Mid-Cal Xtreme

2016 Participation Agreement

My daughter, ______(player name) has been selected to play on the Mid-Cal Xtreme 16’s club volleyball team. We have made the commitment to participate in the Mid-Cal Xtreme Volleyball Club (MCX) and will proceed under the following provisions.

MCX would like to insure that all parties involved understand what they are agreeing to when deciding to participate in this volleyball club. The responsible parent(s)/or guardian(s) and player must read this document and initial/sign where indicated.


MCX is a not-for-profit organization. All incoming funds are used to cover costs of the organization, travel to tournaments and other club expenditures. Please read and initial the following points:

( )You are purchasing a seat on a team. This is not a pay for services rendered agreement. MCX permits a pay schedule for the convenience of its player families. Since signing this agreement sets into motion expenditures on your player’s behalf, this agreement cannot be revoked or refunded in any way once enacted. You are responsible for the financial obligations related to this “seat” regardless of playtime or satisfaction.

( )We, ______(parent(s)/guardian(s) names), agree to pay the MCX participation fee in the following manner. (Select 1)

______I agree to pay in full the totalcost of $__400.00___ at signing.

($425.00 plus $25.00 discount for paying tuition in full)


______I agree to make payments in the following installments: ($425.00 total tuition)


Upon signing onto team:$150.00

January 15th $150.00

February 15th$125.00

( )Payments will be made to Mid-Cal Xtreme Volleyball Club and can be mailed to the following address or can be given to the club director below: (do not mail cash)

Lesli Malady

21 Pointe West

Madera, CA 93637

( )Failure to make payment for any reason by the DUE DATE, as noted above, will result in the player being put on the “SIT” list.

( )If a player is put on the “SIT” list, coaches, parents and the player will be informed that the player may NOT participate in PRACTICES or TOURNAMENTS until fees are current.

( )Fees are paid to provide the players with coaching from MCX. These fees do NOT guarantee the amount of playing time. Your child will get playing time in the tournaments but it is at the discretion of the coach how much playing time they will get.

( )Each player will be responsible for the team balls. If the team balls do not come back from a tournament or practice, it will be the responsibility of all the players on the team to replace the ball at the cost of $30.00 per ball.


( )MCX will NOT grant a refund or reduction of fees of any kind. By singing this agreement, I agree to pay the entire participation fee of ______.


( )Once a player has committed to a team, it is understood that if she drops out due to an illness or injury, she is still responsible for all unpaid balances.


( )Parents are responsible for transportation to and from all practices and tournaments and/or are responsible for arranging alternative transportation if necessary.

( )Misconduct during a tournament or practice may result in parents being called to retrieve their child from the tournament or practice.

( )Players and parents shall exhibit good sportsmanship at ALL times. Players and parents shall maintain a positive and supportive demeanor to other players, coaches and parents at all times.

( )Dismissal may result if it is determined by MCX that a player or parent has deliberately harmed another player or parent through malicious gossip or physical contact. If the problem can not be resolved with the coach, parents can contact the Club Director.

I have read the above terms and conditions and sign below with my understanding and acceptance.


Players SignatureDate


Players Name (Print)Player’s Date of Birth_____/_____/_____


Parent/Guardian Signature (primary financial responsibility)Date


Parent/Guardian Name (Print)Email Address


MCX Representative SignatureDate