The Moro City Council met for a regular Council Meeting, Tuesday, December 5, 2017, 7:00 p.m. at the Moro City Hall. The following were present Mayor Andy Anderson; Councilors Seth vonBorstel, Perry Thurston and Jim Payne, Councilor Cranston absent, Kari Silcox – Current City Administrator (CA), Erik Glover – Incoming City Administrator (CA), John English-Director of Public Works (DPW); Dan Talley, Nell Melzer,Janet Pinkerton, and Carol Anderson.

There was a motion (vonBorstel/Payne) to approve the November 7, 2017 Regular Council Meeting minutes. Motion Carried.

There was a motion (Payne/vonBorstel) to approve November’s bills totaling $51,009.62, check #’s 11935-11959, and 15057-15058.Motion Carried.
Mayor Anderson opened the hearing and explained that Dan Talley is requesting a variance setback to build a barn on his property. Due to the area being zoned Agricultural, although it is located within city limits, there is a 30 foot setback. The Residential zone requires only a 15 foot setback. Mr. Talley had laid out his original building plans based on the 15 foot setback and is requesting a variance. Mr. Talley explained the City mailed notices to his neighbors and that he has spoken with them as well.
There was a motion (vonBorstel/Thurston) to approve the variance requested by Mr. Talley. Motion Carried.
WATER AND WASTEWATER MAPPING - DLCD – Mr. English (DPW)explained he has no new updates but would like to have all the information to Tenneson Engineering by the end of this month.

STREETS – Mayor Anderson asked if Councilor Thurston had a chance to speak to Mr. Grant Simpson about his property line and the possibility that he may need to move a fence and some of his bushes when the City paves that street next spring. Councilor Thurston explained he received a favorable response from Mr. Simpson and that he doesn’t seem to have an issue with that.

WATER SYSTEM –Mr. English (DPW) explained he has no new updates.
FIBER PROJECT – Councilor vonBorstel will discuss this in detail under the Fiber funding agenda topic under New Business.
MCCOY ISOLATION – Mr. English (DPW) shared there are no new updates at this time.

DOWNTOWN IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM – Mayor Anderson explained the Council met with Ms. Jody Bonney to do a walk-through of the Branding Iron building. Mayor Anderson stated the original bid to complete the drain was $1850, but Ms. Bonney ended up spending $4493, and that the Council needs to approve that amount as an addition to the original application. The original bid quote was $36,596.50 and 80% of that is $29,277.20. We have currently paid Ms. Bonney $22,520. There was further discussion and it was stated there will be a sandbag placed there temporarily to prevent water running across the sidewalk. Councilor Thurston expressed his concern that the drain is not complete and that he wants to know there will be no possibility of water running across the sidewalk, and that he prefers to hold funds until the drain is complete.
There was a motion (vonBorstel/Payne) to pay the remaining balance to Ms. Bonney, and that upon completion of the drain, Ms. Bonney will be reimbursed the full amount.
Councilor Thurston also inquired about how many hours Mr. English (DPW) spent laying brickwork, and expressed that he feels the City should be reimbursed for this labor. Councilor vonBorstel replied that if the City goes in that direction that we would need to start billing for any work done on private property. Mayor Anderson added that he authorized Mr. English to do that work for the City of Moro, because we help our citizens where we can. Councilor Thurston made a motion for the City of Moro to be reimbursed for the labor on Ms. Bonney’s brickwork. There was no 2nd.
Motion Failed.
BIDWELL– Mr. English (DPW) shared there are no new updates.
HART WELL– Mr. English (DPW) explained the Hart well is back online after flushing difficulties, and further explained it was an issue with the communication modem.
DESIGN CONTEST WELCOME TO MORO SIGNS– Councilor vonBorstel stated there is not much of an update to share but that he will reach out to the high school about being involved with the metal fabrication.
PAST DUE WATER/SEWER ACCOUNTS– There were 5 disconnect notices delivered. All paid a portion due or made arrangements.
RECYCLE BINS– Mayor Anderson shared that the City is considering relocating the recycle bins located next to the Museum, and explained the Museum has had issues with the debris blowing in their yard, and that the current location is not visually appealing. Mayor Anderson added it would help the City’s master plan and that the area can be used for parking as identified in the master plan. Mayor Anderson suggested the possibility of moving the bins to the burn pile area after the rock for the street project is removed, and that the City will update the museum on the situation.
There was a motion (vonBorstel/Thurston) to adopt the County curfew ordinance. Motion Carried.
Councilor vonBorstel did the second reading of the Curfew Ordinance out loud.
SNOW REMOVAL POLICY– Mayor Anderson reviewed the City’s snow removal policy and highlighted some changes made last year. He reminded everyone that during the hours of 12:00AM-5:00AM, when snow is present or predicted, no vehicles will be allowed to park on Main Street inside the City limits, in order to allow ODOT to plow and maintain the parking areas. Mayor Anderson also reminded everyone that residents are responsible to maintain their sidewalks and driveways adjacent to their property, and that they should pile snow in their yards and not in the street. He also added that business owners need to remove snow from in front of their buildings by placing it on the brick pavers section and not in the street, and that everyone must keep all ADA ramps clear of snow.
FIBER/BROADBAND FUNDING– Councilor vonBorstel asked to confirm that he was selected to represent the Moro City Council for the county-wide Broadband project, and Mayor Anderson confirmed that Councilor vonBorstel is our selected representative but that the Mayor would also like to be named. Councilor vonBorstel handed out an RFP (Request for Proposals) created by MCEDD (Mid-Columbia Economic Development District), and explained the difference between high speed broadband and fiber and that the goal is to obtain 25Mbps download and 3Mbps upload speed. He also added that we will now try to find a provider to get broadband to all city residents in Sherman County.
There was a motion (vonBorstel/Thurston) to approve the RFP process for broadband with Councilor vonBorstel being the representative for the City of Moro, and with the Mayor also being present on the committee. Motion Carried.
CITY ADMINISTRATOR POSITION– Mayor Anderson explained that Mrs. Silcox (outgoing CA) accepted a position at the Sherman County Senior Center, and that the City Council interviewed and selected Erik Glover as the new city administrator, pending Council approval.
There was a motion (Thurston/vonBorstel) to approve the interview panel’s recommendation to hire Erik Glover beginning Wednesday, December 6th. Motion Carried.
Training for the new administrator was discussed and Mrs. Silcox said she is available as long as necessary. Mayor Anderson also added that previous administrator Ms. Kya Mabe is also available for questions.
There was a motion (vonBorstel/Thurston) to extend Ms. Mabe’s contract through March 2018. Motion Carried.
There was a motion (vonBorstel/Thurston) to approve extending Mrs. Silcox’s services for training the new administrator through March 2018. Motion Carried.

* Mayor Anderson explained that Ms. Jody Bonney has been ill and was unable to attend tonight’s meeting, but that her intention is to cover the face of her building and that she has purchased the materials to do so.
* Mayor Anderson reminded the Council about the email from Georgia Macnab (County Planning & Zoning Agent) regarding CEDS (Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy). Mayor Anderson stated this seems to be a good source of funding and that we need to identify other projects to be added.
* Mayor Anderson stated on December 21st he will be attending a small cities meeting in Dufur and would like Mr. Erik Glover (CA) to attend also.
* Councilor Payne brought up the topic of the Council possibly obtaining i-pads for Council meetings, which would decrease paper waste and would be more economical. Councilor Payne researched i-pad prices and found the average price of one is approximately $280.
*Councilor Payne mentioned paving Dewey Street and that he is still working on that project.

Next Council Meeting is scheduled forJanuary 2, 2017 @ 7:00 p.m.

Mayor, City of Moro Attest Date