StatisticsSyllabus 2017-2018
Instructor: Kyle Duggan
Class website:
Course Objectives
This course covers all the topics taught during the first quarter or semester of college Calculus courses. We will cover limits, differentiability, continuity, motion, implicit differentiation, Riemann sums, related rates, areas of regions, integration, slope fields, separable differential equations, volumes of solids and arc length. This class is recommended only for students who have received an 80% or higher in Pre-Calculus.
“ The Practice of Statistics” 5th edition
Required Materials*
These items are readily available at local office supply stores, and a few of them (such as the Graph Paper Composition Notebook) are available at the student store.
Students will need to bringthe followingevery day:
- Pencils (for all work)
- Pen (for notes and corrections ONLY)
- Graph Paper Composition Notebook
All homework and notes should be done in these. Youmay need 3-4 of these during the year
depending on writing style.(These are sold at the student store for $2, and will not fall apart.)
- Calculator
A graphing calculatorAND a scientific calculatorareAdviced for statistics.A TI N-Spireis recommended by the Mathematics Department, and instruction and examples will be provided using this model. (Please make sure that you do not buy a version that says “CAS” on it, as that version is not allowed on exams!) Whichever scientific calculator you have from Geometry is fine, but if you need one, the Mathematics Department recommends a TI-30XS Multiview
- A student planner is highly recommended to keep track of dates and assignments.
*All links provided are for reference purposes only and are not intended as an endorsement for a particular product or service.
Homework and In-Class Participation
Homework and in-class activities will be assigned for mastery, and your participation is required in order to be successful in this class. Homework will not be graded as such, but frequent quizzes over the homework material will be given.To be successful: Work homework problems, correct them, and repeat until you feel that you have mastered the material in the unit. Show work!Organization is a key component of this class.
In this class we will be using Standards based Grading. Student achievement grades will be assigned according to the following scale:
A / 90% or Above / B / 80-89.9999% / C / 70-79.9999% / D / 60-69.9999% / F / Below 60%Achievement grades in this class will be based upon the following percentages:
Exams and Projects / 70% / Quizzes / 15% / Final Exam / 15%Standards will be graded using the following scale:
4 / Student has shown master of the standard3.7 / Student shows mastery of the standard but has made a minor error
3.4 / Student shows understanding of the standard but has multiple errors
3.0 / Student shows understanding of the standard, but has a major error
2.5 / Student shows understanding of the standard, but has many major errors
2 / Student provides work that is relevant to the standard
0 / Student shows no understanding of the standard or there is no evidence
In keeping with mathematics department policy, there will be no rounding of final grades, and no extra credit will be given. Grades will be updated on Family Access frequently. Students (and guardians!) are responsible for checking that scores are accurate. Please keep all graded material to verify that scores are entered correctly. Please contact me immediately with any questions or concerns.
Make-Up Classes, Quizzes, Exams, and
In the event of an absence students are responsible for collecting any missed assignments or notes from the website and scheduling make-up quizzes and exams as soon as possible. All notes and assignments will be posted on the class website. Students with excused absences have two days to reschedule missed quizzes and exams (emails encouraged). In the case of an excused absence, any exam or quiz missed will need to be made up before or after school. Make-up exams and quizzes will be different from the original assessment; it is in your best interest to show up on exam and quiz days.Absent quizzes or exams will be immediately entered as missing and incompletefor gradebook purposes. You are an adult. Be responsible. Communicate with me.
Quizzes will typically occur every week, while exams will occur every 2-3 weeks. Plan accordingly.
Exam Retake Policy
Students who do not meet the achievement criteria on an examination may opt to increase their score by attempting a retake examination. In order to qualify for a retake examination students must: 1) Make all of their corrections on the previous version of the exam and, 2) Complete all of the homework questions from the appropriate unit. Retake examinations will be in a significantly different format. Retake examinations will be given within two weeks of the return of the original examination. It is in your best interest to be prepared for the exam the first time.No retakes are allowed on final exams.
Code of Conduct
Students are expected to follow all rules in the Student Handbook, particularly (but not limited to) those rules involving attendance and academic integrity. The Student Handbook is available at:
Calculus 2017-2018 Syllabus Acknowledgement
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Thank you for taking the time to read and sign this course syllabus with your student. Studies have shown that involvement in your student’s education is the most critical factor in their success. I would like to encourage you to talk to your student about what they have learned during the day’s lesson, and to check in with them frequently. Please check Family Access on a weekly basis to keep yourself apprised on the progress of your student.
Thanks in advance for your support this year. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact me. My preferred method of contact is via e-mail. Please make sure that your contact information (especially your email address!) is current in Family Access.
Print Parent/Guardian Name / Parent/Guardian SignatureStudents please sign below, signifying that you also have read and understand the syllabus. Remember this is an assignment and must be turned in on time to receive full credit.
Print Student Name / Student SignatureThanks, and have a great year!
Kyle Duggan
Tom Elliott
H.B. Telling
Skyline High School Mathematics Department
Calculus 1 2017-2018 Checklist
Dear Parents and Guardians,
This checklist may be a helpful reference. Please keep anddo not send this back with your student.
Students need access to the following items:
□Graph Paper Composition Notebooks
□Scientific Calculator (TI-30XS Multiview or similar)
□Graphing Calculator (TI N-Spire or similar)
Parents, please:
□Confirm that you can log into Issaquah Family Access.
□Make sure that your email address is accurate in Family Access.
□Confirm that your student can log into Student Access.
□Check on your student’s progress occasionally so there aren’t any surprises.
If you are having difficulty accessing Family Access, please contact the Skyline High Registrar at (425)837-7849.
□Consider signing up for the Skyline Parent Teacher Association
□Don’t hesitate to contact me at with any questions or concerns.
□Look for occasional emails from me.
Thank you,
Kyle Duggan
Tom Elliott
H.B. Telling
Skyline Mathematics