1)The camp is divided into two parts: a) French part, b) Russian-Prussian part. Each part has its own “command” managed by the chief of the camp andsubordinated to The Staff of the staging: Czarnowo 1806.

2)Each part of the camp is subordinated to the chief of the camp who manages and supervises orderliness and observance of camp regulations in his part personally or through persons assigned to help by the organizer.

3)The chief of the camp is responsible for locating groups, distribution of food, wood, straw and other goods provided to participants of the camp.

4)Chiefs of groups participating in the camp are subordinated to the chief of the camp in ordinal and accommodation issues.

5)The camp of the staging: Czarnowo 1806 is the historical campground, in this connection participants are allowed to stay in its area only in historical costumes specified in regulations of the event.

6)Participants are allowed to reside only in historical tents or shelters built by themselves according to realities of a period reenacted. It is allowed to camping under the open sky.

7)Chief of the group (a president of a club or an association, or other person assigned by the group to act as a commander) is responsible for the group participating in the camp.

8)Each group participating in the camp has to receive coupons entitling to getting an appropriate amount of food prepared by the organizer according to the application of the group.

9)It is recommended that participants arrange tents, shelters and other places of accommodation in the camp, in a way as close as possible to the historical way. Due to a different age of participants, it is allowed to use modern accommodation equipment providing it is carefully hidden, so it is not visible for visitors and other participants of the camp.

10)A camping equipment using by participants has to be efficient and safe (properly framed axes, complete and undamaged tents, etc.).

11)Firearms and side arms have to be under supervision of their owners all the time.

12)Meals are prepared with provided ingredientson campfires.

13)It is prohibited to use dishes, cutlery, etc. inconsistent with the era.

14)There always has to be masked, efficient extinguisher near campfires kindling by participants of the camp.

15)Whenever a group leaves the camp, campfire should be carefully extinguished, unless persons preparing meal are staying in the camp.

16)Groups, leaving the camp area temporarily,leave a guard in a place of their location (person guarding tents and security of property during absence of colleagues).

17)Preparation of cartridges for firearms may be carried out only in the place indicated by the organizer.

18)Each participant is obliged to behave culturally and not to expose other participants of the camp to danger or unpleasant situations.

19)Each participant of the camp is obliged to keep cleanliness in arranged places of sanitary equipment provided by organizer. Failure to comply with this paragraph threatens to reduce the pay for a culprit by 50%.

20)Persons failing to comply with regulations may be expelled from the camp without the right to receive their pay. The chief of the camp takes a decision of expulsion with approval of The Staff of the event.

21)Groups participating are at disposal of organizers during time of the camp. Each time group leaves the camp should report it to the chief of the camp and he is obliged to remind participants about planned hours of gatherings.

22)It is strictly forbidden to hang modern parts of clothing or towels on tents.

23)It is forbidden to hang out any banners or posters without an acceptance of the organizer. If the group wants to share the information about themselves with visitors they will prepare promotional materials in a way to not interfere with a historic appearance of the camp and they will ask the organizer for approval.