SLO is a process to document a measure of educator effectiveness based on student achievement of content standards. SLOs are a part of Pennsylvania’s multiple-measure, comprehensive system of Educator Effectiveness authorized by Act 82 (HB 1901).
  1. Classroom Context

1a. Name / Edward Dreiburgh / 1b. School / Harris High School / 1c. District / Harris SD
1d. Class/ Course Title / Choir / 1e. Grade Level / 9,10,11,12 / 1f. Total # of Students / 60
1g. Typical
Class Size / 60 / 1h. Class Frequency / Daily, all year / 1i. Typical Class Duration / 40 minutes
  1. SLO Goal

2a. Goal Statement / Students will demonstrate independent performance skills appropriate to positive musical contribution in a choral performing ensemble.
2b. PA Standards / Music 9.1.12.A; 9.1.12.C
2c. Rationale / The quality and musicality of a choir is dependent on each individual as a contributor to the collective whole.
  1. Performance Indicators (PI)

3a. PI Targets: All Student Group / 1. Individual Vocal Assessment Task
Students will achieve proficient or advanced levels in 6 out of 8 criteria of the second scoring rubric.
2. Individual Sight Singing Task
Students will achieve proficient or advanced levels in 2 out of 3 criteria indicated on the second scoring rubric.
3b. PI Targets: Focused Student Group / 1. Individual Vocal Assessment Task
Students who demonstrate proficient or advanced levels on fewer than three criteria of the scoring rubric during the first quarter assessment will demonstrate improved scores in 3 out of 8 criteria, with no decrease in scores in the other five criteria.
2. Individual Sight Singing Task
Students who demonstrate proficient or advanced levels on fewer than two criteria of the scoring rubric during the first quarter assessment will demonstrate improved scores in 1 out of 3 components, with no decrease in scores in the other five criteria.
3c. PI Linked
(optional) / N/A / 3d. PI Weighting
(optional) / PI / Weight
1 / 75%
2 / 25%
  1. Performance Measures (PM)

4a. Name / 1. Individual Vocal Assessment Task
2. Individual Sight Singing Task / 4b. Type / X District-designed Measures and Examinations
____Nationally Recognized Standardized Tests
____Industry Certification Examinations
____Student Projects
____Student Portfolios
____ Other:______
4c. Purpose / 1. Individual Vocal Assessment TaskIndividual vocal assessments are appropriate formeasuring a student’s mastery or development of independent performance skills that prepare students to make a positive musical contribution in a choral performing ensemble.
2. Individual Sight Singing Task Individual sight singing assessments are appropriate for measuringa student’s development of independent sight singing skills that prepare students to make a positive musical contribution in a choral performing ensemble. / 4d. Metric / Growth (change in student performance across two or more points in time)
Mastery (attainment of a defined level of achievement)
Growth and Mastery
Frequency / 1. Individual Vocal Assessment TaskStudents will be assessed at the end of the first quarter and again at the end of the third quarter.
2. Individual Sight Singing Task Students will be assessed at the end of the first quarter and again at the end of the third quarter. / 4f. Adaptations/
Accommodations / IEP
Adaptations may include a variety of musical, social or emotional supports toward completing the performance assessment.
ELL / Gifted IEP
Students can be challenged to perform tasks in a small ensemble setting.
4g. Resources/
Equipment / 1. Individual Vocal Assessment Task
  • Current choir repertoire, consisting of an eclectic representation of music from various styles, levels of difficulty, and written in various approaches (homophonic, polyphonic, syllabic, etc.).
  • Each student will be given an assessment rubric
  • Basic recording device to record student assessments.
2. Individual Sight Singing Task
  • Music to be sight-read – Teacher will provide a melody at a level consistent with the musical selections within their reading skill range (4 bars is usually appropriate.)
  • A video/audio recording device.
/ 4h. Scoring Tools / 1. Individual Vocal Assessment TaskRubric
2. Individual Sight Singing TaskRubric
4i. Administration & Scoring Personnel / 1. Individual Vocal Assessment TaskThis assessment can be administered by an equivalent professional peer; it can also be administered by the student.
2. Individual Sight Singing Task This assessment can be scored by an equivalent professional peer. / 4j. Performance Reporting / 1. Individual Vocal Assessment Task Summary list of students who achieve the performance indicator.
2. Individual Sight Singing TaskSummary list of students who achieve the performance indicator.
  1. Teacher Expectations

5a. Level / Failing
0% to 64% of students will meet the PI targets. / Needs Improvement
65% to 79% of students will meet the PI targets. / Proficient
80% to 89% of students will meet the PI targets. / Distinguished
90% to 100% of students will meet the PI targets.


Teacher Signature ______Date______Evaluator Signature ______Date______

5b. Elective Rating / Distinguished (3)
Proficient (2)
Needs Improvement (1)
Failing (0) / Notes/Explanation

Teacher Signature ______Date______Evaluator Signature ______Date______