time.)
Outside / Inclement Weather Plan:

Individual Child Planning Form

Center/Classroom: / Teachers: / Week of:
Focus Date / Child’s
Name / School Readiness Goal Focus Domain(s) / Focus TS GOLD Objective(s) / Why Chosen?
(IFSP, TS Gold Report, family input, conference goal, etc.) / Strategy/Activity
NOTE: Children with similar needs may benefit from differentiated instruction (e.g. during small-group activity). You can use the “Small Group” column at right to make notes about possible groupings.
Example: 1. Routine – activity, state how you are individualizing for this child. / Possible small-group? / CHECK when implemented
Soc-Emotional / Approaches to Learning / Language & Literacy / Cogn./ Gen. Knowledge / Physical
Tuesday / 1. 
Tuesday / 1. 

IFSP Child Planning

Child’s Name / IFSP Goals / Classroom Plan: What’s the Activity/Who’s Supporting the Child

*Please review all IFSP plans including Speech Only to ensure implementation of all classroom goals.

*For speech goals the what/who would be: Directed by the Speech Language Therapist

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