Minutes of the

Regular Board Meeting

March 16, 2016

8:30 AM

USDA Service Center

2 Sutter St, Suite D, Red Bluff

Directors Present: Jack Bramhall, Anne Read, Walt Williams, and R. Sale.

Directors Absent: None

Associate Directors Present: Randy Baker

Staff Present: Vicky Dawley, Kris Lamkin, Brin Greer, Tom McCubbins, and Scott Graham

NRCS Staff Present: Larry Branham

Visitors Present: Cody McKenzie – LePage Company, Jeff Morris - Tuleyome, and Bobie Hughes – Sacramento River Discovery Center

I.  Public Communications:

Introductions were made.

II.  Minutes: Approval of the February 17, 2016 Board Meeting Minutes.

The Board reviewed and approved the minutes, as presented.

Motion: A. Read moved to approve the January Board Meeting Minutes.

Second: W. Williams

Vote: Unanimous

IV. Action Items:

A.  Accept 2014-2015 Audit

Staff publicly presented the 2014-2015 audit and noted the Auditor is available by phone at this time to field any questions that may arise. The Board reflected on how far the RCDTC has come and are pleased with the audit report. There were no questions and the Board accepted the 2014-2015 audit.

Motion: A. Read moved to Accept 2014-2015 Audit as presented

Second: R. Sale

Vote: Unanimous

B.  Sole Source Agreement with Steve Tussing Ecological Services

The District is fortunate to have a working history of reputable contractors to draw upon for this kind of technical project.

Modifications to the document were made to include addressing the subcontractor in a formal manner, such as Mr. Tussing, and replacing ‘partner’ with ‘participant.’

Motion: R. Sale moved to Approve Sole Source Agreement with Steve Tussing Ecological Services, as amended

Second: W. Williams

Vote: Unanimous

C.  Sole Source Agreement with Tehama Environmental Solutions

Modifications to the document were made to include addressing the subcontractor in a formal manner, such as Mr. Souza, and replacing ‘partner’ with ‘participant.

Motion: R. Sale moved to Approve Sole Source Agreement with Tehama Environmental Solutions, as amended.

Second: A. Read

Vote: Unanimous

D.  Sole Source Agreement with Kjeldsen, Sinnock, and Neudeck, Inc.

Modifications to the document were made to include addressing the subcontractor in a formal manner, such as Mr. O’Regan, and replacing ‘partner’ with ‘participant.

Motion: R. Sale moved to Approve Sole Source Agreement with Kjeldsen, Sinnock, and Neudeck, Inc., as amended.

Second: A. Read

Vote: Unanimous

E.  Update 2015-2016 Budget

This agenda item was tabled for the April meeting.

Motion: N/A



F.  Application for RCDTC Board Membership

V. Dawley reported Paul King voiced interest in filling the Board vacancy position, however, the meeting time conflicts with his schedule.

Motion: R. Sale moved to Approve Application for RCDTC Board Membership

Second: A. Read

Vote: Unanimous

G.  Resolution 16-2: Support for Inner Coastal Range Conservancy

Guest J. Morris reminded the Board that the Inner Coastal Range Conservancy is a state agency that is governed by the participating counties. It will operate similar to IRWMs in that locals determine priority projects. He reassured the group that as a state agency, monument status of an area is not a goal. The Conservancy’s boundary lines will fluctuated depending on local government participation.

Motion: R. Sale moved to Approve Resolution 16-2: Support for Inner Coastal Range Conservancy

Second: W. Williams

Vote: Unanimous

V. Finance:

Approval of Finance Report

R. Sale reported that the Finance Committee met prior to the regular board meeting and discussed the financial status of the District and received further explanation budget including; the line of credit, advances, assets, liabilities, revenue, expenditures, outstanding invoices with resolution and paid warrants.

Motion: R. Sale moved to Approve the Financial Report

Second: A. Read

Vote: Unanimous

VI. Warrant Orders:

Approval of the Warrant orders to be paid in March

Motion: R. Sale

Second: W. Williams

Vote: Unanimous

VII. Discussion/Report Item:

A.  CARCD Sacramento Valley Spring Meeting

V. Dawley invited the Board to the spring meeting to be held at the Western Shasta RCD in Anderson on April 11th from 9a.m.-2p.m. W. Williams and J. Bramhall voiced interest in attending.

B.  NRCS Staff Report

Larry Branham announced the county will share a Point Blue Conservation Biologist with Butte County. She specializes in birds and will be available to both NRCS and RCD staff. He noted NRCS staff are spot checking sites that implemented conservation projects last year.

B. District Manager Report

V. Dawley had nothing to add beyond the board packet.

C. RCDTC Staff Reports

Staff updated the board on subjects stated in their staff reports included as part of the board packet. B. Greer shared that Associate Director R. Baker is interested in voluntarily conducting outreach during the upcoming Galactic Garden Center’s customer appreciation day on behalf of either the RCDTC and/or TCF. The Board discussed the pros and cons about promoting the entities during the business’s public event. A. Read concluded she did not think it was in the District’s best interest to participate. R. Sale and J. Bramhall advised R. Baker to participate. B. Greer noted she will organize the outreach materials.

D. Land Use Reports


E. Other Reports


F. Board of Directors Comments


VIII. Correspondence: Reviewed after meeting.

XI. Next Meeting Date:

Regular Meeting: April 20, 2016 8:30 a.m.

Finance Committee: April 20, 2016 7:45 a.m.

XII. Adjourned at 10:54 a.m.

Respectfully Submitted,


Brin Greer, Office Administration Anne Read, Board Secretary

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