Regulationon Cableways- Draft

Table of contents

Part I. General provisions

Chapter 1. Initial provisions

Chapter 2. General requirements for the cable business

Part II. Operation, the operating control and maintenance

Chapter 3. Requirements for the operation and maintenance of the cable cars

Part III. Requirements for the construction, production, Assembly, sales and operation of security components and subsystems for use in the cable cars for passenger transport

Chapter 4. Basic requirements and security analysis

Chapter 5. Security components

Chapter 6. Subsystems

Chapter 7. Funicular systems

Chapter 8. Technical control agency

Chapter 9. CE-conformity declaration

Part IV common requirements for cable cars for passenger transport as is approved by the rules that were in effect before 03.05. 2004 and material ropeway

Chapter 10. General requirements to the technical condition of the cable cars

Chapter 11. Steel wire rope requirements

Part V additional requirements that apply to certain categories cable cars

Chapter 12. Additional requirements to the chair lifts that are approved by the rules that were in effect before 03.05. 2004

Chapter 13. Additional requirements to the low-level ski tow that have been approved by the rules that were in effect before 03.05. 2004

Chapter 14. Additional requirements to the high-level ski tow that is approved by the rules that were in effect before 03.05. 2004

Chapter 15. Additional requirements to the bi-cable aerial ropeway that have been approved by the rules that were in effect before 03.05. 2004

Chapter 16. Additional requirements to the cable cars that are approved by the rules that were in effect before 03.05. 2004

Chapter 17. Additional requirements to the material ropeway

Part VI. Requirements for cable cranes

Chapter 18 the operating permit for the cable crane

Part VII. Different provisions

Chapter 19. Administrative provisions

Part i. General provisions

Chapter 1. Initial provisions

§ 1-1.Purpose

The purpose of these regulations is to ensure that cable cars are landscaped, built, maintained, operated and removed so that the plant does not cause damage to person, property or the environment.

§ 1-2.Scope

The regulation applies to the construction and operation of the cable cars, cf. the cable Act § 1-2, as well as the construction, production, Assembly, sales and usage of security components and subsystems for use in the cable cars.

The regulation does not apply to the part of the funicular facilities that fall under the planning and building laws.

The regulation applies to the following cable cars:

a)Cable cars for public passenger transport and other facilities with vehicles mounted on wheels or other carrying devices where the progress is happening to one or more ropes,

b)Soar paths where the vehicles carried and/or drawn with one or more rope; this category also includes small cabin courts and chair lifts,

c)High level ski tow and low level ski-tow, where users with appropriate equipment are drawn on the solid surface with the help of the rope,

d)Material ropeway that are longer than 2 km or over another man's property,

e)Cable taps for passenger transport,

f)Cable cranes for material transport which is longer than two kilometers.

The regulation does not apply to:

a)Lifts according to Directive 95/16/EC,

b)cable-driven tramlines with traditional construction,

c)Material ropeway that are used in the agricultural purposes or to the shipping of goods to home or holiday property,

d)Special equipment, fixed or mobile, for use in carnies and/or amusement parks and which are designed for leisure purposes and not as a means of transport for people,

e)Mining plant or fixed facility that is used for industrial purposes,

f)cable-operated ferries,

g)Tooth front-wheel drive railways,

h)chain-driven installations.

§ 1-3.Definitions

In this regulation, what is meant by:

a)Rope path: plants designed, manufactured, assembled and put to use for transporting persons or goods in wagons or with devices worn by and/or move with rope placed in or along a route.

b)Material ropeway: cable car intended for the transport of goods.

c)Cable car business: corporations, sole proprietorships or administrative agency that has the operating permit for one or several cable cars.

d)Operating permission: permission to operate the cable car, cf. cable car law § 2-2.

e)Operations Manager: the Manager of the operation of the cable car.

f)Security component: any basic component, the component group, part Assembly or complete Assembly of equipment and any device that is integrated in the funicular for the purpose facility to attend to a security feature and is mapped in the security analysis, which by the failure risk people's safety and health, whether these are users, operating personnel or third parties.

g)Operating technical requirements: all the technical provisions and measures that have an impact on the construction and entry and are required for the funicular to the plant operated safely.

h)Maintenance technical requirements: all the technical provisions and measures which have an impact on the construction and entry, and are necessary for maintenance designed to ensure that the funicular facility run in a secure way.

i)Basic requirements: all the conditions set out in part III with attachments that must be fulfilled by funicular the facilities and their infrastructure, subsystems and the resort's funicular security components.

j)European specification: common technical specification, a European technical approval or a national standard implementing a European standard.

k)Technical control body: body that is published in the official journal of the European communities and has the responsibility to prepare the EC-control certificate in accordance with part III, annex VII.

l)Funicular facilities: the entire system listed on the site, consisting of infrastructure and the subsystems listed in part III, annex I, where infrastructure specially designed for each plant and funicular built on the site means line, system data, station buildings and structures along the stretch that is necessary for the entry and operation of the funicular facility, including foundations.

m)The builder: any natural or legal person who orders the construction of a funicular system.

n)Cable car accident: an unwanted or sudden event or a specific number of such events that have harmful follows that lead to death or serious injury, substantial material damage to property or the environment, and all other similar accidents.

o)Serious cable car event: an unwanted event that under slightly different circumstances could have led to a cable car accident.

p)Cable car event: any other event than an accident, which is connected with the operation and that affect reliability.

§ 1-4.The authorities

Norwegian Railway Authority is supervisory authority according to the cable Act § 4-1.

The Norwegian Railway Authority issuing operating permits for cable cars. Such permission does not replace the obligation to obtain permission from other Governments, including planning and building authorities.

Norwegian Railway Authority in particular cases can make exceptions to the regulations here when this is not in violation of international agreements that Norway has entered into.

Chapter 2. General requirements for the cable business

§ 2-1.Responsibility for the cable car business

The cable business is responsible for the safe operation, maintenance and control of risks in connection with the operation of the cable car.

§ 2-2.Operating permit and notice by changes of importance to operating permit

Operation of the cable car requires operating permit. Before cable cars are applied to the Norwegian Railway Authority give operating permission after the search has at issue that the facility meets the technical and operational requirements.

The business will send the message about the construction of the new cable car to the State's railway supervision before the business sends application to the planning and building authorities so that the Norwegian Railway Authority can guide about the requirements of this regulation.

For the cable car for passenger transport that have operating permit by the rules that were in effect from 03.05.2004 applies the requirements of the regulations part I, II, III and VII.

For the cable car that has the operating permit by the rules that were in effect before permission is granted 03.05.2004 operating can if the cable meets the requirements of part I, II, IV and V. When moving the low level ski tow and high level ski-tow comes in addition to the requirements in EN 12929-1:2004, point 5.5. Cable cranes must meet the requirements of part VI.

When moving the cable car required new operating permit. Other changes of the cable car are to be reported in writing to the Norwegian Railway Authority to assess if the change is of such a nature that it is necessary to apply for new operating permits.

If it made significant changes on or the replacement of parts of the cable car for transportation to the changes and their consequences as a whole satisfy the basic requirements in part III.

By the assessment of whether there is significant changes on the cable car that has the operating permit by the rules that were in effect from 03.05.2004 the emphasis is ongoing if the change involves changes of properties or components described in the documentation as the original operating permission.

By the assessment of whether there is significant changes on the cable car that has the operating permit by the rules that were in effect before the emphasis is 03.05.2004 to on if the change involves changes of properties or components.

§ 2-3.Application for operating permit

Application for operating permit is to be sent to the Norwegian Railway Authority on the prescribed form. Application shall contain the technical description of the cable car with drawings and specification of the standards that are used, as well as the description of the operating and security management system.

Application for operating permit will be determined as soon as possible and no later than four weeks after the date on which all of the required documentation is presented to the Norwegian Railway Authority.

§ 2-4.The removal of the cable car

Cable car that no longer have to remove the operating permit within one year from the termination of the operating permit. Norwegian Railway Authority can make exceptions to the deadline if it continued operation.

§ 2-5.The insurance obligation

Cable car business shall be insured and have security for any liability that may arise due to the cable car. In case of insurance coverage or collateral to the Norwegian Railway Authority recall the operating permit.

The insurance agreement may be entered into for each cable car, or gathered for the company's cable cars.

The requirement to insurance coverage is to be calculated as follows:

a)Business that has the operating permit for one or more low level ski tow should at least be insured with a coverage of 200 G.

b)Business that has the operating permit for one or more high level ski tows should at least be insured with a coverage of 400 G.

c)Business that has the operating permit for one or more material ropeway should at least be insured with a coverage of 200 G.

Businesses that have operating permit for one or several cable cars, chair lifts or bi-cable aerial ropeway to have an insurance coverage and collateral that is calculated from the potential damage the cable car represents.

Businesses that have multiple cable types should have an insurance policy that is calculated from the cable car that has the highest damage potential.

The insurance company where the cable car is insured to notify the Norwegian Railway Authority out the disappearance of the collateral.

§ 2-6.Notification obligation of cable car accident and serious cable car event

At the cable car accident to the cable business immediately notify the police, the Norwegian Railway Authority, and if necessary other relevant authorities. Notification to the police should happen by word of mouth.

By serious cable car event to cable car business immediately notify the Norwegian Railway Authority, and if necessary other relevant authorities.

§ 2-7.The reporting obligation about the cable car accident, serious cable car event and event

The cable business shall report in writing to the Norwegian Railway Authority about the cable car accident and serious cable car event. The report is to be sent the Norwegian Railway Authority as soon as possible and at the latest within 72 hours. Cable car incident should be reported to the Norwegian Railway Authority within 8 days. Reporting can happen electronically.

Reporting shall be made on the form established by the Norwegian Railway Authority.

§ 2-8.Annual report

Norwegian Railway Authority may require the cable companies submits an annual report on matters that affect the security. Norwegian Railway Authority lays claim to the content of the report and set deadlines for submission.

§ 2-9.Prohibition of transfer, etc.

Operating permit is not transferable; including rented, leased, lent or otherwise be left to others.

§ 2-10.Claims about the security management system (internal control)

The cable business to have a security management system. The purpose of the security management system will be to manage the business in order to operate securely.

§ 2-11.Requirements for security management system

Security management system should be documented, and known by all who have tasks that can affect the security of the business.The documentation should be in Norwegian.

Security management system should be adapted to the nature and extent of the current business and to contain the provisions that are required to control risks associated with the business.

Security management system shall at least include:

a) Provisions on how the security risks associated with the operation of the business to be identified and followed up.

b)Provisions on control, operation and maintenance to ensure satisfactory security.

c) Skill requirements for personnel who have tasks that can affect the security, including claims to expertise about first aid and rescue. The Norwegian Railway Authority can determine the minimum skill level of rescue personnel.

d) Description of how responsibility and authority are distributed in the enterprise organization, including instructions for the Operations Manager and other operational personnel.

e) Contingency plan for emergency situations and other situation that can threaten security. The plan should at least contain:

1) Alert list (internal and external).

2) Overview of equipment for first aid and rescue and placement of this.

3) Detailed rescue plan and procedures for the planning and conduct of regular rescue exercises from soar courts and cable cars with subsequent evaluation and follow-up.

4) For cable cars soar to paths and it be released overview of communications equipment, equipment for evacuation or lowering of passengers as well as the location of the equipment.

f)Procedures for the registration and follow-up of the cable car accident, serious cable car event and the cable-car event. Routines should include immediate measures to reduce the effects of the accident or incident as well as investigate the cause and determine measures to prevent repetition.

§ 2-12.General technical requirements

Cable cars should at all times be made so that the process can travel and rise on and off without danger.

The route should be cleared, sufficient wide and available.

The driving and flip stations are to be enclosed to appropriate extent, so that people are not exposed to danger, i.e. by injury incurred by moving parts.

For chair lifts in addition, the following applies:

a)Height from charged or un-loaded seat to the ground or snow surface by a comfortable margin shall be sufficient to permit the Chair lowest part, usually foot hook, not touching the ground or snow cover.

b)Access routes to and from the wheelchair area shall be separated from each other, and they must not cross the area just for the chairs. It should be clear labelling.

For all courses in addition applies to soar the following:

Where the end of the drive-the floor is more than 1.5 meters above ground level shall be secured so that no one is harmed by the case.

§ 2-13.Drivers room,operations room or area for guard

Drivers room, operations room or area for guard at the disembarking area should be made so that the guard can have a good overview of entering area with queue, any opening ports, entering area, area where the pedestrian protection guard should be closed and further up the line. Operations room or area for guard at the disembarking area should be made so that the guard can have a good overview of disembarking area. The guard should be able to communicate easily with operating drivers and must have a stop device readily available.

Part II. Operation, the operating controls and maintenance

Chapter 3. Requirements for the operation, the operating controls and maintenance of the cable cars