Español ii
BobJonesHigh School / Teacher: / Lesa M. Clough650 Hughes Road / Email: /
Madison, AL 35758 / Phone: / 256-772-2547 ext. 690
I. Course Description: / In this course students will increase their communicative competencies in the four basic language skills of speaking, listening, reading, and writing. The second year course enhances skills acquired in level one, allowing students to handle more complex elements of the language. Students will continue to learn about cultural aspects through geography, history, and literature selections in order to participate in the global community.
II.Course Objectives: /
- Ability to conjugate verbs in past tense frame
- Acquisition of more complicated grammatical structures specific to the target language. For example: pronouns, reflexive verbs, adverbs, and adjectives
- Ability to use acquired vocabulary and knowledge of grammatical principles in order to express original thoughts, both oral and written
- Acquisition of increased reading comprehension, writing, speaking and listening skills. Able to interpret and manipulate in oral and written form narrative and expository texts.
- Acquisition of cultural information in such areas as famous individuals of the target language, traditions, and cultural comparisons
III.Classroom Expectations: /
- Please be in your assigned seat with all necessary materials and begin the class warm-up activity when the bell rings.
- Be polite and courteous to your teacher and fellow students. Behave in a manner conducive to learning for everyone.
- Participate, be attentive, take notes, and ask pertinent questions.
- Throw away all food and drink upon entering the classroom. Keep your work area neat.
- Choose an “amigo” or “amiga” in class with whom you can study or get notes or assignments after an absence.
- You are encouraged to schedule a conference with me if at any time your grade falls or you do not understand a concept introduced in class. Extra help is available!All requests for accommodations for this course or any school event are welcomed from students and parents.
- Follow all rules in the BJHS Student/Parent Handbook and Madison City Schools Handbook.
Concerning laptop utilizationduring school hours:
1. No discs, flash drives, jump drives, or other USB devices will be allowed in BJHS equipment.
2. Neither the teacher, nor the school is responsible for broken, stolen, or lost laptops.
3. Laptops will be used at the individual discretion of the teacher.
Technology requirements:
1. Students will be assigned regular homework assignments that require internet access.
2. Late assignments due to technology problems will be treated as any other late assignment and deductions and/or no credit given will be determined on a case by case basis.
3. If you do not have internet access at home, please see me for an individual plan to complete online homework assignments. Computer usage can be arranged before/after school or in the media center.
** Speak Spanish whenever possible! The more you practice, the better you will become.
Always try your best. Never accept mediocrity.
IV.BJ Grading Policy: / Daily grades will be 30% of your nine week grade. Daily grades include: homework, in class assignments, activities, and participation. Test grades will be 70% of your nine week grade. Test grades consist of: unit tests, quizzes, and projects. The final exam is worth one-fifth of your final average.
V. BJ Make-up Test Policy: / After an excused absence, it is the student’s responsibility to obtain and complete makeup assignments in the time manner specified in the school handbook. All lesson plans are posted each week for the students to check after an absence. Homework, powerpoints, and videos to assist with the lessons will be posted on Edmodo. Homework should be completed and turned in the next day (except for extended absences). Tests, quizzes, and oral activities should be made up on Friday mornings in the language classroom or during Patriot Path on Wednesdays when offered. Students should complete all work as soon as possible. All work will be entered as a zero in INOW until it has been completed.
VI. Text and Other Required reading: / Avancemos, accompanying workbook
VII. Materials and Supplies Needed: / A 3-ring binder, dividers, loose-leaf paper, pencil, black or blue pens (all assignments must be written in pencil or blue/black ink) Bring supplies everyday.
Week 1 / Introduction to Course, Lección Preliminar, Review
Functions- Identify and describe people, talk about likes and dislikes, say where you and your friends go
Week 2 / Lección Preliminar, Grammar Review / Oral Exam
Functions- describe how you and others feel
Week 3 / Lección Preliminar/ Exam
Functions-talk about what you and your friends do
Week 4 / Unidad 1Lección 1
Functions- talk about what you and your friends do discuss travel preparations, talk about things you do at an airport, ask how to get around town
Grammar- personal a, direct object pronouns, indirect object pronouns
Culture-Costa Rica
Week 5 / Unidad 1 Lección 2
Functions- say where you went and what you did on vacation, ask information questions, talk about buying gifts and souvenirs
Grammar- interrogatives, preterite of ar verbs, preterite of ir, ser, hacer, ver, and dar
Culture-Costa Rica, Assign Famous Hispanics Project
Week 6 / Unidad 2 Lección 1/ La Vida es Sueno Recitation
Functions- talk about sporting events and athletes, discuss ways to stay healthy, point out specific people and things, retell events from the past
Grammar- adverbs with mente, preterite of er and ir verbs, demonstrative adjectives and pronouns
Culture- Argentina, Tango
Week 7 / Unidad 2 Lección 2
Functions- discuss your daily routine, clarify the sequence of events, say what you and others are doing right now or intend to do
Grammar-Pensar + infinitive,reflexive verbs
Culture- Argentina
Week 8 / Unidad 2 Lección 2
Grammar- present progressive
Unidad 3 Lección 1
Functions- talk about clothing, shopping, and personal needs, say whom things are
for, express opinions
Culture- Puerto Rico, Salsa
Week 9 / Unidad 3 Lección 1
Grammar- verbs like gustar, present tense of irregular yo verbs, pronouns after prepositions,
Culture- Famous Hispanic Presentations
Week 10 / Unidad 3 Lección 2
Functions- describe past activities and events, ask for and talk about items at a marketplace, express yourself courteously
Grammar-hace + expressions of time, irregular preterite verbs, preterite of ir stem-changing verbs
Culture- Puerto Rico
Week 11 / Unidad 4 Lección 1
Functions- describe continuing activities in the past, narrate past events and activities, describe people places and things
Grammar- past participles as adjectives, the imperfect tense
Culture- Dia de los Muertos, Mexico
Week 12 / Unidad 4 Lección 1
Grammar- the imperfect tense, preterite vs. imperfect
Week 13 / Unidad 4 Lección 2
Functions- describe early civilizations and their activities, describe the layout of a modern city, ask for and give directions
Grammar- verbs with i-y spelling change in the preterite, preterite of car, gar, and zar verbs, more verbs with irregular preterite stems
Week 14 / Unidad 4 Lección 2
Grammar- verbs with i-y spelling change in the preterite, preterite of car, gar, and zar verbs, more verbs with irregular preterite stems
Week 15 / Culture-Mexico / Readings and legends
Week 16 / Unidad 5 Lección 1
Functions- identify and describe ingredients, talk about food preparation and follow recipes, give instructions and make recommendations
Grammar- adjectives ending in ísimo, usted/ustedes commands, pronoun placement with commands
Culture- España
Week 17 / Unidad 5 Lección 2
Functions- order meals in a restaurant, talk about meals and dishes, describe food and service
Grammar- affirmative and negative words, double object pronouns
Culture- España / Flamenco
Week 18 / Culture- Foods of Spain
Review of Course
Final Exam
Dates and assignments are tentative
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