Two of my roommates and I have been inviting people over for dinner and worship since about August. The three of us had wanted to see people encounter God. Our visions for what it would look like were all kind of different and we weren’t sure of how it would work out, so it’s been cool to see God reshape our individual visions into a larger, more comprehensive one. Initially I just wanted to reach out to pre-believers and didn’t have believers in mind at all, but a lot of the people who have been coming are from Christian backgrounds. It has been really cool to see people moving into a better understanding of who He is and who we are in Him.

Most of the people who come didn’t really know what the prophetic was, but were all interested in learning how to hear God. There had been a few times over the past several months that we had all asked God for words for the people in the room and practiced that way. We had also seen a couple of small healings. I had a guy named Justin pray with me for someone named Joe who had a hurting wrist. It was pretty exciting, especially because healing was really new to him. And last week we spent most of the time praying for one of the girls in our group who has really been hurting and it was cool to see that people were starting to have God’s heart in prayer.

Well a couple nights ago after worship I really felt like it was time to step up our game. We spent some time praying over each other and then moved into practicing prophesy. It was time to stretch people beyond what they had experienced so far, so we played a couple games. The first one involved splitting everyone up into two groups. One group all closed their eyes and the people in the other group picked someone to stand in front of. The person with their eyes closed then prophesied over the person in front of them without knowing who it was. The other one we did was one where someone picks a person while everyone else has their eyes closed. Four or five people would give words to that person and then everyone would try to figure out who that person was. It was pretty fun and I was really impressed with how much everyone had grown.

One other exciting thing that I want to share is that there is new church plant in the area called Antioch that wants to support us. After talking with the leaders of the church it sounds like they would be great spiritual fathers, so we’ve been praying about having them as a covering and it sounds like they have a vision for what that would look like that is a lot like the one my roommates and I have. Another thing I’m excited about is that my roommate Steven is planning on starting a simple church with the guys he plays volleyball with. One of the guys had recently decided he wanted to start following Jesus again. He came to our Saturday night thing and left really encouraged.

Also, there is one girl in our group who needs a lot of healing. I’m still believing God for it, but please keep her in your prayers. There is also another girl who seems to struggle a lot with believing that God wants to speak to her.