LifeStyle Success Steps to having a Healthy Spirit, Body & Mind…Adds Purpose, Money & More Free Time!

Step 1: Understand the vital part the mindset piece plays in both the complete program and business model (funnel.)

The mindset and L.I.F.E.S.T.Y.L.E. training and videos have begun during Fast Track. We will be teaching the member’s more of now which allows the member to live the lifestyle piece.

And learning instinct for success training will continue to come through Lifestyle Success videos and the coaching sessions, where the member learns how to automatically and easily make the right choices, maintain motivation, achieve all goals and feel great for the rest of your life. These sessions will equip the member to control their lives for the rest of your life, rather than food controlling them.

What we know to be absolutely true at Life Style Success is that it’s not about the food and it’s not about the exercise. When you think about D.I.E.T. (Do I Eat This), the constant consumption of your brain is focused on the food; the food that can have or can’t have, do want or don’t want, but it’s all focused on food. And the thing is, the real secret to permanent results, lasting results is that it’s not about the food. So granted, we do need to have food education, there’s the “F” in Life Style. And certainly we need to have exercise education, there’s the “E” in Life Style. But the real key to achieving the goal, maintaining that success and having success in any area of life is to learn instinct. It’s to get this information and have it become so a part of that the member that he/she now know, “Oh, I just need to do that” and we’re able to teach the members how to do that with Life Style Success. The way we’re able to teach that with Life Style Success is the end of that acronym, Success Training you Live Every day.

Keep in mind the business model for LSS

The members will continue to receive lessons every week with the 3-8 minute videos, with action steps, even some questions, some examples to help the member to take that action step and finally the member will lose this weight this time and keep it off.

Step 2: During the Fast Track Seminar be sure to:

(a) Collect payment method for LSS even if the member pays in full in cash-you’ll need their credit card info to

Enter the member into your wellness website. How do you get the card info? Just tell the member to

Fill it out!

Note: Example Script: Give the member a pen and say, “I just need you to mark “here” because that’s how you are going to get your first 30 days of LSS free.”

(b) Give each member “The Success Starts Now” doc. Stay ahead of the situation. Many times when a member is dissatisfied and they want to opt out of the funnel process it’s due to not understanding what they have purchased and what the next steps are! Note the following excerpt Step 7 on Success Starts now:

7. If you do not receive a welcome email within 24 hours then complete the following: First-Check your spam folder! Receiving this first email is vital component to permanent results! Please take a moment & look for it!

Next-Understand that different servers have different restrictions that could be blocking the email coming into their account. Let me give you a couple of examples:

  • If you have an email that ends with .edu or .gov or .aol understand that these are the highest restricted email accounts.
  • Any email with an attachments or capital letters will be flagged. Many of the accounts will impede an email due to it being over a certain gig size or the video is longer than normal.
  • Keep in mind all restrictions are getting worse and worse due to the terrorist attacks as they are constantly changing their securities

The following link is what we need to walk the members through when they are not receiving the LSS videos.


Step 3: Be sure to enter member’s name in your wellness website in 2 areas:

  • The LSS button with the code: LSSFREEMO

Keep in mind LSS is for everyone! You can enter anyone you want using your LSS button on your site!

Script for speaking to your club/training member: “Hey you have great behaviors going by coming and exercising! Wouldn’t you like to know how to make great behaviors for all that you have going on in your life? Behaviors that will get you to your money goals, your relationship goals, your business goals…we call that the mindset piece and you can learn those through our program call LSS.”

  • The “office use only” link to start the onboarding process including invitation to Facebook, welcome letter, Healthy Conversations….etc.

Note: Whoever enters information needs to be careful that the emails and information are inputted correctly or they will not receive the lessons, the welcome letter, Healthy Conversations, Habit’s Solutions…etc.. Too often the email was spelled incorrectly, the person is entered in one place and not the other, the member is actually opening the emails…etc. and we lose the entire revenue from that member.

Step 4: Once your member enrolls execute the following 2 steps to ensure the member is familiar with LSS.

(1) During your Check ins. Be sure to show 2 minutes of LSS video. This allows the member to know what to look for! We understand that during the first 30 days that our members may or may not be ready to receive it and LSS needs to be a part of our system from day one. This step will help avoid people cancelling saying, “I don’t even know what this is.”

(2) Follow the Facilitator’s Checklist in regards to posting on Facebook. Be sure to include reminders for reviewing LSS. The following are a few pointers:

  • Post like you Talk! Use real life scenarios
  • Ever chose French fries instead of salad?
  • Want to know how to choose salad every time and be thrilled with the decision?
  • Example script: Here’s Mary Smith, “I can’t believe the decisions I was making that were putting weight on me! And making the right decision has been so easy thanks to LSS!”
  • The key is using real life scenarios

Step 5: If the member tells you at any point and time during the process they are not receiving the lessons and/or they want to cancel the lessons then:

(1) First complete the troubleshooting steps listed above at 2 (b)

(2) Use the following script to speak to your member:

“Let’s talk about this for a second…

In the last…ah…few years…what other diets have you tried?

Ah…Did you ever count calories to lose weight?

Did you ever count carbs to lose weight?

Did you ever follow one of those fancy guys on tv with the show decided he was a weight loss expert…did you ever read his book

Did you ever order anything online?

Have you ever ordered from an infomercial?

Did you ever add any more exercise?

The bottom line is…Have you done other things to lose weight/

I need you to understand and I apologize if we haven’t communicated this effectively up to this point

This LSS piece is the difference maker…it’s the game changer…

You know how when you go to a restaurant and you need to make the choice between something that is really good for you and something you know is going to make you feel terrible… LSS is about how to make that choice. It’s not even about what choice to make. That’s a given. We are going to teach you what choice to make, but isn’t the real secret to success in whether or not you are making good decisions and good choices? LSS equips you with the information to make the good decision. You don’t want to cancel this. It’s the key that is going to keep you moving toward your goal!”

Step 6: Before moving members into LTYB complete the online training course. LSS is 55% of the coaching session and during the sales training it’s imperative to understand how to promote LSS.

Keep in mind if you are not able to complete the LTYB training program in its entirety at any point time (ie at the beginning of your journey with us, while hiring new team members…etc) you are ready to transition into the LTYB program that Thin&Healthy Inc. can service these members for you in the interim via our online program director. Of course you’ll receive 10% affiliate share for each paid monthly installment ($99.00) collected and/or products sold by our online program director.

Step 7: Once you have completed the LTYB complete online training course then use our contract (Written Guarantee) as a template and create your operation’s LTYB contract in accordance with your state’s laws: see the following link for our template:

Note every contract needs the 2 boxes at the bottom of the contract: one for $9.00 for LSS and the remaining balance of the monthly due to your operation’s billing service.

(1): Be sure to check your state laws when it comes to the contract? The following are a few of the specific guidelines to check with your state but not limited to:

  • Recession rights
  • Automatic Renewal
  • Any verbiage your state requires in the agreement
  • Taxes
  • Program fees
  • Length of agreement


(2) If your member is under a LTYB agreement (contract) with you they cannot do the program without LifeStyle Success. First you must understand it and then say the following to your member if need be:

“First of all LSS is a part of your agreement and past (insert recession days of your state) our hands are tied. It’s not a (insert club name) it’s a state of (insert state name.) And even if I could…and I can’t…I would be just selling you just a D.I.E.T.! Our program isn’t just only about the food. Our program isn’t just food and exercise! The bottom line is you need to be equipped with the ability to implement naturally the right make successful decisions every time. This is not something your or I are going to read in a book one time and we are changed forever. The right mindset is something that you and I both need to be constantly inputing into our minds all the time. So we through our LSS piece of our program are going to be that constant source for you just as it is for me!

So…No…we do not offer just a diet and there is no way I can allow you to short change yourself. I need to choose success.”

Step 8: When you enroll your member from Fast Track to LTYB be sure that you have booked that presentation before the end of Fast Track. The member will either

A. Enroll on LTYB: which makes LSS a part of the contract/commitment for the length of your LTYB contract. Most agreements should sign your member up for 24 months (if your state permits.)

  • Once the member enrolls on LTYB then the business model is working as the next appointment will be the fitness assessment (training sales present) and ascending the member through the funnel is continuing!
  • At this point your LTYB coaches will begin executing the LTYB coaching session which includes 55% of the session being LSS.

B. The member doesn’t enroll on LTYB either because we haven’t kept the member active during all 6 check ins or on the rare occasion they don’t get started at the POS for LTYB.

  • We want to keep many tentacles attached to the member! Welcome the member “if” they contact you to canSell their LSS subscription! Realize that when they are canSelling anything ie training, the club, LSS…there is a need that we are not meeting. Be sure to take a minute and explain the benefit of LSS to the member as a possible answer to their permanent health state/weight loss especially if they have not moved onto the next steps LTYB and training. They can work on their permanent health/weight loss from the convenience of their home.
  • Consider how much each lead that comes into your operation and the cost of that lead! When someone contacts you for the need we aren’t filling with LSS…remember $4.50 is a great investment per lead!
  • Keep in mind that even though it’s “only” revenue of $4.50 to you it leads to keeping contact with the member and in front of them therefore when they think of LSS they will think of you and sooner or later the member will come to you first for their continued wellness needs!

Step 9: Review your report and deposit your check from Home Office by the 25th of the following month! We have some locations that collected $500 - $1000 in their first month. If that didn’t increase one person that would mean $6,000 - $12000 a year and it’s impossible to not increase when following the fore mentioned steps. The ROI on plugging in the entire process is a HUGE profit center for you! Decide today to implement these steps!