COMMUNITY ROOM January 23, 2017
6:00 P.M Closed Session
7:00 P.M. Regular Session
Mr. Dan Kassner Karen Treml, Supt. /Sp. Ed. Dir. List available
Mr John Pagel Mark Dax, Prin. in the School
Mr. Brian Vogeltanz Kim Dax, Bus. & Human Serv. Dir. District Office
Ms. Robin Kinn Jason Karnopp, Bldgs/Grounds Dir.
Mr. Paul Jirtle Kacy Rohr, Prin
Mr. Dennis Shimanek Tracy Ledvina, Prin
Mr. Tom Stangel
President Brian Vogeltanz called the Regular School Board meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Meeting notices were posted according to WI State Statutes 19.84(1)(b). A Quorum was verified as seven Board members were in attendance.
Tom Stangel motioned, Paul Jirtle seconded, to adjourn to Closed Session per WI State Statutes 19.85(1)(g) to discuss litigation. The motion carried 7-0 on a roll call vote.
At 7:00 p.m, Robin Kinn motioned, Dennis Shimanek seconded to return to Open Session. The motion carried unanimously.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
John Pagel motioned, Dennis Shimanek seconded to approve the agenda as organized. The motion passed unanimously.
There were no comments for Public Forum, or concerns for the Board.
The first item on the agenda was a discussion on the number of regular and special education seats available via the open enrollment process. Superintendent Karen Treml reported that there will be no denying any students grades kindergarten thru 12th. There are currently high numbers in the 7th grade class, discussion continues regarding scheduling options for the staff and students. A motion to approve the number of regular and special education seats available for open enrollment as presented was made by Robin Kinn, and was seconded by Dennis Shimanek. The motion passed unanimously.
Kim Dax, Business Manager and Human Services Director spoke next. Mrs. Dax was seeking approval for the revised budget for the 2016-17 school year. In addition, Kim noted that the E-Rate funds still had not been disbursed and are still in process. A motion was made by John Pagel to approve the revised 2016-17 budget; the motion was seconded by Tom Stangel. A roll call vote passed 7-0.
The last major topic on the agenda was the discussion of the 2017-18 school calendar. Superintendent Treml explained the proposed calendar which included a “mini spring break” from March 29th -April 2nd. The calendar meets the required hours of instruction. A motion was made by Paul Jirtle to approve the 2017-18 school calendar as presented, and was seconded by Robin Kinn. The motion was passed unanimously.
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At this time, President Vogeltanz read the Consent Agenda Items as follows:
1. Minutes of December 19th 2016 and January 9th 2017
2. Payment of the bills in the amount of $871, 057.37
A motion was made to approve the consent items as read by Dan Kassner and was seconded by Tom Stangel. The motion passed 7-0.
Karen Treml then provided the Superintendent Report. First she presented a facilities update; she informed the board that the flooring issue has not been resolved as of yet, and testing continues in an attempt to find a solution to the adhesive obstacle. There have been two sample areas created utilizing two different methods. In the next couple of weeks, the durability of both will be monitored for the best result. Buildings and Grounds Director Jason Karnopp continues to work closely with HJ Martin through the process, and is actively collecting flooring quotes for phase 2 of the construction process. As a result of the current flooring issues, some of the phase two flooring installation may need to be pushed out to 2018. Mr. Karnopp and Mrs. Treml will keep the Board informed of any updates as the process continues.
Mrs. Treml continued reporting to the board, she shared that the abatement process at Hillcrest is to begin January 30th and will continue thru February. Mrs. Treml and Mr. Karnopp informed the Board of current safety concerns that occur with the demolition of a building, Jason will have proper signage posted indicating that no one should be near the facility.
Next Mrs. Treml provided an update on the current settlement between Dominion and the Town of Carlton. Karen explained the impact on the Kewaunee School District, as currently there will be a chargeback to the District of more than $5.5 million. She assured the board that she and Kim Dax are working closely with both the District Financial Advisor as well as our Attorney to ensure the best outcome possible as they work thru the process.
Superintendent Treml then personally invited all Board members to attend the Open House which is scheduled for February 15th from 4:00-7:30. The open house will have self-guided tours, entertainment, and a sloppy joe or hot dog dinner where all proceeds will be donated to the playground fund. In addition, Mrs. Treml was happy to report that the District rummage sale is complete, and raised over $1500.00 for the playground!
Lastly, Superintendent Treml provided an update on the current status of Kewaunee’s Academic Career Planning. She reported that the team continues to work with CESA on establishing a plan for grades 6-12, ACP’s will be instrumental in assisting students to plan for their future, and will create exciting opportunities for students as well. The team will bring the recommended plan to the board in June or July for approval, as it will be implemented in September 2017.
The next person to speak to the Board was Business and Human Services Director Kim Dax. Mrs. Dax first wanted to clarify to the Board that the Grounds Budget is on target, the handout they were provided reflects at $63,000 reimbursement from the insurance company for the damage due to the tornado this past summer which was approximately $70,000. Mrs. Dax then updated the Board on the 2nd Friday student count, the preliminary numbers show that the District is up at least five students from last year.
The next report of the evening was provided by the Principals. Mark Dax, KHS principal reported to the Board on current winter activities, assessments being conducted as well as Academic Career Planning. Kacy Rohr, KMS mirrored Mr. Dax reported on winter activities, assessments and the status of ACP. Lastly Tracy Ledvina, KES principal reported on the success of Trimester One, the completion of math assessments, and the continued focus on educator effectiveness.
The final report of the evening was presented by Buildings and Grounds Director Jason Karnopp. Mr. Karnopp reiterated the status of the flooring as discussed previously, as well as explained the current issues with the camera system not meeting the expectations that were set prior to installation.
Mr. Karnopp then took a moment to thank Dennis Shimanek for heading up both the District rummage sales. Superintendent Treml thanked Mr. Shimanek as well for the hours of volunteer time he donated to the success of the sale. In addition, Mrs. Treml shared with the Board that Dennis and Deb Shimanek have been chosen as recipients for the Build the Future Wall of Fame. The awards ceremony will be held April 9th at JW’s along with Deb and Dennis, Tom Kleiman and Jeff Kassner will be honored.
President Vogeltanz then announced future dates:
· February 6th- Transportation Committee Meeting
· February 20th- Regular School Board Meeting
At 7:37 p.m. Dan Kassner motioned, Dennis Shimanek seconded to adjourn the meeting. The motion passed unanimously.
Cara Delebreau
Administrative Assistant