Hosted byAdelphiUniversity
March 27, 2008
WELCOME: Anna Kopit
- Anna Kopit opened the meeting by welcoming everyone and thanked Adelphi for hosting.
- Chris gave a budget update to the membership.
EXEC COUNCIL UPDATE: Maria DeInnocentiis
The minutes will be posted to the website. Some of the highlights of her report are:
- Membership has gone down 27 members from last year.
- There is a need to balance the budget.
- Last year NYSFAAA awarded $12,000 in scholarships.
- The Next Generation Committee will assist with mentoring and helping individuals move along in the organization.
- There has been a major revamping of NYSFAAA’s website to make it:
- more user-friendly
- make it the primary communicating tool
- make it more visually appealing and interactive
- include updates on what’s new in the industry
- Tri-Regional is scheduled for Monday, May 5th at BaruchCollege,
- The Tri-Regional will be held from8:30-3:30 p.m.
- Ins and Outs of Slate (70% of schools are not in compliance).
- A light breakfast is scheduled and lunch is on your own.
- A discussion was had about not serving breakfast and lunch being partially subsidized.
- Mark Kantrowitz – discussion about the industry.
- Brian Ghanoo suggested that the Tri-Regional is rotated between regions.
FEDERAL UPDATE: Michelle Anderson – TG Senior Policy Analyst
Some of the highlights of her report are:
- Proposed regulations are being hashed out.
- Some provisions regarding ACG/Smart grant and loans were implemented early.
- Prohibited inducements – provides non-exhaustive list of prohibited inducements.
- Teaching grant becomes an unsubsidized loan if recipient fails to complete teaching service.
- Negotiated Rule Making meetings were held in January, February and March.
- In response to a question about the NY Conference, Claire Jacobi gave an update and said that approximately $100,000 was lost on last year’s conference due to the cost of food. Individuals registered to attend and eat and did not show up.
- Maria discussed the NYSFAAA budget and explained that all regions were asked by the President to review the budget and set priorities.
- Suggestions made were to consolidate some committees or have schools pay dues vs. individuals. This discussion was excellent and good ideas were brought up.
- A survey was handed out and attendees were asked prioritize which activities on a scale of 1 to 3. The survey results will be discussed at the June Executive Council meeting.
- A copy of the survey can be found at….
- Brian thanked everyone for coming
Respectively submitted,
Shelley Worrell
Region VI Secretary
FirstName / LastName / InstitutionRebecca / Ali / CUNY - HunterCollege
Michelle / Anderson / Texas Guaranteed
Amanda / Baright / Key Bank
Diane / Beltrani / Sallie Mae
Christina / Bennett / MarymountManhattanCollege
William / Berrios / School of Visual Arts
Toby / Bolden Hudson / Sallie Mae
Tamara / Carter / Texas Guaranteed
Chris / Constable / Edamerica
Maria / DeInnocentiis / MarymountManhattanCollege
Ursula / Duran / Academic Finance Corporation
Angelica / Esparza / Academic Finance Corporation
Barrie / Fox / Citibank Student Loans
David / Garelick / Citibank Student Loans
James / Gathard / Bank of America
Dawn / Germano / NYS Higher Education Services Corp
Calvin Brian / Ghanoo / NSLP - National Student Loan Program
Janet / Gray / Education Finance Partners
Patty / Herbst / College Loan Corporation
Clair / Jacobi / New YorkCollege of Osteopathic Medicine
Brenda / Jones / TouroCollege - New York
Fran / Kalish / SUNY -FIT
Anna / Kopit / Aveda Institute New York
Michael / Morozuk / Citibank Student Loans
Tanya / Patterson-Stanley / New YorkCollege of Osteopathic Medicine
Anthony / Pizzuti / Not Specified
Thomas / Reilly / NY College of Osteopathic Medicine
Leonor / Santillana / Pratt Institute
Jason / Santora / Student Loan Xpress, Inc.
Julieta / Schiffino / SUNY - MRC
Kenneth / Seabrooks / CUNY - BrooklynCollege
Vera / Senese / Chase Education Finance
Linda / Shea / First Marblehead Corporation
Rashemah / Stridiron / AdelphiUniversity - ManhattanCenter
Jane / Tartaro / CUNY - GraduateSchool
Michael / Taylor / Key Bank
Eve / Traube / New YorkCollege of Podiatric Medicine
Michael / Turner / NYS Higher Education Services Corp
Rafael / Villalona / Wachovia Corporation
Jen / Wallace / Student Loan Xpress, Inc.
Rodney / Walton / PNC Bank
Allison / Wong / AdelphiUniversity
Shelley / Worrell / CUNY - GraduateSchool
Tom / Zarkos / Sallie Mae