May 8, 2014 7:00 PM
CALL TO ORDER/PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE/ROLL CALL: Vice Chair Arlene Schmit called the meeting to order at 7:15 PM. The Pledge of Allegiance and Roll Call was said at the Public Hearing before this meeting. Sign-In sheet attached.
Agenda: Greg Bennett moved to approve the amended agenda, seconded by Brenda Silgjord and the motion carried.
April 10, 2014 Public Hearing Comp Plan Changes amend/approve: Bill Carrington moved to approve the minutes, seconded by Greg Bennett and the motion carried.
April 10, 2014 Regular PC Meeting amend/approve: Bill Carrington moved to approve the minutes, seconded by Greg Bennett and the motion carried.
Public Input:
Jeff Thorson: Jeff is wondering what we found out from Cass County in regard to him building a four plex apartment in a residential area in Scearyville. Cass County had told him previously he would need to come to the Sylvan PC for the permit as it would be commercial but since it is in a residential area we do not handle residential. The Planning Commission members informed Jeff they were going to be meeting with Cass County officials in regard to some issues and that is one of the items that will be discussed. Yvette Adelman-Dullinger will let Jeff know what was decided after the meeting.
Heidi David: Heidi has just purchased a home on Wilderness Drive and would like to put a hair salon in the attached garage. Heidi met with Planning Commission members Dave Johnson and Greg Bennett at the residence. Dave and Greg went through the permit application (Home Occupation – Interim Use) and checklist at the Town Hall. Heidi is present tonight to present her application, checklist and plans. Heidi stated she would only be open one (1) day a week and she would be the only person working in the salon. The Planning Commission members discussed the extra parking and also a sidewalk if needed it could be either impervious surface, a rain garden or any other solution that manages any runoff. After discussion with the PC regarding hours of operation it was decided we do not need to put that in the conditions. Heidi would be allowed one (1) sign which is included in the Ordinance with the size not being greater than two hundred forty (240) square inches in area.
After further discussion Greg Bennett moved to recommend to the Town Board the approval of Heidi David’s application for a permitted Home Occupation due to the findings from the site visit conducted by Dave Johnson and Greg Bennett with the applicant, seconded by Brenda Silgjord. The question was called and the motion carried.
Findings from the site visit:
· The proposed use is consistent with the Sylvan Township Comprehensive Plan.
· The proposed use is consistent with the present and future land use as all activity takes place within the salon in the garage.
· The proposed use can be accommodated with existing public services since Wilderness Drive is a paved road.
· Traffic generated will be within the capacity of Wilderness Drive as the owner proposed to work one day per week and will be working alone thus the traffic generation will be modest.
· The proposed use will not cause damage or destruction of any natural, scenic or historical feature of the Township. The new salon will be located within the existing building. The overflow parking space is currently dirt with no vegetation and the storm water from the overflow parking flows to the ditch of Wilderness Drive.
· There will be no increased noise or pollution on the exterior of the salon.
· There will be no outside storage due to the operation of the salon.
· A site plan has been submitted.
· Signage will be limited to 240 square inches as stated in the Ordinance.
· A storm water plan must be submitted that will adequately deal with runoff from the proposed new construction of a sidewalk. The plan may include impervious surface, a rain garden, or any other solution that satisfactorily manages any increased runoff created by the proposed use.
· Meeting all State, County and Township requirements and to protect the public health, safety and welfare.
Correspondence Received:
Cass County Brinkman Variance: The Brinkman’s submitted an application to Cass County to expand a non-conforming residence with a 16’ x 16’ addition. It is non-conforming as it is located 85 feet from Seven Mile Lake. Bill Carrington and Dave Johnson attended the site visit on May 5, 2014. After discussion the Planning Commission members recommended approval of the site committee’s recommendation regarding the Variance Application. Bill Carrington moved to recommend approval to the Cass County Planning Commission with the following findings and conditions, seconded by Brenda Silgjord. The question was called and the motion carried.
Findings of fact:
1. The application is in harmony with the purpose of the Cass County Ordinance charged with protecting the quality of lakes and rivers.
2. It is consistent with the Sylvan Township Comprehensive Plan because it poses no additional threat to the waters of Seven Mile Creek.
3. The proposal is a reasonable use of the property. The addition is not closer to the waters of Seven Mile Creek than the existing cabin.
4. The need for the variance was not created by the current owner.
5. Approval of the variance will not change the character of the neighborhood as the cabin has significant natural screening between neighbors. The size of the expanded cabin will not be out of character in regard to size.
The Site Committee recommendations to the Cass County Planning Commission for the Brinkman Variance are as follows:
1. The existing sewer system has been adequately designed to meet the new proposed use of the cabin.
2. The natural shoreline continue to be maintained as a natural shoreline.
3. Meeting all State, County and Township Requirements
Correspondence Sent:
Yvette Adelman-Dullinger –Town Board Liaison: Yvette informed the Planning Commission members of the following items discussed at their last meeting:
1. Fee Schedule was tabled due to confusion of adding a non-permitted interim use permit to the fee schedule. The Board considers that to be a Variance. The PC feels a Variance would run with the property while a non-permitted interim use permit would have a limited amount of time. Yvette stated she will look over the wording in the Ordinance before taking this back to the Town Board.
2. Comp Plan changes have been tabled as a Board member has some concerns regarding state building codes. He needs to look this over before the next Board meeting.
3. The Board is still looking at the property across from the Town Hall.
4. The Road Supervisors will be having a working meeting on May 14th at the Town Hall to work on the Five Year Road Plan.
5. The Board is looking at having a meeting with all the cemetery committees in the Township to review what each committee is doing with that cemetery.
6. Will be purchasing a new Town Hall flag as the current one fell to the ground.
7. Camp Ripley Representative was present to let the Town Board know what will be happening at the Camp in the next few months.
8. Some Board members are going to a legal seminar in June.
9. The Board members went on the road review and noticed a few businesses need to have some issues addressed.
At this point the issue in regard to Mr. Kern’s property on County Road 18 was brought up with the PC members stating he has started cleaning up his items. Also the PC had discussion in regard to the resident with the Live Bait sign on his building. After discussion in regard to if his business has changed and if he would still be grandfathered in Bill Carrington stated he would drive to the residence and bring his findings back to our next PC meeting.
Previous Board Minutes: You are receiving in your packets, please read them
over for your information.
Old Business:
New Business:
SCO Changes: Chair Dave Johnson asked that this be left on the agenda.
Meeting with Cass County Officials: Two members of the Planning Commission and Town Board will be meeting with Cass County officials on May 20, 2014 at 2:00 PM at the Town Hall for discussion in regard to residential permitting and commercial permitting and other issues. The PC decided Chair Dave Johnson and Bill Carrington will attend this meeting for the Planning Commission. Greg Booth and Lee Shade will be attending from the Town Board. Chair Dave Johnson had a list of items for discussion with Cass County that he would like the PC members look over.
Carlyon Sylvan Lake Park: Planning Commission members did not meet on Wednesday, April 23, 2014 at 6:00 PM due to the weather. The date is May 20, 2014 meeting at the Town Hall at 5:30 PM and proceeding to the park for a tour.
Annual Reviews:
Shady Hollow Resort: The annual review date for Shady Hollow Resort’s After the Fact Variance is in May. Arlene Schmit and Lee Shade from the Town Board will do the review again this year.
Camp Jim: Dave Johnson and Greg Bennett will meet with the representatives from Camp Jim in regard to Camp Jim’s two (2) Variances.
Deposits held: The Corner Store
Verizon Wireless
Announcements: Read
Adjournment: Brenda Silgjord moved to adjourn, seconded by Bill Carrington, and the motion carried with the meeting being adjourned at 9:05 PM.
Minutes submitted by:
Colleen Putnam, Deputy Clerk
PC Member __Arlene Schmit______moved to approve the minutes as amended seconded by Brenda Silgjord__and the motion carried.
Amendments: Page 1: under Heidi David change correct spelling for impervious
Date: 6-12-14
May 8, 2014 Page 3