Capacity Building and Funding Information for the CTC Process
*The purpose of this guide is to identify service clubs and organizations that have missions aligned with CTC. Below, you will find suggestions for ways to begin the conversation with these entities about how their organization fits with CTC, the benefits of CTC, and how they might become involved in the process.
Other groups and resources in the community to consider outside of those outlined in this document are:
• Small groups within larger churches
• The Chamber of Commerce is almost always looking for presentations at their meetings. They will often donate newsletter space to a worthy cause, and may be open to sharing contact information (list-serves and addresses).
• Larger businesses may be willing to support the efforts, especially if it involves non-monetary donations
• The newspaper can be a great outlet for keeping the community informed. If there’s nothing news-worthy, an article about risk and protective factors or CTC goals is also good. Write a lot and write often.
• Community Foundation often does mini-grants for programs.
The following club descriptions and proposals are all pieces developed from individual websites. These descriptions are simply guidelines and can be used as a starting point in tailoring proposals to local community establishments.*
1. Local 4-H Clubs:
- Mission: To assist youth and adults in their development by conducting hands-on educational programs, using the knowledge base of Purdue University, other land grant universities and the United States Department of Agriculture.
- Leadership: 4-H Youth Extension Educators and trained volunteers
- How to Get Involved with CTC?
1. Facilitate Evidence-based programs
2. Extension Educators and Trained volunteers to join the Community Board
- Benefits for getting involved with CTC
1. Increased funding for programs
2. Increased Community Networking for local club
3. Potential Increase of Youth Club Memberships and Volunteers
Proposal Statement: By joining the efforts of CTC in this community through facilitating programs, or becoming part of the board, the 4-H Club will be given the increased opportunities of receiving additional funding for their programs, networking with other community members and organizations, seeing the potential increase of youth club memberships and volunteers in this chapter and also providing youth with the unique opportunity to become directly involved with a state initiative to bring lasting change to their community.
2. Moose Lodges:
- Mission: “An international organization of men and women, dedicated to caring for young and old, bringing communities closer together and celebrating life.”
- How to Get Involved with CTC?
- Provide Grant and Funding opportunities for CTC program implementation
- Join the Community Board
- Benefits for the Moose Lodge through CTC Involvement
- Increased Community Connectivity
- Increase awareness of local Moose Lodge presence among community stakeholders
Proposal Statement: Part of the mission of the Moose Fraternity is to care for the young and old and to bring communities closer together. The CTC helps bring decision-makers in the community together. It aids these leaders with better understanding of the risks facing the community’s youth and tools for developing a plan to address the identified needs. By joining the CTC efforts through becoming a Community Board member, or providing grant and funding opportunities for program implementation, the local Moose chapter will be aligning with its goal of caring for the young and brining the community closer together, while also joining the effort of the state and further becoming an integral part of this community.
3. Association of Junior Leagues International:
- Mission: “The Association of Junior Leagues International, Inc. (AJLI) is an organization of women committed to promoting voluntarism, developing the potential of women and improving communities through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. Its purpose is exclusively educational and charitable. Their vision is to enable “Women around the world as catalysts for lasting community change
- How to Get Involved with CTC?
- Provide funding for CTC in local community
- Join the Community Board and possibly conduct future CTC trainings
- Become involved with the process of implementation
- Benefits for the Junior League through CTC Involvement
- Increased Community Connectivity
- Becoming an integral player in promoting community change
Proposal Statement: Just as the Association of Junior Leagues International seeks to promote lasting community change, so does the Communities That Care system that is being implemented throughout the state of Indiana. By becoming involved with the CTC process through providing funding opportunities or joining the Community Board, the AJLI will see part of its mission fulfilled in seeing lasting community change through volunteerism and charity.
4. The Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks:
- Mission: “The Elks are committed to eliminating the use and abuse of illegal drugs by all members of society and believe that in order to ensure a bright future for our country, it is essential that our children be raised in a drug-free environment.” – Taken from the Elks Drug Awareness Program mission statement
- How to Get Involved with CTC?
- Join the Community Board
- Provide Funding Opportunities for CTC program implementation
- Benefits for the Benevolent and Protective Order of the Elks through CTC involvement
- Become an even more key player in promoting community change
- Connect and form relationships with other local agencies
- Increased awareness of Elks and possible increase in recruitment of members
Proposal Statement: The Communities That Care system that is being implemented throughout the state of Indiana and the Benevolent and Protective Order of the Elks both seek to protect the state’s youth from drug use and abuse through prevention efforts. By joining the CTC process either through financial giving or joining the Community Board, the Elks will not only greatly increase the realization of their goal in seeing a drug-free environment established, but will also increase their presence in the community and become a catalyst for long-term change.
5. Rotary Club: (*Usually very open for presentations!*)
- Mission: “The mission of Rotary International is to provide service to others, promote integrity, and advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through its fellowship of business, professional, and community leaders.”
Taken from Avenues of Service:
Community Service covers the projects and activities the club undertakes to improve life in its community.
New Generations Service recognizes the positive change implemented by youth and young adults through leadership development activities, service projects, and exchange programs.
- How to Get Involved with CTC?
- Facilitate CTC program implementation
- Provide funding opportunities for CTC
- Join the Community Board
- Benefits for the Rotary Club through CTC Involvement
- Increase access to vital community resources in order to promote change
- Increased awareness of Rotary Club in the community
- Networking and relationship building with other agencies and members of the community
Proposal Statement: The Rotary Club has been a long-standing and vital asset to the community. By joining with the efforts of the Communities That Care system, Rotary will not only benefit from building relationships with other key community members, but will also aid in facilitating lasting change for today’s youth and be directly addressing its goals in utilizing the local youth to generate positive change through direct involvement with the Indiana’s initiative to implement CTC throughout the state.
6. Optimists:
- Mission: Optimists are “dedicated to ‘Bringing Out the Best in Kids.’ Adult volunteers join Optimist Clubs to conduct positive service projects in their communities aimed at providing a helping hand to youth. With their upbeat attitude, Optimist Club members help empower young people to be the best that they can be. Each Optimist Club determines the needs of the young people in its community and conducts programs to meet those needs.”
- How to Get Involved with CTC?
- Join the Community Board
- Provide funding opportunities of CTC program implementation
- Help facilitate program implementation in your community
- Benefits for the Optimists through CTC Involvement
- Form lasting relationships with key community leaders
- Access to data and evidence determining the need of the youth
Proposal Statement: The Communities that Care System establishes the need of the community’s youth and aids in implementing tested and effective programs that will directly address the need. By joining with the efforts of the CTC through providing funding opportunities, program implementation, and/or joining the Community Board, the Optimists will receive an increased capability to create lasting, positive change that will hopefully create a positive and nurturing environment for the community’s youth.
7. Parent Teacher Organizations:
- Mission: Most schools have some form of PTA or PTO which contain their own mission and vision statements. Many of the members of such organizations are invested in the entire well being of the students.
- How to Get Involved with CTC?
- Advocate that the school administer the Indiana Youth Survey to its students each year
- Become a member of the Community Board
- Aid in potential program implementation
- Benefit for the PTO/PTA through CTC Involvement
- Receive quality information and data concerning youth substance abuse and other problem behaviors and clear direction in addressing these problems
- Become a part of creating a healthier and safer school environment both inside and outside of the schools.
Proposal Statement: The PTO/PTA has always played an integral part in providing for the needs of the students in order to make certain that they are receiving the best education possible. The CTC system is being implemented throughout the state in order to address the risk factors that lead youth problem behaviors such as substance abuse, school, drop-out, est. By joining with the local CTC process, PTO/PTA members can play an even more vital role in establishing healthy learning environments for their students by ensuring that the interests and challenges of families are understood and incorporated into planning efforts.
8. Kiwanis International:
- Mission: To provide, through Kiwanis clubs, a practical means to form enduring friendships, to render altruistic service, and to build better communities. To cooperate in creating and maintaining that sound public opinion and high idealism which make possible the increase of righteousness, justice, patriotism, and goodwill.
- How to Get Involved with CTC?
- Provide funding opportunities to CTC implementation through club grants
- Join the Community Board
- Benefits for the Local Kiwanis Chapter through CTC Involvement
- Increase number of partnerships and relationships within the local community
- Combat youth substance use and abuse
- Become a part of a statewide initiative to create healthier communities in Indiana
Proposal Statement: Kiwanis International is well known for its commitment to creating healthy environments for the youth through programs such as Terrific Kids and Bring Up the Grades. The Communities That Care prevention system which is being implemented throughout the state focuses on this very goal by establishing each community’s needs and implementing strategies in order to decrease substance use and other problem behaviors, such as school drop-out, among the youth. By joining with the CTC process, the Kiwanis club will not only receive help in achieving its own goals, but will also build closer relationships with other key community leaders.
9. Lions Club International:
- Mission: To take an active interest in the civic, cultural, social and moral welfare of the community and to empower volunteers to serve their communities.
- How to Get Involved with CTC?
- Become a Key Leader or Join the Community Board
- Provide future funding for CTC initiatives through club grants
- Benefits for the Local Lions Club Chapter through CTC Involvement
- Become an integral part of a statewide initiative in combating youth substance abuse and other problem behaviors and building a healthy community environment.
- Build closer relationships with key community leaders.
Proposal Statement: The Lions Club International has long been known for its effectiveness in tackling community problems on a local level. Currently, the Communities That Care system is being implemented in various regions throughout the state in order to address the communities’ elevated risk factors which are negatively affecting the state’s youth and giving way to increased substance abuse and other problem behaviors. By joining with the CTC process happening in this community, the local Lion’s club chapter will not only be advancing their own purposes in promoting civic, cultural, social, and moral welfare, but will also be given the opportunity to become an even more vital asset to the community.
10. Tri Kappa:
- Mission: To bring women into close, unselfish relationship for the promotion of charity, culture, and education.
- How to Get Involved with CTC?
1. Become a Key Leader or Join the Community Board
2. Provide future funding for CTC initiatives through grants
- Benefits for the Local Chapter of Tri Kappa through CTC Involvement
1. Increased community presence
2. Increased positive impact on the state
3. Technical support and assistance for program implementation
Proposal Statement: Tri Kappa has long been known for its continuous generosity, care, and overall support which has positively affected and shaped the State of Indiana for the better. Currently, Indiana is implementing the Communities that Care system, at the local level, throughout various regions in the state in order to create healthy communities, see the reduction of youth substance abuse and other problem behaviors, and most importantly, provide the Indiana youth opportunities and skills that will enable them to succeed throughout their lifespan. Tri Kappa’s partnership with the CTC process would not only continue to strengthen the club’s already established dedication to the state’s well being and goals in promoting charity, culture, and education, but will also benefit the Tri Kappa’s through providing an increased community and state presence, as well as advanced technical support in creating healthy environments for young women.
11. Knights of Columbus: and
- Guiding Principles: Charity, Unity, Fraternity, and Patriotism.
A main focus of the Knights of Columbus is an initiative called “Neighbors Helping Neighbors – Service Together.” Mission: To connect individuals with volunteer organizations and projects that deal with issues volunteers are most passionate about and build upon the strength of these new partnerships. Also, to provide youth with the means and the opportunities to become personally committed and involved in meeting the challenges of our times.
- How to Get Involved with CTC?
1. Join the CTC Community Board
2. Implement future prevention programs in the community
3. Provide funding opportunities for CTC program initiatives
- Benefits for the Knights of Columbus through CTC Involvement
1. Meet goal of seeing youth becoming involved with lasting change
2. Becoming a stronger presence in the community
3. Build deeper relationships with local Key Leaders in the Community
Proposal Statement: The Knights of Columbus and the CTC process, which is being implemented throughout the state, both seek to provide youth with the means and opportunities to become personally invested in their communities to see lasting, positive change as well as to build stronger relationships between community members and organizations. By joining with the CTC process, the Knights of Columbus will not only find aid in meeting its organization’s goals, but will also become a part of reducing youth substance use and creating healthy communities both locally and throughout the state of Indiana .