Call to Order / Bill Mitchellwelcomed all and called the meeting to order at 3:05 p.m.
Those on the phonewere: Bill Mitchell, Van DoReynoso, Karen Haught, Kathleen Grassi, Becky Nanyonjo, Keith Winkler, David Luchini, David Pomaville,Claudia Jonah, Paul Brown, Marlene Bengiamin, Donna DeRoo, John Capitman, Ashley Hart.
Approval of Minutes / The minutesfrom 3-24-14were approved by consensus.
Action Items
TCE Work Plan and Next Steps / Donna DeRoo summarized about the upcoming MAPP training that will be on July 21st in Merced and 22nd in Visalia. For the MAPP training, each county can send 10 people to their respective, north and south trainings. She also updated about the skill building workshop in Atlanta at the Public Health Improvement Training and that the group will be presenting again in Kansas City in June. The continuation of the performance management project was approved by the state and the contract should be finalized within the next few days.
For the TCE grant the requirement is that we produce 5 regional reports and 40 county specific fact sheets and reports. The purpose of these reports was brainstormed and clarified at the epidemiologist meetings over the past few months. The summary of the two epidemiologist meetings and the suggestions for the reports are included in an attachment that was sent out prior to the meeting. They discussed various factors and ways of organizing the reports and came up with a multi-dimensional reports that focus on a major health outcome. They tried to focus on issues that are specifically public health and will build a specific model for each topic. The county specific reports will use the same model, but on a county basis. John and Marlene suggested having the Consortium members contact other public agencies to determine the best data sources and models that can be used in the data reports. These reports will require the epidemiologists to be involved in various aspects as this is quite an intensive project. Bill Mitchell was intrigued as to the concept and how he could use these fact sheets in the future. John explained that the model that was created was a compilation of the various suggestions by the epidemiologists. John explained that they will be focusing on the 2010 data as it is the most accurate and it is the pre-ACA data. Bill asked about the involvement of the epidemiologists and John explained that the epidemiologists saw the project as being completed by the Health Policy Institute staff with oversight by the epidemiologists. Kathleen wanted to review the suggestions a bit longer and reconvene in May. John explained that some of the data will be more difficult to acquire than others, which could take more time and the reports are quite extensive. They suggested scheduling a short call in May to revisit the issue and decide on the focus of the reports.
Marlene and John summarized that the HPLP Application has been shortened and revised for the Consortium and will send it out very soon. As the next cohort is starting in June, we would like to have the applications in by June 6th. The first session is on Friday, June 20th with meetings once per month. / -All members send names and emails for people in each county, two for 2014 and two for 2015
-Send 10 MAPP Training participants to Ashley by June 13th
-Marlene and John bring Fresno example fact sheets to next in person meeting or email
-Ashley schedule a May call, 30 minutes to review the Epi Reports
Next Steps on Outcomes with Welfare/Behavioral Health Directors / The Social Services Consortium met last week and Ashley will contact David Foster regarding their input as to a joint meeting and about setting up a planning call with Bill and their chair, Cathy. The members decided to wait until after meeting with Social Services Consortium to schedule the Behavioral Health meeting. The members also agreed that we should invite the Behavior Health Directors to attend one of our meetings as they don’t have specific meetings of their own. In addition to the contact information for Marueen Bauman, Bill Mitchell had contact information for another person at the Behavioral Health Consortium. / -Ashley contact David Foster to set up planning call with Bill and Kathy
Update on Report: Economic Burden of Chronic Conditions for Counties in California / Paul Brown summarized the project on the Economic Burden of Chronic Conditions for Counties in California where they are using the CDC cost calculators. He explained that this is a draft report by condition as well as the total cost of all chronic conditions and the amount that can be saved. Bill explained that the next steps involve looking at what people are doing and what they are saving by doing these things. Paul Brown explained that the next steps should involve brainstorming the types of questions that should be included in the survey for the counties.
PHI/HIA Grant Opportunity / Van explained that this opportunity is a CDC grant to roll out trainings in various regions to build capacity around doing Health Impact Assessments. Van explained that the Consortium was to launch three Health Impact Assessments. The Southern California Public Health Alliance, BARHII and the SJVPHC are the three regional groups in California; however, Northern and Southern California have a regional transportation authority while the valley counties are much less separated. Bill explained that the focus of this project will be around increasing capacity around HIA within each health department as well as a region.
County Updates / Questions for Other PHDs
- Regional Industry Cluster Initiative: Health and Wellness
- ACA & Public Health
- Public Health Workforce Capacity
- Accreditation Updates
- Funding Opportunities
- Meaningful Use Updates
Kings: They submitted their budget and have 23 vacancies right now and have similar concerns about the realignment funding. They should be removing 4 positions and are requesting to hire a Business Applications Specialist. They are putting out an RFP for jail medical in the next few weeks. The county has signed a contract to start an employee health center for Kings County employees. They are beginning the second year of the Baldridge Process and had training from Adventist Health about PDCA which was well received.
Tulare: Nothing new to update.
Fresno: They are working with TCE and Emergency Services regarding drought impacts. For the HIE they closed the RFP; however, the vendor prices were very expensive and they are looking to join the partnership with the Hospital Council. For realignment they hope to hear a final number within the next few weeks. The jail contract was awarded and will start on June 23rd which will lead to changes within public health. They cut 12 positions that were vacant and will have funds transferred from mental health. Their CDC fellow received a small grant to work with a Fresno State nursing student at Fresno State to address heat vulnerability in the home, which will last about 6 weeks. Dr. Bird’s op-ed in the Fresno Bee, Let’s Work on Public Health, was very well received.
Madera: They have focused on launching their public health department locally and used public health week to start this process. They started being present at schools and within the community and did various prevention activities and events. This year they focused on branding the public health department and used the NACCHO national public health logo which led to positive feedback from the community. Van explained that they are looking for a Deputy Director of Public Health, which is similar to their director of nursing position but with more management responsibilities.
Merced: They are also looking for a director of nursing in their department. For EMS, their RFP process has been going on for a while and the evaluation team should provide the final results of their ranking on Wednesday. They have been actively pursuing grants for various projects and received a site visit from a program officer so they are very hopeful. They are visiting 9 sites in the county to present information about the priorities that will be identified.
Stanislaus: They were successful in finding a new director of nursing who will be starting very soon. She is learning more about the system in Stanislaus and specifically around sharing the lab results. They are looking at the roles of epidemiologists and how they can better fit and organize data within the organization. They just completed their Community Health Assessment and will be disseminating the information shortly. They are looking at focusing on Health in all Policy and determining opportunities for health in local policies. She just returned from the PHAB site visit training and they have prioritized accreditation as a goal for their county.
San Joaquin: Bill explained that the Pesticides in Schools Report was posted on the CDPH website. He updated about the Employee Wellness Program and they put in their budget request in again for this program. They then received an email about the updates for the Wellness Program which involves walking programs and lunchtime learning. He will attend the CPHA north meeting in Sacramento on Thursday, which will focus on ACA and public health. There was momentum for a BHC Conference in the area so this project has slowed, but he wants to revisit this concept with the new representative. / -Ashley confirm Lynne Ashbeck to present about HIE to SJVPHC at next in-person meeting in June
Adjourn / Bill Mitchell adjourned the meeting at 4:32 p.m.
Next Meeting: Monday, June 23, 2014, 10:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.
Central California Social Welfare Evaluation, Research and Training (SWERT) Center
1625 E. Shaw Ave, Suite #106, Fresno, 93710