Regular Council Meeting
February 2, 2016
The Henning City Council met at City Hall on Tuesday, JFebruary 2nd at 5:30 P.M. Present were Mayor Jim Hermanson and Council Members Beno Lohse, Nancy Oseien, Doug Trana and Jeremiah Rice. Also in attendance-Scott Grabe, Mike Helle, Brian Hiles, Mike Olson, Brenda Reese, Brian Brogard and Chad Koenen; reporter
Pledge of Allegiance
Call to Order
Consent Agenda
Claims for the City of Henning and Willow Creek and minutes from the December 1st Regular meeting and December 28th Special Council meeting were approved, M-Rice, S-Lohse; M/C
Tobacco License-Denny’s Food and Sport Shop
Tobacco License-B & D’s
Public Forum
Brian Brogard was present to represent the Chamber of Commerce to request support from the City in addressing the need for a new food stand and storage facility
It is their intention to build a new structure with storage space to be rented for RV’s and also a space to be rented for wedding receptions etc., the Chamber would like the City to approve the demolition of the existing building and the construction of a new building since it would be on City property
Bid Opening-2002 Truck
Three bids received
Gary Loser $501.99
Tim McKane $405.00
Frank and Kelly Oswald $903.00
The bid was awarded to Frank and Kelly Oswald, M-Oseien, S-Rice; M/C
Department Updates
Police Dept.
Fire Dept.
Utilities Dept. Brian Hiles updated the Council regarding the Facility Plan prepared for the City to consider remaining major upgrades and replacements to the City’s sanitary sewer collection system
A full plan evaluating needs for future upgrades was authorized by the Council in order to make a competitive request to be placed on the Project Priority List with MNPFA
The plan examines the condition of the remaining original sanitary system utilizing various data to determine the existing condition of the infrastructure, there are six major areas of concern identified They are listed in the plan in the order of importance
The City can proceed with all or part of the project as it becomes feasible, the full plan is on file and available upon request
Utilities Superintendent Scott Grabe presented the monthly update
A model solar ordinance was reviewed, a recommend ordinance will be presented at the next council meeting
A letter of support to keep bonds tax exempt was also presented
Grabe reported working on policies for snow removal, sewer maintenance policy, street light policy-one more community member is needed
A five year capital improvement plan was presented
The full utilities update is on file and available upon request
Old Business
Resolution 2016-04 Resolution Approving the Terms of an Interfund Loan in Connection with TIF District, M-Trana, S-Rice, M/C on roll call vote, all in favor
Resolution 2016-05 Resolution Calling for Public Hearing on TIF District, M-Trana, S-Rice, M/C on roll call, all in favor
Mike Olson, HRA provided an update on the redevelopment project, application was deemed marginally competitive but have since received enough applications to submit final application
Resolution 2016-06 Resolution Authorizing the City to Act as Legal Sponsor for the HRA Project M-Rice, S-Oseien; M/C on roll call vote, all in favor
Resolution 2016-07 Identifying Slum and Blighting Conditions, M-Rice, S-Oseien; M/C on roll call vote, all in favor
New Business
Resolution 2016-03 Resolution in Support of Increasing LGA, M-Rice, S-Lohse, M/C on roll call vote, all in favor
Airport Lease-Discussion regarding renewing lease agreements for hangar leases ensued, a motion by Lohse to increase annual lease amount to $120 was made and subsequently rescinded; topic tabled until the next council meeting
Fence Ordinance-Discussion regarding the current fence ordinance, in particular the maximum fence height and side yard setback distance was reviewed
Council felt they would like fence height to be changed to eight feet and side yard setback to be changed to three feet unless agreed upon in writing by both parties to be located on the property line, an updated ordinance will be presented for approval at the next council meeting
Firearms ordinance-The current ordinance regarding the discharge of firearms within the city limits was reviewed
It was agreed that further research on ordinances adopted by other cities would be helpful, particularly the possibility of requiring permits in order to hunt on property in city limits
More information and sample ordinances will be presented at the next council meeting
Next Regular Meeting-March 15th
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:00 P.M.
Gina Ellingson
City Clerk/Treasurer
Jim Hermanson